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Peut on associer le halotype E3b avec les anciens Kushites.

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  • Peut on associer le halotype E3b avec les anciens Kushites.

    C'est la question qui vient a l'esprit apres avoir lu le livre ci dessous:
    Beaucoup d'indices font pencher pour cette these:
    -Les cartes illustrant les migrations et rassemblements des personnes portant le haplotype E3b(Cotes Africaines,cotes d'Oman,Yemen,Mer rouge et Maghreb,Grece,Liban,Turquie,cotes Indienens et Iraniennes)font evoquer un peuple maritime.
    -Une certaine affinitee(substratum,suprastartum et adstratum)linguistique surprenante visible dans le vocablaire et quelques traits grammaticaux entre certaines langues Indiennes,Bantous et Afrasiatiques.
    -L'appelation hindu-kush etc...
    Voila un passage de ce livre

    Populations belonging to the mela-
    nian ethnic element which entered into
    the Kushite formation and some of whom
    still nowaday? possess by inheritance some
    linguistic features, which, in anticipation
    of my conclusion, I shall }et here char-
    acterize as Kushite, have been known
    since historical times. They formed the

    ethnic substratum of the historical Kush-
    ites, 21 and appear to have always inhabited
    the region of the great marshes round the
    Persian Gulf, where they lived in a rather
    savage state, and ov-.r whom the culture
    of the groat cities of the neighbourhood
    soon lost their influence. The bas-reliefs
    of "usiana prove to us the existence of
    tribes with a strong melanian element in
    t'lem, 23 though not negro, and resembling
    the present inhabitants of the coast of the
    Red Sea, as seen from an examination of
    skeletons found last, year during some
    excavations made on the site of the
    palace of A'texerxes Memnon. 23 The
    Assyrian bas-reliefs of Sennachtrib and
    Assiubanipal exhibit the populations of
    melanian features of thu marshes of the
    Per-ian Gulf as coalesceing wi'h other
    tribes of a more or less Mongolian type.
    These melanian tribes appear to have
    been the ancestors of the trbes of the
    present d iy, 24 who are closely allied as an
    anthropological type, to the Bisharis of
    the neighbouring land of N. B. Africa.
    11. \\ 7 e are thus led, from mere anthro-
    pological evidence, to disclose an ever-
    lasting connection between some popula-
    tions of Ethiopia and others from the
    shores of the Persian Gulf, in conformity

    18) See below, 10.
    19) On the people inhabiting the Lemlun marshes, vid. Observations sur quelques
    Populatins de la Perse, by Ch. Texier. Revue Orientuleet Americaine, vol. xi. pp. 285
    292. The frizzlv head-dress of the statues discovered at Tal-loh cannot have been sug-
    gested by anything short of fr.zzly hair, which therefore were, or had been natural to
    that population.
    20) The late Frangois Lenormant held a similar view. Cf. his Chaldean M'jgic,
    p. 347.
    21) Ibid., p. 346.
    22) Gr. Rawlinson, The Five Great Monarchies, 2nd edit., vol. ii.,p. 500, had been too
    far in his opinion that they belonged to an almost pure negroid type, as this is not
    countenanced either by the bas-reliefs of Koyundjik or the later discoveries. Some
    Elamite trib s from the pdace of Assurbanipal at Koyundjik are reproduced in
    Lenormant, Histuire Ancienne de I'Orient, 9th edit., vol. i., p. 280,
    23) In 1885, the excavations of Mr. Dieulafoy in Susiana were directed on the
    palace of Artaxerxes Memn^n. In the midst of the foundations was found a frieze in
    bas-relief representing twelve soldiers. . . . Their faces, feet and hands are black.
    From an examination of skeletons found on the site, it would appear that the early
    population of Susiana must have belonged to a black race, not negroid, but resembling
    the present inhabitants of the coast of the Red Sea. The Academy, July 24, 1886.
    24) " Of whom we have heard a good deal from the French traveller Texier. . . ."
    Cf. F. Lenormant, Chaldean Magic,, p. 346.
    4. The Kushites ot antiquity, along
    the shores of the Southern 0man from
    Abyssinia to India, have remained famous
    in the traditions and semi-mythological
    accounts of a prehistoric period. Their
    activity in trade, their boldness in seafar-
    ing expeditions, and the extensive spread
    of civilization which followed their efforts
    have won for them a lasting fame. But
    the historical data concerning their deeds
    have to be inferred from shadowy and
    nearly faded away traditions, lost in the
    mist of antiquity, and a few vague state-
    ments of historical authors only, have
    been understood as countenancing these
    half-forgotten souvenirs All this period
    of past history has been gloriously depicted
    some thirty years ago, in a series of valu-
    able and most interesting papers by the
    late Baron d'Eckstein, who was endowed
    in an extraordinary manner with an in-
    tuition of Oriental antiquity and the
    talent of reviving with his pen events of
    former times.
    From the mouths of the Indus, the
    shores of Catoch, Guzerat, Concan, and
    Malabar; from the strands of Gedrosia,
    Caramania and Persidia, as well as along
    the windings of the Persian Gulf, we meet
    with a number of mythological feats which
    may be fairly attributed to them. They
    marched along the shores of Arabia to
    Ethiopian Africa, 8 where they spread
    into the regions of Sofala ; they pene-
    trated through the Straits of Bab-el-Man-
    deb, advancing towards the extreme ends
    of the Elanitic Gulf, Their activity over-
    came these barriers. We can follow their
    traces towards the Mediterranean Sea
    from the Delta of Egypt to Joppa on
    shores of Palestine." 9
    Such names as those of Kudi for Cappa-
    docia, 10 and Kassi or Kassu (N.E. Mesopo-
    tamia) in the Cuneiform inscriptions;
    Kush or Ethiopia; Cutch (Kachch) of
    N.W. India ; the Kush of Hindu- Kush,
    Kuga-Irripa and Kusistan; Kanh of Cash-
    mere and others may be considered as so
    many landmarks left by the Ku-hite
    race ;" and the Kuch of N.E. India the
    brown Kugikas of heroic times one of
    the oldest Indian races, are most probably
    their modern representatives, much
    altered and mixed. 12
    Dernière modification par humanbyrace, 01 juin 2009, 14h55.
    يا ناس حبّوا الناس الله موصّي بالحبْ ما جاع فقير إلا لتخمة غني¡No Pasarán! NO to Fascism Ne olursan ol yine gel

  • #2
    Peut on associer le halotype E3b avec les anciens Kushites
    tu devrais faire attention avec le maniement de toutes ses données (theoriques) car elles peuvent êtres dangereuses pour la culture rationnelle !


    • #3
      devrais faire attention avec le maniement de toutes ses données (theoriques) car elles peuvent êtres dangereuses pour la culture rationnelle
      pkoi,ça ne reste qu'une hypothese qui peut etre ne pourrait jamais etre confirme.
      يا ناس حبّوا الناس الله موصّي بالحبْ ما جاع فقير إلا لتخمة غني¡No Pasarán! NO to Fascism Ne olursan ol yine gel

