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Rosa Parks decedee

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  • Rosa Parks decedee


    Elle merite que l’on parle d’elle...le courage et la détermination dont a avait fait preuve méritent le témoignage et un hommage... ils feront d’elle une personnalité et un symbole immortels.

    A l’age de 92 ans L'Américaine Rosa Parks, devenue un symbole de la lutte des Noirs américains contre la ségrégation raciale, s'est éteinte lundi, a annoncé son avocate, Shirley Kaigler.
    En 1955, cette couturière de Montgomery, dans l'Alabama, a refusé céder sa place à un Blanc dans un autobus. Sa condamnation pour violation d'un règlement local ont entraîné le boycottage, pendant plus d'un an, des autobus de la ville par les Noirs.

    Ce mouvement allait déboucher sur la condamnation par la Cour suprême des Etats-Unis de la ségrégation dans les autobus.

    Source : SwissInfo.

  • #2
    Rosa Parks decedee

    Rosa Parks une Americaine noire qui a su dire "NON" a un Americain blanc qui lui ordonna de lui ceder sa place dans le bus et qui a ete ensuite emprisonnee pour avoir enfreint a la loi de la segregation raciale aux USA..s'est eteinte cette semaine a l'age de 92...

    Sa determination a ne pas se laisser piettiner par un blanc a ete le precurseur du mouvement de lutte des noirs pour arracher leurs droits...

    Ils l'apellent aujourdhui la 'MOTHER OF CIVIL RIGHTS" (mere des droits civiques) et d'autres " A HERO" (heroine)..elle a bien merite ces titre brave Rosa ,et elle a vecue assez longtemps pour voir son reve se realiser ce qui n'a pas ete le cas de M.Luther King ou de Malcolm X
    Remembering Rosa Parks: 1913-2005

    Oct. 25, 2004 -- The mother of the Civil Rights Movement has died. Her dignified defiance in the face of segregation helped this nation understand the power of nonviolent protest to create a more just world.
    By staff

    Rosa Parks, the soft-spoken seamstress who would not stand for inequality, died Monday. She was 92.

    Known fondly as the Mother of the Civil Rights Movement, Rosa Parks has become an icon of civil rights, a symbol of the power of one person to change the world.

    Mrs. Parks died at her Detroit home. She had suffered a stroke in 2003. Her husband, Raymond Parks, died in 1977.

    On Dec. 1, 1955, Rosa Parks entered history, not by standing up but by remaining seated. Returning home from work, Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man on the segregated public bus in Montgomery, Ala.

    Bus driver J.P. Blake threatened to have Mrs. Parks arrested. She quietly replied, "You may do that."

    Her act of dignified defiance prompted a 381-day boycott of Montgomery buses and helped launch a young Dr. Martin Luther King into the national spotlight.

    "I had no idea when I refused to give up my seat on that Montgomery bus that my small action would help put an end to the segregation laws in the South," Parks wrote in her autobiography.

    In the autobiography — "Rosa Parks: My Story" — Parks dismissed some untruths that had come to be associated with her story. She was not physically tired that day; that is not why she remained seated. "No," she wrote, "the only tired I was, was tired of giving in."

    "Rosa Parks may have been quiet, but she was a fiercely committed activist," said Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center. "It's no accident that she didn't give up her seat that day, and it's no accident that she was the kind of person who could spark a revolution."

    Georgette Norman, director of the Rosa Parks Library and Museum in Montgomery, added this: "In 1955, she was a word of truth. The world followed, and the truth had wings and flew. Today, we owe her so much for what she did."

    People across the country now mourn her loss, and praise her quiet strength.

    'Non-negotiable dignity'
    Lerone Bennett, historian, author and Ebony magazine editor emeritus, as quoted in the Chicago Tribune: "She was one woman on a bus, surrounded by hostile forces, who changed everything for us. She showed us that that is the duty and task of every man and woman. I see it from my perspective as a summons to go back to our history and to complete the revolution that she started, that [Dr. Martin Luther] King and others started."

    Jesse Jackson, in a statement issued from Johannesburg, South Africa: "History knocked on her door, and with quiet courage she answered with non-negotiable dignity. Her light in darkness illuminated the path for the majestic leadership of Dr. King. Together, they changed the course of American and world history."

    And this, from the Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, as quoted in New York Newsday: "America has lost a great soul. When she sat down, she stood up for America. She was a great lady, full of courage. She had a strong character, strong convictions."

    Parks also is the focus of one of the Center's most successful teaching kits, Mighty Times: The Legacy of Rosa Parks, which has been sent free to tens of thousands of educators across the country.

    Parks' story, through that kit, has not only deepened student understanding of the historic Civil Rights Movement but also has helped them bridge divides in their daily lives.

    "'Mighty Times' bridged a gap between our Hispanic and black populations (at school)," wrote a middle school teacher from Texas. "During discussion (of the film), I noticed empathy, understanding and respect for blacks from Hispanics that I've never observed before."

    Even in death, that legacy continues.

    "She showed the world, not just me but everyone, what one person can do," said Julian Bond. "She is one person who sparked a movement whose ripples are still being felt, not just all over the country, but all over the world."
    Dernière modification par bighorn, 27 octobre 2005, 11h59.


    • #3
      Mon admiration pour cette grande dame.
      Merci Bighorn pour cette évocation


      • #4
        she is a great lady,
        may she rest in peace
        the world would remember her courage,
        I do...
        that shows that one person can make a difference


        • #5

          allah yerhmaha ouywassa3 a3liha


          • #6
            Elle était l'âme du mouvement américain des droits civiques et Martin Luther King était sa voix. Qu'elle repose en paix.

            - The Life of Rosa Parks (clip vidéo CBS)

            - La poétesse noire Rita Dove parle d'elle dans le TIME :


            • #7
              Tout ce qui est injuste nous blesse
              Taire ce qu'il ne faut pas dire
              et savoir supporter l'injustice
              voilà des choses difficiles
              Contrairement a la douleur, le bonheur ne s'écrit, pas il se vit... Moi je ne sais qu'écrire


              • #8
                A quand les rosas parks Algeriennes....


                • #9
                  On en a mais elles sont apparement toujours invisibles


                  • #10
                    Qu'elles se manifestent si elles veulent "recouvrir" leurs droits comme roza park...


                    • #11

                      elles te laissent le soin de les faire sortir de l'ombre ,commence par creuser déja ta memoire ,tu verras ,tu en trouveras ,si bien sure tu connais unpeu sur la culture et l'histoire de ton pays.


                      • #12
                        C'est quoi ce charrabia ?
                        C'est un problème qui concerne directement la femme,et c'est à elle de se prendre en charge comme une grande et une bonne fois pour toute!

                        Sur ce,je vais allais me coucher
                        On y reviendra sur ce sujet si tu veux.


                        • #13
                          Rosa Park .........s'est eteinte cette semaine
                          Elllah yerhamha , thanate men les americains wa el racism ......


                          • #14
                            Merci Mancelle,
                            Il n'ya Pas de quoi me remercier j'admire les gens qui luttent pour une juste cause

