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Le MI5 accusé de complicité de torture au Maroc

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  • Le MI5 accusé de complicité de torture au Maroc

    Il accuse le MI5 de complicité de torture.
    Euronews, 08/03/2009 09:10 CET

    Binyam Mohamed, un Ethiopien de 30 ans, est rentré en Grande-Bretagne le 23 février après avoir été relâché de la prison de Guantanamo.

    Il avait été arrêté en 2002 en Afghanistan où il suivait un entraînement militaire.

    Ses sept années de captivité, il les raconte aujourd’hui dans les pages du Mail on Sunday. Il y décrit les tortures qu’il a subies en Afghanistan et au Maroc – les jours enfermés dans le noir avec des haut parleurs crachant la même musique en continu, ou encore les entailles au scapel sur son pénis.

    Le Maroc, où il accuse les services de renseignement britanniques d’avoir fourni des informations et une liste de questions à ses tortionnaires marocains et américains.

    Alors que Londres dément, les organisations de défense des droits de l’Homme réclament une enquête.

    Binyam Mohamed lui, se dit émotionnellement mort. Il va suivre une thérapie à la fondation Helen Bamber à Londres, centre mondialement réputé qui traite les victimes de torture.

    How MI5 colluded in my torture: Binyam Mohamed claims British agents fed Moroccan torturers their questions
    Dernière modification par jawzia, 08 mars 2009, 17h13.

  • #2

    Traiter quelqun de cette maniere, alors qu'il n'avais rien fait.

    Meme les animaux ne méritent pas ce traitement.

    Quel honte !


    • #3
      Quelques sévices ....

      • 'The toilet in the cell was a bucket. Without light, you either find the bucket or you go on your bed,' Mohamed says.

      • 'There were loudspeakers in the cell, pumping out what felt like about 160 watts, a deafening volume, non-stop, 24 hours a day.

      • 'They played the same CD for a month, The Eminem Show.

      • 'It's got about 20 songs on it and when it was finished it went back to the beginning and started again.
      • 'While that was happening, a lot of the time, for hour after hour, they had me shackled.

      • 'Sometimes it was in a standing position, with my wrists chained to the top of the door frame.

      • 'Sometimes they were chained in the middle, at waist level, and sometimes they were chained at the bottom, on the floor.

      • 'The longest was when they chained me for eight days on end, in a position that meant I couldn't stand straight nor sit.

      • 'I couldn't sleep. I had no idea whether it was day or night.

      • 'You got a shower once a week, with your arms chained above you, stripped naked, in the dark, with someone else washing you.

      • 'The water was salty and afterwards you felt dirtier than when you went in. It wasn't a shower for washing: it was for humiliation.'

      • In Kabul, Mohamed says the food was also contaminated, and he often suffered from sickness and diarrhoea.

      • 'The weight just dropped off me,' he said.

      • 'The floor was made of cement dust. Whatever movement you made, the air would be full of cement and I started getting breathing problems.

      • ' My bed was a thin mattress on the floor, surrounded by that dust.'

