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Orascom quittera l'Algerie si elle n'est pas la bienvenue

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  • Orascom quittera l'Algerie si elle n'est pas la bienvenue

    Orascom may exit Algeria if not welcome there: Sawiris

    BARCELONA, Spain (MarketWatch) -- Egypt's Orascom Telecom may sell its Algerian operations if it receives a clear sign its investment in the fast-growing North African market is not welcome, Chairman Naguib Sawiris told MarketWatch in an interview.
    "We are keen to stay in Algeria; it's one of our main assets and until this incident we were very happy there. But we need to understand if our investment is welcome there or not. If not, we will consider other options," he said on the sidelines of Mobile World Congress, the wireless industry's largest annual event.
    Orascom's Algerian subsidiary has been contesting a $600 million tax bill going back to 2005. Sawiris said he has decided not to escalate the dispute at the international level but to pursue the local route and is confident it can be resolved relatively quickly.
    But he said there is a lot of interest in Orascom's Algerian assets, and he would not hesitate to sell if the issue became too serious.
    Orascom has exited markets before when it thought it could no longer achieve interesting returns there, selling its Iraqi operations for instance.
    In the meantime Sawiris said Orascom faces no financial constraints after its $800 million rights issue and has enough cash to operate for the next two years.
    "I didn't want to make any decision on the Algerian operations under the gun," he said.
    But Algeria isn't the only headache for Orascom at the moment. The company is also locked in a long-standing dispute with France Telecom /quotes/comstock/13*!fte/quotes/nls/fte (FTE 23.10, -0.15, -0.63%) /quotes/comstock/24s!e:fte (FR:FTE 16.70, +0.21, +1.27%) over their Mobinil joint venture in Egypt.
    Sawiris said that while France Telecom and Orascom are still talking to try and find a resolution to their disagreement, he was not very optimistic.
    "The positions are very far apart," he said.
    Sawiris is determined to stay in Egypt because it is his home market and said he's not interested in selling the business. He added that while the dispute is draining a lot of management time it doesn't seem to be affecting the business in any significant way.
    Orascom could play part in consolidation in Pakistan

    There was a bit of good news from Pakistan, however, where Orascom also operates. There, the political situation has stabilized, as has the currency, Sawiris said. Orascom added around 1.5 million new subscribers in Pakistan last year.
    He believes, however, that there is a need for consolidation in that market and said that Orascom wouldn't mind playing part, particularly as attractive opportunities around the world to enter new markets have become scarce, he said.
    India, for instance, is of no interest to Orascom, he said.
    "India is done. Anybody who wants to go to India today is suicidal," he said.
    In the future, Sawiris believes that the name of the game for operators of Orascom's size and for carriers with a leading position in only one country like KPN /quotes/comstock/24s!e:kpn (NL:KPN 11.53, 0.00, 0.00%) , Swisscom /quotes/comstock/06p!scmn-otc (CH:SCMN 389.68, +4.68, +1.22%) or Belgacom /quotes/comstock/24s!e:belg (BE:BELG 26.04, +0.22, +0.85%) , will be consolidation.
    "Scale will matter more and more because of the prices that the bigger operators can negotiate on equipment and handsets but also on roaming princes," he said.
    "Any smaller operator that's not part of a bigger group will be in trouble. The only salvation is to find a new partner."

