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Hawaï veut punir les gens qui puent

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  • Hawaï veut punir les gens qui puent

    C'est la tolérance zéro vis-à-vis des mauvaises odeurs dans l'Etat américain de Hawaï. Et pour cause, la municipalité de Honolulu (capitale) prévoit d'imposer une amende de 500 dollars et/ou 6 mois de prison contre toute personne qui sent mauvais (pue) dans un bus!

    Une loi aussi stupide ne serait jamais votée en Inde où les mauvaises odeurs font partie du quotidien des passagers des bus!

    Honolulu Seeks to Ban Bad Odors on Buses
    HONOLULU (AP) -- Stinky city bus riders soon could get soaked.

    The Honolulu City Council is considering a bill that would impose up to a $500 fine and/or up to six months in jail for public transit passengers convicted of being too smelly.

    The bill will be heard Thursday in committee. It would make it illegal to have "odors that unreasonably disturb others or interfere with their use of the transit system."

    It doesn't matter if it's body odor or offensive fumes that emanates from clothes, personal belongings or animals.

    Councilmen Rod Tam and Nestor Garcia co-sponsored the anti-odor bill.

    The American Civil Liberties Union of Hawaii says it is concerned with laws that are inherently vague, which opens the door to discriminatory enforcement based on an officer's individual prejudices.

    source : The Associated Press

    Des passagers dans un bus en Inde.