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AIDS in Algeria

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  • AIDS in Algeria

    Des rapports vieux mais qui meritent de l'interet et de la reflexion pour la santé du citoyen Algerien.

    . Parler de cette maladie est taboo mais la maladie n'empeche est entrain de se propager en plus d'etre gardée en secret/en taboo a cause de sa nature embarassante a l'origine.

    . Aujourdhui certains Algeriens (jeunes notament) qui voyagent ne prennent pas de mesures preventives contre la maladie. Ils s'engagents dans des activités sexuelles sans protection et attrapent le HIV.

    En plus des activités sexuelles il existe aussi d'autres moyens d'attraper cette maladie tels que le:

    . L'utilisation d'instruments medicaux contaminés

    . Drogues (I.V)

    . Les medecins tentent d'en parler mais c'est surtout de la literature de la maladie dont discutent et cachent toujours la verité aux Algeriens sur l'etendue et la gravité de cette maladie.

    Surtout quand il s'agit du HIV: Les medecins doivent examiner son existence/non existence avant de contracter un mariage. Il est vrai que la presence d'un hymen donne l'idee sur la jeune femme et sa santé mais pour l'homme le probleme existe toujours en Algerie tant il est blanchi/purifié d'avance et d'office non seulement par la societé Algerienne mais meme par les autorités : Aucun papier n'est exigé de l'homme sur "son integrité morale"-----> Un test de HIV pourrait resoudre/combler ce vide.

    AIDS in Algeria: the disease and the shame.

    PIP: The latest figures published by the Algerian authorities report 187 people with AIDS and 451 people infected with HIV in the country. Medical specialists, however, argue the presence of 1499 AIDS cases and 26,057 people known to be HIV-seropositive. Although accurate and comprehensive data on the extent of HIV infection and the prevalence of full-blown AIDS is hard to come by, it is clear that HIV has taken a firm hold among the population of Algeria and continues to spread. Extremely conservative sexual taboos in Algeria make it impossible to discuss AIDS whether among friends or in public. These taboos combined with the lack of information and political will among top government functionaries have made it very difficult to mount an effective campaign against the epidemic.

    Tens of thousands of young Algerians travel abroad annually and do not take preventive measures against HIV when having sexual intercourse. Moreover, the use of improperly sterilized medical instruments, contaminated blood in transfusions, and clandestine prostitution also contribute to the dissemination of HIV in Algeria.

    Doctors on some television programs report on AIDS, but they do not talk freely and frankly.

    Instead, they speak in generalities or describe the epidemic in technical scientific language. This failure to communicate does much to explain the lack of success of the public education campaigns launched by government and other national organizations in recent years.source: 1: AIDS Anal Afr. 1995 Mar-Apr;5(2):5.

  • #2
    Le certificat prénuptial en Algérie comprend:

    -1-sérologie HIV
    -2-sérologie HVA+HVB+-HVC
    -3-serologie Bw/VDRL ou Kline
    +groupage sanguin/et Rh

    Ce cértif. est éxigé pour l Homme et pour la femme à égalité.
    Dans ces univérsités du tiers-monde on vous demandera le livret de famille ou est inscrit le bébé qui est encore dans le ventre de sa maman,sinon il n est pas viable.


    • #3
      Les statistiques auraient été bien pires si la circoncision n'avait pas été pratiquée à grande échelle en Algérie.
      Quand le Titanic coule, le seul comportement rationnel consiste à s'en éloigner.
      Anonyme du 20ième siècle.


      • #4
        Aids:God punishment.

        Tens of thousands of young Algerians travel abroad annually and do not take preventive measures against HIV when having sexual intercourse. Moreover, the use of improperly sterilized medical instruments, contaminated blood in transfusions, and clandestine prostitution also contribute to the dissemination of HIV in Algeria.

        Doctors on some television programs report on AIDS, but they do not talk freely and frankly.

        "Young Algerians do not take preventive measures against HIV when having sexual intercourse."Aren't you encouraging the youth to import this deadly disease to our society? Why shouldn't you educate them to ban such evil practices?
        I've attended many meetings and lectures about AIDS where many doctors and specialists have given the causes and the consequences of this dangerous disease which threatens millions of people over the world.To my astonishment,none of them has tried to tell the audience that they shouldn't have illegal sexual relations(out of marriage) but they were all for the restriction of the partners(to encourage the sexual relations between the youngs.)
        "Doctors don't talk freely and frankly".I do agree with you.They don't tell the truth because most of them have illegal sexual relations with their colleagues , nurses and even their patients.They betray their wives and the latters betray them.Those who are supposed to protect the society from such deeds to reduce the impact of this sickness,they encourage the innocents to carry the "HIV" for the rest of their lives. Isn't it a divine punishment ?
        Ignorance is worse than poverty.

