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Les pays arabes investissent dans la région.

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  • Les pays arabes investissent dans la région.

    Bonsoir, avec le temps et il n'est pas trop tôt, les pays arabe riches ont compris qu'il fallait investir dans d'autres pays arabes du Moyen Orient et d'Afrique du Nord qui ont un énorme besoin de capitaux.
    Le Kowéit, par exemple, a investi 30 milliards de $ dans six pays arabes depuis 2000, investir aux USA n'est plus une priorité puiqu'ils ont déjà tout.

    The importance of investing in the Middle East and North Africa, as a way of helping emerging countries in the region, was the object of talks during the Arab Business Forum, which began yesterday, in Doha. Kuwait, for example, has invested US$ 30 billion in six Arab countries since 2000. Around 1,000 people, among them representatives of the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce, are participating in the forum.

    Arab investors are turning their eyes to emerging countries in the Middle East and North Africa itself. Algeria, Jordan, Sudan, Tunisia, Syria and Lebanon are among the nations that, in recent years, have started receiving investment from the rich countries in the region. The importance of allocation of funds within the Arab world itself was one of the themes discussed yesterday (13), at the 9th Arab Business Forum, which ends today (14), in Doha, the capital of Qatar.

    The volume of funds invested by Kuwait in the six countries mentioned above, since 2000, for example, was over US$ 30 billion, according to information supplied by the secretary general of the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce, Michel Alaby, who is accompanying the meetings together with one of the organization's directors, Mustapha Abdouni. Kuwait has 10% of the world oil reserves and a per capita income of US$ 19,800. The Kuwaiti economy is based on oil, which represents 90% of the country exports.
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