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L'industrie aéronautique en Egypte.

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  • L'industrie aéronautique en Egypte.

    L'industrie de la défense en Egypte fabrique sous licences des appareils étrangers, comme ici le jet d'entrainement français, Alphajet.

    (...)Military production plants are not scheduled for privatization and are unlikely to be sold. Twenty--six of these plants produce both military and civilian goods, and many managers of these plants are interested in licensing arrangements with foreign firms to enhance their production mix and improve quality.

    Examples of civilian products currently manufactured at 26 of Egypt's military factories include: medical and diagnostic equipment; domestic appliances; fire extinguishers; ammunition; machine shop equipment such as lathes, drills, and grinders; generating and welding sets; electric motors; television receivers; computers; batteries; electric and water meters; agricultural machines; kitchen equipment; mobile water purifiers; circuit boards; calibration equipment; Chrysler Jeep-brand vehicles; laser alignment instruments; and microscopes.

    Military goods produced in Egypt include: small caliber and heavy ammunition, mortars, mines, grenades and other explosives, antitank rockets, rocket motors, radars and electronic equipment, smoke and pyrotechnic devices, rifles, pistols (Beretta licensee) and machine guns, jet trainer aircraft (Alpha and Tucano), armored personnel carriers, Alpha jet engines, field and aircraft communications equipment, Gazelle helicopters and engines, gyroscopes, weapon sights, binoculars, periscopes, tanks, MLRs, and artillery pieces.(...)
    Si vous ne trouvez pas une prière qui vous convienne, inventez-la.” Saint Augustin

  • #2
    L'egypte à une industrie d'armement depuis Nacer............mais ça reste marginal comparé au besoin du pays qui est un des pays limitrophe d'erethz israél

