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Imposante manifestation devant le PE pour dénoncer la propagande pro-polisario suite aux incidents

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  • Imposante manifestation devant le PE pour dénoncer la propagande pro-polisario suite aux incidents

    Imposante manifestation devant le PE pour dénoncer la propagande pro-polisario suite aux incidents de Laâyoune

    Strasbourg, 24/11/10- Un grand rassemblement était en cours, mercredi après-midi devant le siège du Parlement européen à Strasbourg (Est de la France), pour dénoncer la campagne de propagande et de désinformation montée par le polisario et son mentor, l'Algérie, dans une tentative de ternir l'image du Maroc sur la base d'allégations fallacieuses concernant les incidents de Laâyoune.

    Les manifestants marocains et leurs amis français sont venus par centaines de différentes régions de la France pour protester notamment contre le parti-pris de certains médias internationaux, en particulier espagnols, qui persistent à afficher un alignement aveugle et inconditionnel sur les thèses des séparatistes dans leur couverture déséquilibrée des événements de Laâyoune, quitte à berner l'opinion publique.
    Ils ont fait état d'un manque de professionnalisme flagrant du traitement de ces incidents de la part de ces médias, qui omettent délibérément de citer les sources marocaines et de vérifier l'exactitude de leurs informations.
    Ils en citent pour preuve la diffusion de photos de scènes de violences sans aucun rapport avec l'intervention pacifique des forces de l'ordre marocaines lors du démantèlement du campement de Gdeim Izik, dont celle d'un enfant blessé lors d'un raid israélien en 2006 à Gaza, ou encore celle d'une famille victime d'un crime à Casablanca.
    Brandissant les drapeaux marocain et français, le portrait de SM le Roi Mohammed V et des banderoles, les manifestants scandaient des slogans en faveur de la marocanité du Sahara et de la proposition marocaine d'autonomie.


  • #2
    les magouilles algeriennes n'ont fait que renforcer le front marocain.

    un grand bravo à tous les marocains de l'étranger pour leur patriotisme.


    • #3
      15 personnes (au maximum) avec des drapeaux Franco-Alaouites.

      Gallek imposante manisfestation.


      • #4
        et je je vois que des marocains en plus


        • #5


          • #6
            Le «polisario» n'a plus aucun soutien international. Un haut dirigeant du Parti socialiste ouvrier espagnol (PSOE-au pouvoir) a affirmé que le «polisario» ne bénéfice plus d'aucun soutien international.

            Alfonso Guerra, président de la Commission constitutionnelle au Congrès des députés espagnol, a souligné, en outre, que tous les pays concernés par la question du Sahara soutiennent l'initiative d'autonomie dans les provinces du Sud sous souveraineté marocaine.

            Il s'agit là d'une «réalité», alors que «tout le reste, ne sont que des histoires et des spéculations», a ajouté Guerra, qui était vice-président du gouvernement espagnol à l'époque de l'ex-président Felipe Gonzalez.
            Le haut dirigeant du PSOE a affirmé que l'initiative d'autonomie du Sahara proposée par le Maroc jouit d'un large soutien notamment auprès des grandes puissances.

            «Les choses ont changé de façon radicale, puisque personne n'appuie désormais le polisario», a insisté Alfonso Guerra, qui a rappelé que les pays concernés ne sont pas chauds à l'idée de «création d'un Etat indépendant dans le Maghreb avec 150.000 habitants et pouvant avoir des liens avec Al Qaïda».

            Source :le matin

            les europeens se rendent compte de la supercherie...................


            • #7
              et les perdants n'ont que les yeux pour pleurer....


              • #8
                On dirait que le Makhzen joue ses dernières cartes. Aller jusqu'à déplacer quelque personnes âgées ! hchouma.
                وإن هذه أمتكم أمة واحدة


                • #9
                  Le tintamarre de la quinzaine de personnes devant le PE a apparemment agacé les euro-députés. Les motions de résolutions "inamicales" vis à vis du Maroc se succèdent. En voici une :

                  MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION
                  to wind up the debate on statements by the Council and the Commission
                  pursuant to Rule 110(2) of the Rules of Procedure
                  on Western Sahara
                  Willy Meyer, João Ferreira, Rui Tavares, Sabine Lösing, Jacky Hénin, Elie Hoarau, Patrick Le Hyaric, Miguel Portas, Ilda Figueiredo, Marisa Matias, Marie-Christine Vergiat
                  on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

