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Maroc Wikileaks Cablegate: «Mafia Fassi» et l’origine de la richesse à Casablanca

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  • Maroc Wikileaks Cablegate: «Mafia Fassi» et l’origine de la richesse à Casablanca

    Wikileaks Cablegate Maroc ( Nr.1 ) :

    l’origine de la richesse à Casablanca : «Mafia Fassi» et le trafique de Drogue et blanchissment d’argent.


    A Casablanca, la plus grande ville du Maroc et la capital économique , la prospérité est de plus en plus en vue, ce qui soulève laquestion d’où il vient tous ca.l’argent de famille , les banques et le secteurs ‘immobilier secteurs, et un compte de stock forte performants du marché pour certains richesse. Le fonds des envois de fonds des Marocains résidant à l’étranger, le tourisme, et l’investissement étranger, en particulier des pays du Golfe, constituent la principales sources externes d’argent sources illicites de revenu, y compris le trafic de drogue blanchiment d’argent, la corruption endémique et jouer un rôle dans la croissance de l’économie ainsi. augmentation de la consommation a été un aubaine pour l’économie, mais la richesse de Casablanca doit être partagé plus largement bénéficier à tous les segments de la société.Fin Résumé.

    L’un des hommes les plus riches du Maroc, Othman Benjelloun, est originaire de Fès et est président et chef de la direction de la BMCE,
    troisième plus grande banque du Maroc. Selon les employés BMCE, une « mafia Fassi »domine la culture de la banque.Benjelloun et d’autres comme lui appartiennent à une longue date, l’élite de riches qui contribuent à Casablanca .

    source : Wikileaks cablegate, FM AMCONSUL CASABLANCA
    "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."

  • #2
    Classified By: Principal Officer Douglas Greene for reasons 1.4 (B)
    AND (D)

    ¶1. (SBU) Summary: In Casablanca, Morocco's largest city and economic
    capital, prosperity is increasingly on display, raising the question
    of where it comes from. Family money, the banking and real estate
    sectors, and a strong-performing stock market account for some
    wealth. Remittances from Moroccans living abroad, tourism, and
    foreign investment, especially from Gulf countries, comprise the
    major external sources of money. Illicit sources of income including
    drug trafficking, money laundering and endemic corruption play a role
    in the growing economy as well. Increased consumption has been a
    boon to the economy, but Casablanca's wealth must be shared more
    broadly to benefit all segments of society. End Summary.


    ¶2. (SBU) The easily-observable phenomenon of wealth in Casablanca
    begs the question of where the money comes from. Many Casablancans
    cite family money as one key contributor to the city's affluence.
    According to Samir Benmakhlouf, president of Century 21 Morocco, the
    textile industry, based in Fez, traditionally drove the Moroccan
    economy. In the 1970s and 80s, textile producers relocated to
    Casablanca for retail opportunities, creating economic momentum and
    bringing money to the city. An article in the Middle East Report on
    Morocco's bourgeoisie supports this historical view, though dates the
    shift to the end of World War II: "The economic center of gravity
    shifted to the coastal cities, especially Casablanca. Enterprising
    businessmen left Fez for Casablanca, where they continued to be known
    as Fassis." Even today, natives of Fez retain their reputation as
    members of a business-savvy elite. One of Morocco's richest men,
    Othman Benjelloun, hails from Fez and is Chairman and CEO of BMCE,
    Morocco's third largest bank. According to BMCE employees, a 'Fez
    mafia' dominates the bank's culture. Benjelloun and others like him
    belong to a long-standing, moneyed elite who contribute to
    Casablanca's prosperity.
    "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."


    • #3

      ¶3. (U) The banking sector, based in Casablanca, also generates
      wealth. Morocco's 15 banks include five Moroccan-owned private banks
      and five foreign banks. Thanks to expanding geographic networks and
      increased banking products and services, including e-banking,
      mortgages and consumer credit, the sector has enjoyed impressive
      growth. Overall, bank revenues rose 10.5 percent in 2006 to reach
      USD 2.56 billion. The same year, Morocco's banks registered net
      profits of USD 825 million, a 68 percent increase over the previous
      year. Such strong performance has triggered an increase in hiring,
      particularly of young, well-educated Moroccans. It has also led
      several of the six banks listed on the Casablanca Stock Exchange to
      offer employee stock options, enabling staff members to share in
      their bank's profitability. BMCE Bank's 2007 Annual Report notes
      that employees averaged gains of 380 percent from the bank's second
      public offering, "which is the equivalent of roughly 15 times the net
      monthly salary." Such tremendous performance has a spillover effect
      on Casablanca's economy.

