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Jordanie : King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center

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  • Jordanie : King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center

    Special operations units are the “tip of the spear” and the King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center (KASOTC) is the sharpening-tool that hones it. KASOTC is located in Amman, Jordan and is a one-of-a-kind facility.

    Its unique nature derives from an extraordinary combination of cutting-edge training, elite instructor and support staff, and integrated advanced technology.

    The facility encompasses an elaborate urban area containing 56 live-fire and simulated-fire training structures – all outfitted with the latest instrumentation and simulated technologies, plus a fully-integrated Airbus, flat-ranges, a breaching complex, driving track and a 5-story CQB live-fire shoot house.

    Tying it all together is a fiber optic network and centralized Range Operations Control (ROC).

    KASOTC is fully-quipped, staffed, and offers an ideal venue for special operations pre-deployment training, joint exercises, and other training initiatives.

    Si vous ne trouvez pas une prière qui vous convienne, inventez-la.” Saint Augustin