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Message to Egyptians

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  • Message to Egyptians

    Egyptian citizens. I know that you visit Algerian forums. I know that you try to read the gossip we have about you. READ THE FOLLOWING:

    Let's make a deal:

    You apologize FIRST for your thugs' behavior on November 14, 2009 towards the Algerian team.

    . Refusing to provide protection to the Algerian National Team on their way to the hotel.

    . Hitting and injuring Algerian soccer players on the bus from the airport.

    . Hitting and harassing Algerian soccer fans before and after the game causing several serious injuries among them.


    When you do that:


    We apologize for not letting you win the soccer game in Sudan.

    how is that?

  • #2

    We apologize for not letting you win the soccer game in Sudan.

    Hadi bezzaf Lynas, habbit nhablouhoum?????? les pauvres, rahoum ghaydini surtout Amr adibbbbbbbb

    "L'esprit a beau faire plus de chemin que le coeur,il ne va jamais si loin"


    • #3


      • #4
        Salut Rose,

        La verité s'est perdue en route on dirait

        Ils etaient les premiers a frapper et ils ont oublié de presenter leurs excuses ces MOMIES.


        • #5
          coucou Mandra,

          I'm cracking up. Its' a virtual war between algerians and egyptians.
          Dernière modification par absente, 24 novembre 2009, 22h59.


          • #6
            Oui, c'est pour ca je me dis, meme si on a frappé leurs supporteurs, c'est eux qui ont comencer...

            Houm Al badioun, wal badii Adlam
            "L'esprit a beau faire plus de chemin que le coeur,il ne va jamais si loin"


            • #7
              La Folie Des Grandeurs

              Qui leur a donné le droit de nous prendre en charge? Ils sont nos tuteurs?

              Le petit cafard de imam que je ne regarderai plus jamais a dit que: malgre qu'il nous aient enseignés l'arabe on ne la parle toujours pas bien cette langue.

              Je leur reponds que: vos enseignants etaient des zeros. Ils venaient (mon papa me disait hier) pour vider la caisse Algerienne durant le reigne de feu boumedienne. Ils ne savent pas enseigner ils ne voulaient pas enseigner les Algeriens. Des traitres en somme. Ils venaient en Algerie pour l'argent c'est tout.

              Ils ont 4 Nobel dans la litterature et chimie et ben pour une mère du monde je trouve qu'elle un PEU attardée. Les USA nés d'hier detiennent tous les Nobels.
              Dernière modification par absente, 25 novembre 2009, 00h26.


              • #8
                Bonsoir lynas, morad, rose

                Mais non lynas tu vas te rendre malade !

                Ça m'est arrivé justement avec un québécois qui a un ami égyptien ! Il lui a fait un lavage de cerveau et il est venu m'énerver avec cette histoire ! Je me suis trop énervée par la suite ! :22:


                • #9
                  Feeble excuses for Egypt's football riots

                  Feeble excuses for Egypt's football riots

                  Don't point the finger at deeper ills. The violence in Cairo was just thuggery cynically fomented by President Mubarak

                  Joseph Mayton
        , Tuesday 24 November 2009 14.30

                  It really is about football. Local and international media can argue about the underlying reasons for the violence in Cairo that saw the Algerian embassy attacked, hundreds of riot police on the streets and a general atmosphere of fear. But if Egypt had beaten Algeria last Wednesday, instead of losing 1-0, it is clear that the riots would not have happened.

                  Reports that Egyptians were venting their anger over years of government neglect, corruption and poor living conditions are somewhat right. Egyptians may have plenty of reasons to be depressed, angry or frustrated but to blame that for the violence last week, which saw dozens of large police trucks roll into Cairo's posh Zamalek neighbourhood, would be taking the easy way out.

                  The real answer is that Egyptians have had little to cheer about in recent years. Only the Cup of African Nations championships – won by Egypt in 2006 and 2008 – brought the country together more than its recent effort to qualify for next year's World Cup finals in South Africa.

                  The loss left a nation wounded, unable to deal with the fact that even on the football pitch, they cannot achieve success.

                  It is easy to blame the "other" for what occurred in Cairo last weekend. President Hosni Mubarak attempted to do just that by fomenting anger and hatred toward Algeria over alleged attacks on Egyptian fans in Sudan following Wednesday's match. Actors and other "stars" of Egyptian society went on national television detailing attacks against Egyptians by Algerians. This is what the government wanted: to whip up fear and anger over football. And the media helped them out, with headlines such as "Algerian terrorism" following the loss, and reports of violence in Sudan.

                  The result was a preoccupation with football and raw nationalism rarely seen in the country. Mubarak and the ruling party took the opportunity to enrage a segment of society that has long been excluded from any political or social advancement. It was a chance to create anger against the "other" (in this case, Algerians) for what may or may not have occurred.

                  The false sense of nationalism created in the wake of the defeat in Khartoum created a wave of angry supporters who remained at home on Thursday morning, lamenting their national team's failure to secure a place in South Africa. It was about football then. By the evening, when word spread that Egyptians had been attacked by Algerians, all hell broke loose.

                  As the riots raged, the Egyptian leadership were most likely sitting in their villas smiling, knowing that for now, the Algerian conundrum would occupy the people, take their minds away from the real issues at hand and create weeks of "diplomatic" tension with Algeria.

                  On Friday evening, when I traversed the "war zone" in Zamalek, the generals were cordial, pointing the direction to go. As a foreigner, I found it easy to slip through the checkpoints at every corner. The Algerian embassy was damaged, but not too badly.

                  Talking with local shopkeepers, who stood only metres from destroyed windows, what they said was shocking but highlights the entire situation of Egyptian denial. "Nothing happened here, it is all the media's hype trying to show how bad the Egyptians are," said one shopkeeper. This, of course, was said as scores of soldiers blocked the middle of the street.

                  A number of Egyptians, when the reporting began to analyse the riots, began talking about the need to put it all in the proper "context". They said the mob was responding to the attacks against their fellow citizens in Sudan. Yes, they probably were, but to attack one's fellow citizens, their shops and their property because of reports from celebrities does not seem the proper response.

                  Many people agree that it was barbaric and childish, but they still want to argue it away as an attack against the government. No way was it an attack against the government. It was simply a riot out of depression for the loss of a football match and the loss of one's perceived honour.

                  Women's activists rightly object when sexual harassment is described within the context of frustration; the canard of young men and boys harassing women because they "have no other outlet". Similarly, why should a riot against Algeria and Algerians be argued away as the frustration of a people? It cannot and should not.

                  In the end, observers and analysts, Egyptians and foreign, should put the blame on the people who fomented the anger and hostility, on the government and on the rioters themselves. Police did their job properly on Friday and we should not condemn the heavy hand of the state in this, but we should condemn the government for not openly chastising their own citizens who took the loss of a football match as a chance to lash out at the enemy: Algeria.

                  By next June, after the anger toward Algerians is spent, Egyptians will be supporting their Arab counterparts for the World Cup: Algeria again.



                  • #10
                    Bonsoir LynaS.
                    Tu veux attirer les egyptiens par ici...
                    Fais attention, ils peuvent prendre au sérieux ma blague (bou3lam selecto) et monter un dossier auprès de la FIFA
                    «Une journée bien employée donne un bon sommeil, une vie bien employée procure une mort tranquille...»


                    • #11
                      IT'S OVER...

