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Les mercenaires sud-africains d'Israël poursuivis en justice

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  • Les mercenaires sud-africains d'Israël poursuivis en justice

    Des procureurs sud-africains enquêtent contre des Sud-Africains qui ont participé à l'offensive d'Israël dans la Bande de Ghaza plus tôt dans le début de l'année , selon la "South African Press Association".
    Israel's South African mercenaries face prosecution at home

    The military alliance established with Israel by apartheid-era South Africa lives on it would seem.
    (Bloomberg) -- South African prosecutors are considering a request to bring charges against South Africans who took part in Israel’s offensive in the Gaza Strip earlier this year, the South African Press Association said.

    The country’s National Prosecuting Authority is studying an affidavit seeking an investigation into about 70 South Africans who served in the Israeli army during the Gaza hostilities, SAPA said, citing Mthunzi Mhaga, a spokesman for the authority.