                  B7 0680/2010
                  European Parliament resolution on Western Sahara
                  The European Parliament,
                  – having regard to the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an association between the European Union and the Member States on the one hand, and the Kingdom of Morocco on the other, especially Article 2 of that agreement,
                  – having regard to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of the United Nations, signed by the Kingdom of Morocco,
                  – having regard to United Nations resolutions 1754, 1783, 1813, 1920 as well as all previous UN resolutions with reference to the conflict in Western Sahara as an issue of decolonisation, the solution to which must be based on the right to self-determination of the Saharawi people,
                  – having regard to the UN Secretary-General's reports to the Security Council on Western Sahara of 14 April 2008 and on 6 April 2010,
                  – having regard to the report of the EP Ad hoc Delegation of March 2009, especially its recommendations on the respect and observance of human rights in Western Sahara,
                  – having regard to reports from Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the World Organisation Against Torture, as well as the 2008 report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, that confirm serious violations of human rights in Western Sahara perpetrated by Morocco,
                  – having regard to its previous resolutions on Western Sahara, in particular that of 27 October 2005,
                  – having regard to Rule 110(2) of its Rules of Procedure,
                  A. whereas on the 9 October more than 20,000 Sahrawians left El Aaiun, setting up a camp of 8,000 tents, to peacefully protest against the untenable political and socio-economic situation of the inhabitants of these territories,
                  B. whereas on Sunday, 24 October Garhi Najem, a 14 year old Sahrawi, was killed and five others were injured by Moroccan security forces while they were trying to reach Gdeim Izik camp on the outskirts of El Aaiun,
                  C. whereas on the 8 November the Moroccan Army and police conducted a brutal assault against the camp resulting in the massacre of over a dozen people, among them Spanish citizen Bani Hamadi Bujemaa, injuring thousands, and arresting hundreds of those who were in the camp,
                  D. whereas after the assault there was a protest in El Aaiun that was harshly repressed, with an excessive use of force, torture, destruction of Saharawi homes and attacks by Moroccan settlers against inhabitants,
                  E. whereas the Kingdom of Morocco has blocked the territory of Western Sahara, refusing entry to independent observers, and whereas several members of Parliaments, among them MEP Willy Meyer, were not allowed to arrive to El Aaiun,
                  F. whereas due to this Moroccan blockade there is a black-out of information,
                  G. whereas hundreds of Saharawi are still detained without any contact with their families, and whereas 8 of them have been sent to a military tribunal, among them Ennaâma Asafari, co-president of CORELSO,
                  H. whereas several Saharawi human rights defenders such as Ali Salem Tamek, Brahim Dahan and Hammadi Naciri were detained after their return on 8th October 2009 from a visit to the camps and are still in the Moroccan prison of Salé without having been judged,
                  I. considering that Western Sahara is a non-self-governing territory under UN control that has not finished its decolonization process,
                  J. considering that, according to international law, the Kingdom of Morocco not only has no sovereignty over Western Sahara, but is the occupying power,
                  K. considering that several Saharawi Human Rights organizations, among them CODESA whose President is Aminetu Haidar face harassment and intimidation by Moroccan authorities,

                  1. Condemns the use of force by Moroccan authorities to dissolve the peaceful demonstration of the camp of Gdeim Izik that has resulted in a tragic loss of tens of lives and many other casualties;

                  Asks for an impartial an international investigation under the auspices of UN in order to clarify the circumstances surrounding the loss of innocent lives to prevent that such a situation occurs in the future;

                  3. Demands that the Commission and Council freeze the Association Agreement between the EU and the Kingdom of Morocco and paralyze the Advanced Status until the Kingdom of Morocco fulfils international legislation, in particular, the UN resolutions with reference to the holding of a referendum on self-determination in Western Sahara, and the conclusion of the decolonization process to put an end to the occupation by Morocco;

                  4. Asks the EU to demand that the Kingdom of Morocco respect international law regarding the destruction of the natural resources of Western Sahara, especially regarding the EU- Morocco Fisheries Agreement;

                  5. Reiterates that Morocco's sovereignty over Western Sahara has never been recognized by international law, as noted by the opinion of the International Court of Justice in The Hague in October 1975; states that Morocco is illegally occupying the territory of Western Sahara and has not, therefore, any sovereignty over its natural resources, particularly over fisheries resources; stresses that, in accordance with international law, the activities of fishing under the Fisheries Agreement EU-Morocco are authorized only in waters north of latitude 27º40'N;

                  Denounces the arbitrary persecution and repression of innocent people in Morocco and requires the Kingdom of Morocco to end these actions;

                  7. Demands the Kingdom of Morocco to permit free access and free movement in Western Sahara to independent observers, members of parliaments, to the press and to humanitarian organisations;

                  8. Expresses its support to the ongoing UN sponsored negotiations, and asks the two parties to cooperate fully with the UN into the ongoing negotiations without preconditions and with good faith in order to reach a solution that will guarantee the exercise of the Saharawi people's inalienable right to self-determination;

