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Un homme tue sa femme infidèle avant de se suicider

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  • Un homme tue sa femme infidèle avant de se suicider

    Voila une autre histoire tragique causée par l'infidélité : un homme britannique (44 ans) qui n'a pas supporté que sa femme (42 ans) récidive dans l'infidélité (elle couchait avec l'ami de son époux) alors qu'elle s'était engagée à cesser de le tromper après que les deux couples concernés se soient confrontés pour mettre fin à la liaison, a tué son épouse à coups de matraque avant de se suicider d'une manière horrible avec une perceuse électrique.

    Leur deux filles Chloe (13 ans) et Niamh (3 ans) sont désormais orphelines.

    Husband murdered wife and killed himself after she ended marriage on Facebook
    Gary Grinhaff, 44, an electrical engineer, battered his wife Tracey, 42, a former hairdresser, to death after she changed her profile on the social networking website to: "Currently splitting up with my husband."

    Mr Grinhaff conducted his own private investigations after becoming convinced that his wife had rekindled a relationship with one of his close friends, an inquest heard.

    He bugged her 4x4 vehicle to eavesdrop conversations, fitted it with a tracking device and secretly bought a Ford Escort which she would not recognise while he follow her in disguise.

    When his suspicions were confirmed he is believed to have bludgeoned her to death in the bedroom and carried her pyjama-clad body downstairs to the garage outside.

    He had also tried to strangle her with a belt as their daughters Chloe, 13, and Niamh, three, slept in their rooms, the hearing in Sheffield was told.

    After trying to cover up bloodstains in the bedroom with towels and a duvet, Mr Grinhaff left a note in the kitchen asking the children to contact neighbours in Wombwell, near Barnsley, South Yorkshire, who called police.

    Within an hour of his wife's body being found last May, Mr Grinhaff's body was discovered next to his car in woodland a mile-and-a-half away.

    He had killed himself by drilling into his leg and arm with the saw attachment to his cordless electric drill.

    The inquest was told that relations between the couple had become strained after 18 years of marriage and Mrs Grinhaff had started an affair with a near neighbour and close friend of her husband.

    Det Sgt Paul Dickinson, who led the inquiry into the deaths, said Mr Grinhaff confronted her about it and after a meeting it was agreed she would stop seeing her lover.

    Mr Grinhaff took time off work from a clutch manufacturing firm and it was agreed he would work less hours and spend more time with his family.

    But he soon thought that his wife was continuing the affair and over the next few weeks he began his do-it-yourself detective work to confirm his suspicions.

    Two notes were found in his car after he killed himself. One was addressed to the wife of Mrs Grinhaff's lover about the "full on" affair and saying: "This cannot go on, this is my only way out."

    Another note to his daughter Chloe expressed sorrow over the affair, combined with anger that he had been "forced" to follow his wife.

    Donald Coutts-Wood, Sheffield's assistant deputy coroner, recorded verdicts that Mrs Grinhaff was unlawfully killed and that her husband took his own life.

    source : Telegraph

    Le défunt couple et leurs deux filles (photo ancienne).

  • #2
    Bien triste histoire en effet. Une séparation définitive aurait solutionné le problème, mais l'époux devait être depressif ou autre pour finir dans la tuerie et se suicider ensuite.


    • #3
      Sucide pour le moins inhabituel !
      Avec une perceuse electrique
      Puré ! ca devait etre horible.


      • #4
        En effet, l'homme a eu une mort horrible. D'après le procureur, il aurait essayé rapidement et sans succès plusieurs méthodes pour se suicider avant d'en finir avec une perceuse électrique (en perçant sa main et sa jambe). Il s'y connaît en électricité, il était un ingénieur en électrotechnique.

        Sinon, je pense que la responsabilité du drame revient en grande partie à son épouse. Elle a été non seulement infidèle récidiviste mais aussi lâche (elle a "humilié" son époux en annonçant sur facebook qu'elle le quittait). Elle l'a poussé à bout au point de devenir un "criminel" alors qu'il était connu comme un père de famille exemplaire.


        • #5
          ah oui c'est l'histoire de l'autre jour qui finit ainsi? bein je dirais bien fait pour sa gueule à elle, avec 2 gamins, elle n'avait qu'à se tenir tranquil! depressif? je crois que c'est elle qui l'a rendu fou ouais!
          malheureusement , l'ami s'en tire à bon compte, il aurait dû lui faire sa fete lui aussi!!
          ....If you're not writting, you're not thinking!

          The Dice Man.


          • #6
            ah oui c'est l'histoire de l'autre jour qui finit ainsi?
            Non, c'est une autre histoire.


            • #7
              alors là, Facebook est devenu un vrai dépotoire maintenant...on va finir pae regretter les séparation par SMS !
              ....If you're not writting, you're not thinking!

              The Dice Man.

