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le Venezuela ne sera jamais plus une « colonie yankee » avertit Chavez

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  • le Venezuela ne sera jamais plus une « colonie yankee » avertit Chavez

    Au pas, mais non alignés : des troupes algériennes, bélarusses, boliviennes, brésiliennes, chinoises, cubaines et lybiennes défilent avec l’armée vénézuelienne à Caracas
    mercredi 21 avril

    Venezuela has kicked off ceremonies marking 200 years of independence with a military parade and a gathering of his closest Latin American allies.

    Recently acquired Chinese K-8 jets and Russian Sukhoi-30 fighter aircraft flew overhead and special forces troops shouted "anti-imperialist socialist" slogans during the celebrations in Caracas on Monday.

    Soldiers from Algeria, Belarus, Bolivia, Brazil, China, Cuba, Libya and Nicaragua joined those on the ground.

    Flanked by Raul Castro, the Cuban president, and Evo Morales, the Bolivian president, Chavez joined military generals in praising his socialist revolution.

    None of Venezuela’s opposition leaders was invited to the ceremony.

    "More than ever, Venezuela will not be a "yankee" colony, nor a colony of anyone. The time for our true independence has come, 200 years on", Chavez said.

    Chavez, wearing the trademark red beret of his army paratrooper years, reiterated his accusations of US government meddling in Latin America while praising Venezuela’s move towards "democratic socialism".

    "The moment has come for us to reach true sovereignty and independence" in the region, he said.

    Chavez laid a wreath on the tomb of Simon Bolivar, the independence fighter, in a ceremony at the National Pantheon in Caracas.

    Bolivar went on to liberate a string of South American nations from Spanish colonial rule after declaring Venezuela a free and sovereign state.

    Chavez worships Bolivar and even renamed his country the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela after he took power in 1999.

    The celebrations commemorated April 19, 1810, when the municipal council of Caracas first led a successful movement to depose the Spanish governor.

    Venezuela finally achieved independence on June 24, 1821.

    Colombia warning

    Later at night, Chavez hosted a summit of the Bolivarian Alternative for the Nations of Our America, or Alba - a left-leaning bloc aimed at boosting Latin American integration and countering US influence.

    At this meeting, Chavez gave warning that Colombia would become a serious threat to its neighbours if Juan Manuel Santos, the favourite in polls to succeed Alvaro Uribe, wins the presidential election.

    "This is a threat to all of us, especially for Ecuador, Venezuela and Nicaragua," Chavez said.

    He cited Santos’ record as defence minister including a controversial military strike against Colombian leftist Farc guerrillas in Ecuadorean territory in 2008.

    "These people feel they have the support of the Yankees," he said, alluding to recent comments by Santos about the need to keep "terrorists" at bay.

    Opposition remarks

    For their part, Venezuelan opposition groups - gathered under the political coalition Table of Democratic Unity (MUD) - said that Chavez’s 11-year rule had "promoted separation and confrontation" in Venezuelan society.

    Chavez "has systematically reduced our democratic abilities, and compromised our future and our progress", the coalition said in a statement on Sunday.

    Carlos Andres Perez, a former Venezuelan president, similarly questioned whether it was time to rejoice over independence when a "militarised and authoritarian regime" was in power, referring to Chavez, a former military commander.

    In more than a decade of tumultuous rule, Chavez has nationalised public utilities, vital industries and media outlets and launched health and education programmes for the poor.

    He has also intensified pressure on opposition groups and dissidents.

    Sources AL Jazeera
    The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.” Winston Churchill

  • #2
    En espérant que cela se concrétise .....hasta la victoria siempre !


    • #3
      siempre !!

      Négociations avec le Venezuela pour la formation de cadres dans le domaine de l'énergie

      BOUMERDES- Des négociations sont en cours avec le partenaire Venezuelien pour développer la coopération en matière de formation des cadres dans les domaines du gaz et du pétrole en Algérie, a-t-on appris mardi du président-directeur général de l'Institut algérien du pétrole (IAP) à Boumerdes, Mohamed Khebri. "L'Institut algérien du pétrole offre déjà des prestations de formation en la matière", a indiqué M. Khebri lors de son intervention à la faveur d'une visite de courtoisie effectuée par l'ambassadeur du Venezuela en Algérie, M. Michel Mujica, à Boumerdes, en soulignant que les "négociations en question prévoient l'extension de ces prestation au domaine de la formation des ingénieurs en pétrole et gaz".

      les venuzueliens nous doivent une fiere chandelle, grace a la Sonatrach, ODVSA continue a produire

      on est des alliés objectifs, concrets et efficaces

      L'affaire a débuté le dernier dimanche de l'année 2002, à 10 000 km d'Alger. Lors de son talk-show hebdomadaire, le président vénézuélien Hugo Chávez en butte depuis quatre semaines à une grève générale, dont le mot d'ordre a été lancé par le patronat et l'opposition de droite, annonce triomphalement que des experts pétroliers algériens sont attendus à Caracas pour faire redémarrer la production d'or noir, principale source de revenus du Trésor public, paralysée par les grévistes.


      • #4
        Algérie ,Vénézuela ,même ,combat...

        hasta la victoria siempre...


        • #5
          on est des alliés objectifs, concrets et efficaces
          Et qui sont nos alliés?


          • #6
            - le venezuela

            - lafrique du sud

            - la chine (soutien indefectible au conseil de securite, tres efficace durant les annees 1994..)

            - les pays de lest en general....toujours liés depuis les annees boumediennes

            - la coree du sud

            - litalie (soutien fiancier salavateur en 1994)

            et pas mal dautres...

            - norvege

            - bresil

            - argentine

            - viet nam

            - canada

            - EAU

            - angola

            - mozambique

            - nigeria

            - irlande...


            • #7
              Merci d'avoir pris le temps de les énumérer...


              • #8
                liste non-exhaustive...

                joublie le portugal, alors quil monte en puissance comme allié de lalgerie

                et des tas dautres...


                • #9
                  il faut aussi faire entrer l'Inde dans le jeu

                  pas tous les oeufs dans le même panier


                  • #10
                    mittal est deja installé a annaba...

                    si il ya un pays qui croit au multipolarisme, cest bien le notre