                  9. Supports without reservation the recommendation of the Ad hoc Delegation of the European Parliament which asks that the UN include in its mandate in Western Sahara the follow-up, in situ and without obstacles, on the human rights situation, in order to detect and identify the activities that do not respect human rights;

                  Demands that the European Commission follow-up on the state of human rights in Western Sahara and regularly sends information missions to the area;

                  11. Denounces the open legal processes against Saharawi activists and urges the European Commission to follow them closely;

                  Asks the Commission and the Council to pressure the Kingdom of Morocco to liberate all the Saharawi human rights activists, political prisoners specially Ali Salem Tamek, Ahmed Alnasiri, Brahim Dahane, in respect of Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights;

                  13. Asks the Commission to increase the humanitarian aid to Saharawi refugees in Algeria who have lived for 35 years in precarious conditions and depending on external aid;

                  Decides to send a delegation to Western Sahara in order to observe in situ the human rights situation;

                  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the UN Secretary-General, the president of the UN Human Rights Council, the Secretary-General of the African Union, the European Parliament Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union, the Bureau of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliament and Government of Spain and of Morocco, and the Polisario Front.
                  Et une autre motion :

                  et encore une autre :

                  Celle là aussi :
                  Dernière modification par jawzia, 24 novembre 2010, 22h02.


                  • #10
                    Willy Meyer, João Ferreira, Rui Tavares, Sabine Lösing, Jacky Hénin, Elie Hoarau, Patrick Le Hyaric, Miguel Portas, Ilda Figueiredo, Marisa Matias, Marie-Christine Vergiat

                    Tant que ce sont les membres de l'extrème gauche qui ne pèse rien au PE le maroc peut dormir sur ses deux oreilles car ces néo-troskistes ne sont pas pris au sérieux par les autres euro-députés.


                    • #11
                      Attas Attas Mazal L'Hal

                      Groupe ECR

                      Charles Tannock, Tomasz Piotr Poręba, Ryszard Antoni Legutko, Adam Bielan, Jacek Olgierd Kurski, Mirosław Piotrowski, Marek Henryk Migalski, Ryszard Czarnecki, Tadeusz Cymański on behalf of the ECR Group

                      European Parliament resolution on Western Sahara

                      The European Parliament,

                      1. Condemns the serious attacks and disproportionate use of force by the Moroccan authorities that took place in the Gdaim Izyk camp and the city of El Aaiun which led to many civilian casualties, and calls on all parties to remain calm and restrain from any further violence;

                      2. Deeply regrets and is very concerned about the dead, injured and missing people that resulted after the violent attacks and expresses its solidarity with the families of the victims;

                      3. Calls for an international independent investigation under the auspices of the UN into recent events in the Gdaim Izyk camp and the city of El Aaiun;

                      4. Supports the right to self determination of the Saharawi people as laid down in UN resolution;

                      5. Regrets the attacks on the freedom of press and information that many European journalists suffered and demands the Kingdom of Morocco to permit free access and free movement in Western Sahara for the press, independent observers and humanitarian organisations;

                      6. Condemns the detention and harassment of Saharawi human rights defenders in the, by Morocco controlled, Western Saharan territory and urges the UN Security Council to include the monitoring of the human rights situation in the mandate of MINURSO in order to identify the violations of human rights;

                      7. Calls on all parties: Polisario, Algeria and Morocco to refrain from escalating tensions or resort to violence and to peaceably settle the territorial dispute by a referendum under international monitoring;

                      8. Calls for the protection of the Sahrawi population, respect for their fundamental rights, including freedom of expression and freedom of movement, in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the international treaties and conventions on human rights;

                      9. Calls on the Kingdom of Morocco and the Polisario Front, the neighbouring states and the European Union to cooperate fully with the United Nations with a view to completing the process of decolonisation of Western Sahara;

                      10. Calls on the international community to take necessary steps to bring Morocco into line with international law;

                      11. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the UN Secretary General, the Secretary-General of the African Union, the EP Delegation for the Relations with the Maghreb Countries, as well as the Bureau of the Euro Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliament and Government of Spain, Algeria and Morocco, and the Polisario Front.

                      Dernière modification par jawzia, 24 novembre 2010, 22h17.


