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Le fluor dans les dentifrices.

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  • Le fluor dans les dentifrices.

    Les dentifrices qui contiennent bcp de fluore sont dangereux pour la santé. Ils causent la fibromyalgie ( fatigue chronique avec bcp de douleurs partout dans le corps).

  • #2
    merci pour linfo...t sur bark??


    • #3
      Merci pour l'info ARAZGUI
      « Celui qui ne sait pas hurler , Jamais ne trouvera sa bande " CPE


      • #4

        merci pour linfo...t sur bark??

        Salut, bcp d'études en parlent. Il y a une forte corrélation entre l'exces de florure et la fatigue chronique. D'autres études disent que les halogènes sont la causes ( Cl, F, ect) mais la relation fluorure et fibromyalgie est presque bien établie maintenant.

        Concernant les dentifrices, moi j'utilise mon propre dentifrice en mélangenant 1/2 verre d'eau avec une 1/4 verre de H202 3% puis j'ajoute les bicarbonnate ( 1/2 cuillere a sucre) et je brosse. Mes dents brillent.

        It has been proposed here that many chronic Pain-Fatigue Syndromes (including CFS, FMS, and PGS) are caused by magnesium deficiency plus concomitant fluoride excess (MDFE), and that these chronic illnesses present a major and growing worldwide public health concern due to decreasing intake of Mg and ever-increasing levels of exposure to fluoride compounds used in industry, agriculture, medicine, and household and personal hygiene products. “
        Julia A. Laylander
        Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


        • #5
          Pour nettoyer le corps humain du florure, il faut boire de l'eau qui contient les mineraux de borones.


          • #6
            Un article scientifique qui parle de l'elimination du florure par les ions de borone chez les rongeurs:

            Boron as antidote to fluoride: effect on bones and claws in subacute intoxication of rabbits
            Elsair J, Merad R, Denine R, Azzouz M, Khelfat K, Hamrour M, Alamir B, Benali S, Reggabi M
            Laboratories of Physiology, Toxicology and Galenic Pharmacy, Medical Institute, Algiers, Algeria
            Summary: Rabbits were "subacutely" intoxicated by administration of 30 mg/kg/day of fluoride for 3 months followed by 15 mg/kg/day for a subsequent 3 months (F). Boron was given alone (B) as preventive and simultaneously with fluoride prophylactically (F + Bp), as well as therapeutically namely midway during the experimental period (F + Bpc) while fluoride was being administered and after it was discontinued (Bc compared with fluoirde interuption F*), at a constant F/B ratio. All groups were compared to normal controls.
            Boron administered during fluoride intoxication or after its interruption, reduces fluoremia and increases urinary fluoride excretion. Skeletal fluoride levels are directly relatd to those of claws. They bear no relationship to fluoride in hair. The high fluoride content in bone in lot F decreases with addition of boron. It is still high in lot F* but returns to normal in loc Bc. Calcium content of bones remains normal in all lots. Posterior pad radiography shows a cortical thickness in lot F which is less pronounced in lots F + Bpc and F*, and returns to normal in lot Bc.