      ¶4. (SBU) Just as the banking sector contributes to Casablanca's
      wealth, so does the real estate market, due to a convergence of
      factors. The scarcity of land in densely-packed Casablanca puts
      property at a premium. According to the Oxford Business Group, the
      city covers 69.5 square miles of land, but needs over 100 square
      miles to support the current population of over three million. As
      Moroccans have moved from rural areas to Casablanca, land prices have
      risen. The influx of foreign direct investment (FDI) compounds this
      effect. Of the seven billion dollars of FDI that Morocco received in
      2007, real estate accounted for 26 percent - second only to tourism
      at 29 percent. Given that 63 percent of investors find Casablanca
      the most attractive locale for investment in Morocco, FDI has had a
      significant impact on property values in the city - and on the
      development of a market for high-end goods and services.

      ¶5. (SBU) In such an environment, speculation occurs, pushing prices
      upward and enabling landowners to make staggering profits. No sooner
      is a new Master Plan for Urban Development (SDAU) announced than
      speculators buy up property in targeted areas with the sole intention
      of flipping them. According to Century 21's Benmakhlouf, "you can
      buy property for one million dirham and it'll be worth 1.5 million in
      six months."

      ¶6. (SBU) The tremendous performance of Casablanca's Stock Exchange is
      also a factor in wealth-creation. According to Jawad Kerdoudi, an
      economist who is President of the Moroccan Institute of International

      CASABLANCA 00000104 002 OF 003

      Relations, many companies attract investors by listing shares at weak
      prices for the initial public offering. After a few weeks, prices
      shoot up, allowing shareholders to sell at a considerable profit. As
      Morocco's largest city and economic center, Casablanca sees much of
      the money that Moroccans make in the stock market.
      "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."


      • #4


        ¶7. (U) As indicated above, Casablanca has benefited from an influx of
        money from outside the country. First, remittances from Moroccans
        resident abroad (MREs) have risen since Mohammed VI became king in
        1999, reaching about USD 7.8 billion in 2007. Second, tourism brings
        in significant capital. The sector has increased 12 to 14 percent
        per year since 2001, when the king launched the strategic tourism
        development policy "Vision 2010." According to a 2007 report issued
        by Casablanca's Regional Investment Center, tourism accounted for
        more investment in Casablanca than any other sector.

        ¶8. (U) Foreign investment is a third significant source of wealth in
        Casablanca. Benefiting heavily from rising oil prices, oil-exporting
        Gulf countries seek substantial investment opportunities in the
        Middle East, including Casablanca. Dubai Holding, for example, has
        begun a USD 500 million project to build a multi-purpose marina
        adjacent to Casablanca's port. A Kuwaiti-Moroccan group has plans
        for a residential development in the city. Investors outside the
        Gulf are also pursuing financial opportunities in Casablanca. As
        money from MREs, tourism and foreign investors is channeled into
        banks, real estate, the stock market and other investments,
        Casablanca's economy expands.
        "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."


        • #5


          ¶9. (C) Most Casablancans acknowledge that at least some of
          Casablanca's wealth comes from illicit activities such as
          drug-trafficking and money laundering. In the words of Khalid
          Belyazid, CEO of the publishing group Eco-Medias, "We have dirty
          money. The problem is we don't know how much." Statistics do not
          exist to quantify how much of Casablanca's wealth can be traced to
          illicit activities. However, one indication can be found in the
          USG's own 2007 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report:
          "Morocco is the world's biggest producer of cannabis resin (hashish)
          and is consistently ranked among the world's largest producers of
          cannabis." The report estimates that Morocco's drug trade (mostly to
          Europe) nets about USD 13 billion per year, more than twice the
          amount brought in by tourism in 2007. Some portion of this money
          finds its way to Casablanca, where it is either spent on jewelry,
          cars, houses and other items, or it is laundered. Referring to the
          use of cafes as fronts for illegitimate business activities, one
          finance professional joked that "money laundering creates a nice cafe
          culture in Casablanca."

          ¶10. (C) Corruption also accounts for a certain amount of Casablanca's
          wealth. "You cannot imagine how big the impact is," said one
          long-time resident after explaining the phenomenon of officials
          exploiting inside information and/or power for financial gain. In
          one notorious case, a police officer created a business to import BMW
          motorcycles after learning that the police force had plans to equip a
          motorcycle brigade. Century 21's Benmakhlouf noted that building
          permits for land set aside by the city sometimes become available to
          developers who pay bribes. Such corruption enables those who benefit
          from it to amass significant, if undeclared, wealth.

