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Il faut chérir la vache pour avoir plus de lait

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  • Il faut chérir la vache pour avoir plus de lait

    Les fermiers chevronnés le savaient et les scientifiques viennent de le confirmer suite à une étude : les vaches à qui l'ont donne des noms produisent beaucoup plus de lait que les vaches restées anonymes!

    Concrètement, plus le fermier se fait gentleman en traitant sa vache comme une princesse, plus cette dernière sera généreuse en production de lait!

    Cows with names produce more milk, scientists say
    Ermintrude, Daisy and La vache qui rit may produce as much as 454 pints more each year than cows with no names.

    In a study involving 516 dairy farmers in the UK, Dr Catherine Douglas and Dr Peter Rowlinson at Newcastle University found that treating the animals as individuals also increased production.

    The average amount of milk produced by a cow over its annual 10 month lactation period is 13,198 pints (7,500 litres). Those cows with names had an average higher milk yield of 454 pints (258 litres).

    Dr Douglas, from the School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development at Newcastle University, said: "Just as people respond better to the personal touch, cows also feel happier and more relaxed if they are given a bit more one-to-one attention.

    "Many farmers dote on their cows and have long thought that such interaction helps, but it has never really been tested.

    "The statistics were significantly different for those cows with name - there was nothing else which could explain it."

    The study, published in the academic journal Anthrozoos which looks at interaction between people and animals, found milk yield to be lower on farms where cattle were herded as a group.

    Nearly two thirds - 60 per cent - of UK farmers said they "knew all the cows in the herd" and 48 per cent agreed that positive human contact was more likely to produce cows with a good milking temperament.

    Almost 10 per cent said that a fear of humans resulted in a poor milking temperament.

    Dr Douglas said: "Our data suggests that on the whole UK dairy farmers regard their cows as intelligent beings capable of experiencing a range of emotions.

    "Placing more importance on knowing the individual animals and calling them by name can - at no extra cost to the farmer - also significantly increase milk production.

    "Maybe people can be less self conscious and not worry about chatting to their cows."

    Dairy farmer Dennis Gibb, who owns Eachwick Red House Farm near Newcastle with his brother Richard, said treating every cow as an individual was "vitally important".

    "They aren't just our livelihood - they're part of the family," he said. "We love our cows and every one of them has a name.

    "Collectively we refer to them as 'our ladies' but we know every one of them and each one has her own personality."

    source : Telegraph

    La vache : "Mon fermier m'adore et m'appelle Princesse!"

  • #2
    Certains scientifiques ont vraiment beauuuuuuucoup de temps à perdre. Pourquoi rechercher une corrélation entre le nom de la vache et sa production en lait ?


    • #3
      L'intérêt me semble évident. Il s'agit ici de l'intérêt de l'intéraction homme-animal. La vache traitée comme une "personne" produira jusqu'à 215 litres de lait de plus par an qu'une vache considérée comme une "vulgaire machine" sans nom et sans âme.


      • #4
        et c'est valable pour les êtres en fait ça fait parti des stimulis qui agissent sur l'état psychologique


        • #5
          wè c vrai , notre voisin avait une vache et on l'appellait : batbota
          Quand on ne travaillera plus les lendemains des jours de repos, la fatigue sera vaincue.


          • #6
            Il faut chérir la vache pour avoir plus de lait


            Un autre proverbe dit: Pour avoir du miel, il ne faut pas bousculer la ruche