    Source MArket Watch

  • #2
    en français

    BARCELONE, Espagne (Dow Jones) - La compagnie égyptienne Orascom Telecom mai la vente de ses opérations en Algérie si elle reçoit un signe clair de son investissement dans le marché en forte croissance d'Afrique du Nord n'est pas la bienvenue, Président Naguib Sawiris MarketWatch dit dans une interview.
    "We are keen to stay in Algeria; it's one of our main assets and until this incident we were very happy there. But we need to understand if our investment is welcome there or not. If not, we will consider other options," he said on the sidelines of Mobile World Congress, the wireless industry's largest annual event.
    "Nous sommes très désireux de rester en Algérie, c'est l'un de nos principaux atouts et jusqu'à cet incident, nous avons été très heureux. Mais nous avons besoin de comprendre si notre investissement est le bienvenu là ou non. Si non, nous envisagerons d'autres options, at-il a déclaré en marge du Mobile World Congress, la plus importante du secteur sans fil événement annuel.
    Orascom's Algerian subsidiary has been contesting a $600 million tax bill going back to 2005.
    Orascom filiale algérienne a été une contestation d'une facture de 600 $ millions de déclarations remontant à 2005.
    Sawiris said he has decided not to escalate the dispute at the international level but to pursue the local route and is confident it can be resolved relatively quickly.
    Sawiris a déclaré qu'il a décidé de ne pas aggraver le différend au niveau international, mais à suivre la route locale et elle est convaincue qu'elle peut être résolu assez rapidement.
    But he said there is a lot of interest in Orascom's Algerian assets, and he would not hesitate to sell if the issue became too serious.
    Mais il a dit il ya beaucoup d'intérêt dans les actifs d'Algérie Orascom, et qu'il n'hésiterait pas à vendre si le problème devienne trop grave.
    Orascom has exited markets before when it thought it could no longer achieve interesting returns there, selling its Iraqi operations for instance.
    Orascom a quitté les marchés avant quand il pensait qu'il ne pouvait plus obtenir des rendements intéressants là-bas, la vente de ses opérations en Irak par exemple.
    In the meantime Sawiris said Orascom faces no financial constraints after its $800 million rights issue and has enough cash to operate for the next two years.
    Dans l'intervalle Sawiris a déclaré Orascom ne rencontre pas de difficultés financières après la question des droits de 800 millions de dollars et dispose de liquidités suffisantes pour fonctionner pour les deux prochaines années.
    "I didn't want to make any decision on the Algerian operations under the gun," he said.
    «Je ne voulais pas prendre une décision sur les opérations en Algérie sous le canon, at-il dit.
    But Algeria isn't the only headache for Orascom at the moment.
    Mais l'Algérie n'est pas le seul casse-tête pour Orascom pour le moment.
    The company is also locked in a long-standing dispute with France Telecom /quotes/comstock/13*!fte /quotes/nls/fte ( FTE 23.24 , +0.42 , +1.84% ) /quotes/comstock/24s!e:fte ( FR:FTE 16.70 , +0.21 , +1.27% ) over their Mobinil joint venture in Egypt.
    La société est également enfermés dans un différend de longue date avec France Telecom / quotes/comstock/13 *! FTE / devis / nls / ETP (FTE 23.24, 0.42, 1.84%) / quotes/comstock/24s! E: FTE (FR: FTE 16.70, 0.21, 1.27%) au cours de leur joint-venture Mobinil en Egypte.
    Sawiris said that while France Telecom and Orascom are still talking to try and find a resolution to their disagreement, he was not very optimistic.
    Sawiris a déclaré que tandis que France Telecom et Orascom parlons toujours d'essayer de trouver une solution à leur différend, il n'était pas très optimiste.
    "The positions are very far apart," he said.
    "Les positions sont très éloignées, dit-il.
    Sawiris is determined to stay in Egypt because it is his home market and said he's not interested in selling the business.
    Sawiris est déterminé à rester en Egypte, car c'est son marché domestique et a dit qu'il n'est pas intéressé à vendre l'entreprise.
    He added that while the dispute is draining a lot of management time it doesn't seem to be affecting the business in any significant way.
    Il a ajouté que si le litige est de drainer beaucoup de temps de gestion, il ne semble pas affecter l'activité de manière significative.
    Orascom could play part in consolidation in Pakistan
    Orascom pourrait jouer une partie de l'assainissement au Pakistan

    There was a bit of good news from Pakistan, however, where Orascom also operates.
    Il y avait un peu de bonnes nouvelles en provenance du Pakistan, cependant, où Orascom exploite également.
    There, the political situation has stabilized, as has the currency, Sawiris said.
    Là, la situation politique s'est stabilisée, tout comme la monnaie, Sawiris dit.
    Orascom added around 1.5 million new subscribers in Pakistan last year.
    Orascom a ajouté près de 1,5 millions de nouveaux abonnés au Pakistan l'année dernière.
    He believes, however, that there is a need for consolidation in that market and said that Orascom wouldn't mind playing part, particularly as attractive opportunities around the world to enter new markets have become scarce, he said.
    Il estime, cependant, qu'il existe un besoin de consolidation sur ce marché et a dit que Orascom ne serait pas l'esprit de jouer une partie, d'autant que des opportunités intéressantes dans le monde pour pénétrer de nouveaux marchés sont devenus rares, dit-il.
    India, for instance, is of no interest to Orascom, he said.
    L'Inde, par exemple, est sans intérêt pour Orascom, dit-il.
    "India is done. Anybody who wants to go to India today is suicidal," he said.
    "L'Inde est fait. Celui qui veut aller à l'Inde d'aujourd'hui est suicidaire, dit-il.

