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La tumeur enlevée du cerveau d'un bébé contenait un pied

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  • La tumeur enlevée du cerveau d'un bébé contenait un pied

    Le petit Sam Esquibel né récemment au Colorado (USA) avait une tumeur dans son cerveau. Enlevée par un neurochirugien, la tumeur contenait un pied parfait, et le début de formation d'un autre pied, d'une main et d'une cuisse. Un cas extrêmement rare. Le médecin pense que c'est carrément un autre bébé qui a failli se former dans la tête de Sam.

    Agé de 3 jours, Sam est complètement débarassée de la tumeur et est désormais un très bonne santé.

    Tumor Removed From Newborn's Brain Contained Foot
    A pediatric neurosurgeon says a tumor he removed from the brain of a Colorado Springs infant contained a tiny foot and other partially formed body parts.

    Dr. Paul Grabb says he operated on Sam Esquibel at Memorial Hospital for Children after an MRI showed a microscopic tumor on the newborn's brain. Sam was 3 days old and otherwise healthy.

    Grabb says that while removing the growth, he discovered it contained a nearly perfect foot and the formation of another foot, a hand and a thigh.

    "It looked like the breach delivery of a baby, coming out of the brain," Grabb said. "To find a perfectly formed structure (like this) is extremely unique, unusual, borderline unheard of."

    Grabb isn't sure what caused the growth but says it may have been a type of congenital brain tumor. However, such tumors usually are less complex than a foot or hand, he said.

    The growth may also have been a case of "fetus in fetu" — in which a fetal twin begins to form within another — but such cases very rarely occur in the brain, Grabb said.

    Sam's parents, Tiffnie and Manuel Esquibel, say their son is at home now but faces monthly blood tests to check for signs of cancer or regrowth, along with physical therapy to improve the use of his neck. But they say he has mostly recovered from the Oct. 3 surgery.

    "You'd never know if he didn't have a scar there," Tiffnie Esquibel said.

    source : AP

    Sam après l'opération.

    La parents de Sam, Tiffnie et Manuel Esquibel.

  • #2
    La tumeur enlevée du cerveau d'un bébé contenait un pied

    C'est ... incroyable!!! flippant :22:


    • #3
      hamdoulllah a ssidi ! il est mème gros pour un nouveau nè !
      Quand on ne travaillera plus les lendemains des jours de repos, la fatigue sera vaincue.


      • #4
        :22:...bidoun taalik...:22:
        Qui a déjà vu le film "le mariage grec" ? y a un passage ou un personnage raconte une histoire dans le genre aux invités juste avant de manger de l'agneau ...un passage mémorable du film!
        kikoz un jour, koz toujours.

