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l'Union Africaine demande au Maroc de laisser Aminatou Haidar regagner le SO

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  • l'Union Africaine demande au Maroc de laisser Aminatou Haidar regagner le SO

    APA-Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) The Chairperson of the African (AU) commission, Jean Ping on Friday called on the Moroccan authorities to allow the return a human rights activist of Western Sahara.

    The Moroccan authorities confiscated Sahrawi human rights defender Aminatou Haidar’s passport on 13 November and expelled her from the country the following day, leaving her stranded in Lanzarote Airport, in Spain’s Canary Islands. She has been on hunger strike since November 15 in protest.

    “The Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union (AU), Jean Ping, continues to monitor very closely developments in the Western Sahara, in particular as they relate to the human rights situation in the Territory, as well as to the specific case of the expulsion of Mrs. Aminatou Haidar, a Saharawi human rights activist,” said AU quoting Ping.

    The Chairperson of the Commission joins other international actors in calling upon the Moroccan authorities to allow Mrs. Haidar to return to Western Sahara.

    “He equally shares the concern expressed by the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr.BAN Kimoon, in the face of the growing tension between the parties to the Western Sahara negotiations,” said the commission.

    In this context, Ping recalls that, during its Special Session on the consideration and resolution of conflicts in Africa, held in Tripoli on 31 August 2009, the Assembly of Heads of State and Government expressed support to the ongoing United Nations efforts to overcome the current impasse and relevant UN Security Council resolutions, calling, to this end, for the intensification of efforts towards the holding of a referendum to enable the people of the Territory to choose between the option of independence and that of integration into the Kingdom of Morocco.
    Dernière modification par absent, 05 décembre 2009, 19h56.

  • #2
    le Maroc est un pays souverain !! celui qui n'est pas content n'a qu'a se fracasser la tête contre un mur !!
    qu'ils aillent tous se faire avoir !!


    • #3
      Madrid s'irrite d'un nouveau rejet marocain au retour d'Haidar au Sahara

      Dernière modification par citoyen, 05 décembre 2009, 20h48.


      • #4
        On ne fait pas parti de l'UA dsl votre avis on l'a pris en compte va falloir attendre notre bon vouloir

        On ne bafoue pas la souverainté marocaine comme sa et encore l'expulsion temporaire est une reponse bien gentille !


        • #5
          C'est quoi l'UA? Plus de la moitie de ses pays membres ne reconnaissent pas la RASD

          On ne fait pas parti de l'UA dsl votre avis on l'a pris en compte va falloir attendre notre bon vouloir

