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Les enfants intelligents préfèrent les Verts

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  • Les enfants intelligents préfèrent les Verts

    Une étonnante étude menée en Grande-Bretagne et qui a concerné 6000 enfants âgés de 10 ans, a conclu récemment que les enfants intelligents (QI>108) votent pour les Verts et les Libéraux démocrates (2 partis de gauche), à l'âge adulte. Les enfants les moins intelligents deviennent des adultes qui votent plutôt pour les partis d'extrême droite (QI<100).

    Des conclusions que confirme l'électorat américain puisque les électeurs de la droite américaine (républicains) sont globalement médiocres à attardés, contrairement aux électeurs de la gauche (démocrates)!

    Clever children vote green as adults
    Cleverer children are more likely to vote for the Green Party or the Liberal Democrats in a general election as adults, research suggests.

    The study indicates childhood intelligence is linked to voting preferences and political involvement in later life.

    Not only are those with higher childhood IQs more likely to vote Green or Lib Dem, they are also more likely to vote in general and get involved in politics.

    The research, by the University of Edinburgh and the UK Medical Research Council and published in the journal Intelligence, suggests childhood IQ is as important as social class in choosing political allegiance.

    Previous studies have focused on class or education when examining adult voting habits.

    For the research, the IQs of more than 6,000 subjects were recorded at the age of 10, before any secondary schooling.

    People were than asked about their voting habits 24 years later, aged 34.

    In this set of questions, people were asked how they voted in the 2001 general election, how they intended to vote, and in what other political activities they had taken part.

    The researchers found people who reported voting in 2001 for the Green Party and Liberal Democrats had the highest average childhood intelligence scores.

    Those who were cleverer were also more likely to take part in rallies and demonstrations, to sign petitions, and to be more interested in politics generally.

    Average IQ scores at the age of 10 for people voting in the 2001 general election for various parties were:

    :: Green 108.3

    :: Liberal Democrat 108.2

    :: Conservative 103.7

    :: Labour 103

    :: Plaid Cymru 102.5

    :: Scottish National 102.2

    :: UK Independence 101.1

    :: British National 98.4

    :: Did not vote / None 99.7

    Psychologist Professor Ian Deary, of the University of Edinburgh, who led the research, said: "The association between measured intelligence in childhood - before any secondary education - and how people participate in the democratic process is something that needs exploring.

    "Voting in the UK and elsewhere has been studied with respect to social class and education.

    "Our new research shows that early-life intelligence needs to be considered along with these factors, and might be an additional factor influencing voting habits.

    "How one votes and to what extent one takes part in the political process are the result of thinking and decision-making, so it makes sense to address cognitive ability as a possible part of the explanation."

    source : Telegraph.

  • #2
    les électeurs de la droite américaine (républicains) sont globalement médiocres à attardés, contrairement aux électeurs de la gauche (démocrates)!
    Trés intéressante comme étude et le résultat est à exploiter
    Et qu 'en est il pour les intermédiaires?


    • #3
      Ah ça tombe bien j'suis un ecolo en herbe

      N'empêche que je suis tout à fait d'accord sur ce qui est dit au sujet de ceux qui votent pour l'Extrême-Droite, ils sont même pas capables d'argumenter, ils savent qu'insulter, ou perpetrer des attentats. On peut faire le parallèle avec les Islamistes qui ne doivent être guère plus doués que les partisans de le pen. Tous des débiles !


      • #4
        Les enfants les moins intelligents deviennent des adultes qui votent plutôt pour les partis d'extrême droite (QI<100).
        ..j'en etais sur....alors sarko est un C**
        ....If you're not writting, you're not thinking!

        The Dice Man.