                      • #12
                        Tant que ce sont les membres de l'extrème gauche qui ne pèse rien au PE le maroc peut dormir sur ses deux oreilles car ces néo-troskistes ne sont pas pris au sérieux par les autres euro-députés.
                        leur leader n est autre que willy meyer qui s'est fait expulser comme un malpropre par les autorités marocaines
                        "En ces temps d'imposture universelle, dire la vérité est un acte révolutionnaire" (G. Orwell)


                        • #13
                          resolution qui a autant d'effet q'un pet de mouche


                          • #14
                            Celle des verts

                            PROPOSITION DE RÉSOLUTION
                            déposée à la suite de déclarations du Conseil et de la Commission

                            conformément à l'article 110, paragraphe 2, du règlement

                            sur la situation au Sahara occidental

                            Raül Romeva i Rueda, Nicole Kiil-Nielsen, Ulrike Lunacek, Hélène Flautre, Jill Evans, Oriol Junqueras Vies, Judith Sargentini, François Alfonsi, Isabella Lövin, Barbara Lochbihler, Michèle Rivasi, Catherine Grèze, Frieda Brepoels, Martin Häusling, Jean Lambert, Bart Staes, Franziska Keller and José Bové

                            au nom du groupe Verts/ALE

                            1. Expresses its greatest concern about the significant deterioration of the situation in Western Sahara and strongly condemns the incidents which took place in the protest camp of Gadaym Izik which led to a significant number of deaths and injuries, including the killing of Najem El Garhiand;

                            2. Urges the Moroccan authorities to launch urgently an investigation that meets international standards of independence, impartiality, transparency, promptness and effectiveness into these events to be conducted under the auspices of the United Nations in order to clarify the circumstances and to guarantee that those responsible are held accountable;

                            3. Emphasizes the call of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to each party to remain engaged in continuous and constructive dialogue with the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) with a view to ensuring respect for the human rights of the people of Western Sahara, both inside the Territory and in the refugee camps; insists however on the necessity to call on the UN bodies to propose the setting up of a human rights monitoring mechanism in Western Sahara either through the extension of the mandate of the MINURSO or through a coordinated initiative by the OHCHR;

                            4. Calls on the parties to illustrate further political will towards a solution and stresses the importance of credible and transparent talks held under the auspices of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and of his Personal Envoy;

                            5. Calls on the Moroccan authorities to put an end to this policy of persecution and harassment of Sahrawi activists, human rights defenders and their families and to immediately release all prisoners of conscience in a view to complying with relevant International Human Rights Law to which Morocco is a party;

                            Calls on the Moroccan government to ensure unfettered access to Western Sahara's territory for UN Special procedures and to allow journalists to operate freely;

                            7. Urges the Polisario Front to allow the access to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (HCR) to the camps of Tindouf in order to inform the populations about their right to leave these camps and the possibility to resettle on a voluntary basis;

                            8. Calls on the Commission to ensure that the necessary humanitarian aid with increased funding be allocated to the about 165, 000 Sahrawi refugees living in the region of Tindouf in order to help them to meet their basic needs for food, water, housing and medical care and to improve their living conditions;

                            9. Reminds the Moroccan authorities about its commitments to promoting the rule of law and respect for fundamental freedoms and rights in accordance with international standards; stresses that meeting these commitments is essential to the development and reinforcement of relations between the European Union and Morocco;

                            10. Calls on the HR/VP to make every effort so as to reach a strong common position within the Council in order to condemn the recent events and to find ways so as to bring forward the peace process under the auspices of the United Nations; urges the HR/VP to convene a meeting with the Moroccan government in order to address the situation in Western Sahara and to adopt a roadmap with concrete benchmarks and clear timelines;

                            11. Urges the Polisario Front to disclose the whereabouts of Mostapha Selma Sidi Mouloud and to release him immediately;

                            12. Notes that the EP Legal Service has delivered an opinion (SJ 269/09) that raised concerns about the legality of the current EU-Morocco Fisheries Partnership Agreement, given the fact that EU vessels operate in the waters off the Western Sahara under the terms of the agreement, and that the agreement as currently implemented does not fully respect the conditions described in the Correl opinion to the UN Security Council (S/2002/161);

                            Considers therefore that any renewed agreement with Morocco would need to be assessed as to its conformity with international law and thus with the Treaties and expresses its resolve to request the opinion of the Court of Justice on the compatibility with the Treaties of any such future agreement in accordance with Article 218(11) of the TFEU;

                            14. Asks its Conference of Presidents to discuss in its upcoming meeting all ways to help the dialogue between all parties;

                            15. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the UN Secretary General, the Secretary-General of the African Union, the EP Delegation for the Relations with the Maghreb Countries, as well as the Bureau of the Euro Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliament and Government of Morocco and Algeria, the Polisario Front and the Presidency of the RASD.
                            Dernière modification par jawzia, 24 novembre 2010, 22h39.


                            • #15
                              Le tintamarre de la quinzaine de personnes devant le PE a apparemment agacé les euro-députés. Les motions de résolutions "inamicales" vis à vis du Maroc se succèdent. En voici une :
                              L'important c'est passé a New York et non de ce qui ce passera à Bruxelles sous l'initiative de vos amis du ppe et de la certaine gauche

                              Tout au plus une gène pour le Maroc au cas d'une résolution hostile.

                              Tu diras que ce sera votre lot de consolation

