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La fondation Clinton est pour les énergies propres

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  • La fondation Clinton est pour les énergies propres

    L'ancien président americain Bill clinto s'engage a travers sa fondation pour plusieurs thèmes entre entre autres le domaine des énergies propres,que sa fondation considère comme étant une opportunité unique pour les pays du tiers monde a bon entendeur salut
    Je crois qu il faudrait l'inviter au maroc ce Clinton.

    The opportunities are also considerable. Demand for clean energy is exploding around the world. Markets for wind and solar power are doubling every 2-3 years. Europe plans to generate 22% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2010; India plans to generate 10% of its electricity from renewables by 2012. Wind power already provides more than 17% of Denmark’s electricity; more than 6,000 solar electric systems are being installed in the next several years in Nicaragua alone. Meanwhile, clean coal technologies such as integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) have efficiencies at least 25% greater than traditional coal-fired power plants. Investments in energy efficiency are especially powerful, helping to save energy and reduce costs.