          ¶11. (SBU) The informal economy is yet another vector by which
          individuals amass wealth. While the term conjures up images of
          small-scale retailers or undocumented laborers, it can include
          full-fledged businesses that operate outside the legal framework and
          its requirements. In Morocco's textile industry, for example, entire
          plants have closed their formal operations, only to reopen outside
          city limits as all-cash enterprises that function under the radar of
          Moroccan authorities (or with their complicity). The Casablanca
          mattress factory that burned down in late April 2008, killing 58
          workers (REF A), offers a prime example of a situation in which a
          business owner flouted labor, safety and building codes in the name
          of profit.

          ¶12. (C) The Consulate's own experience trying to purchase land for a
          new facility illustrates how entrenched informal, under-the-table
          arrangements are in the Moroccan economy. Ninety percent of property
          transactions in Casablanca are done informally. Of over 30 sites
          identified, more than 20 fell off the list immediately because the
          brokers were unwilling to sell in an official deal. Others declined
          to sell because they are waiting for prices to appreciate. Of those
          who would sell, many wanted money under the table in addition to the

          CASABLANCA 00000104 003 OF 003

          asking price. Whether selling property, running a company or
          starting a business, the high volume of activity conducted outside of
          formal channels is part and parcel of doing business, and often
          enables individuals to skirt regulations and increase financial gain.
          "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."


          • #6


            ¶13. (SBU) Explaining the sources of Casablanca's wealth, however,
            does not necessarily explain consumption. As Khalid Rouggani of
            BMCE's research division sees it, Moroccans are 'cultivated to be
            open' and want to know what exists outside their country. As a
            result, they are aware of foreign brands and products, and willingly
            purchase them, particularly in cosmopolitan Casablanca. In contrast,
            Rouggani cited Algeria - a country with USD 120 billion in reserves
            that is less open to foreign culture and less apt to consume foreign
            goods. Sales clerks at Dior and Roberto Cavalli seemed to support
            the view that culture plays a role in stimulating consumption, noting
            that "Moroccans like to be stylish" and make up the majority of their

            ¶14. (SBU) Strict foreign currency exchange controls may also
            contribute to consumption in Casablanca. While Morocco has loosened
            restrictions on the amount of currency Moroccans can take out of the
            country, external controls are still in place. Unable to put
            significant savings overseas, many Moroccans invest and spend

            ¶15. (C) Comment: The wealth that is evident in Casablanca indicates
            many positive developments, including stock market and real estate
            booms, fueled by remittances and strong foreign investment. It also
            suggests some tough-to-track, but significant, negative elements,
            such as drug-trafficking and deep-seated corruption. No matter what
            the sources of wealth, however, the contrasts between rich and poor
            in Casablanca are likely to persist, as there are few signs of
            trickle down. If Casablancans do not have opportunities to share in
            the wealth that surrounds them, the risk of broader social tensions
            is likely to increase. End Comment.
            "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."


            • #7
              Selon les employés BMCE, une « mafia Fassi »domine la culture de la banque.Benjelloun et d’autres comme lui appartiennent à une longue date, l’élite de riches qui contribuent à Casablanca .
              c'est quoi ca? ''selon des employés de la bmce: la mafia fassi domine la culture de la banque'' c'est pas de l'info,c'est du foutage de gueule.


              • #8
                C'est comme dire "une mafia wasp(white anglo-saxon protestant) domine les indutries et les services dans les grandes métropoles américaine, notament celle du nord-est.

                Ou dire une mafia protestante domine la finance en Europe.

                Moi je suis fassi, et je suis fière de voire les fassis en tant qu'élite d'origine citadine, a côté des autres élites d'origine citadine, jouer leur rôle dans la société.
                La méritocratie a beaucoup aidé ces fassis, et cette phrase suivante est très importante: "la structure sociétale fassie n'a pas été reproduite suite à la désertion de Fès, les grandes familles d'avant, ne le sont pas plus que d'autres considérée par le passé comme étant d'origine juive par exemple".


                • #9
                  Décidément les US semble considérer le maroc comme un nid de mafieux qui sert les intérêts US.

                  En voilà des nouvelles, bref si c'est de l'intox, on est pas loin de dire que le département US semble considérer secrètement son allié majeur comme un brigand qu'il peut utiliser dans les grands coups tordus et qu'il n'hésitera pas à lui flanquer une balle dans la tête si jamais on découvre la vérité.

                  Enfin un royaume voyoux qui n'hésitera pas à son tour à lancer ses chtoukis pour refroidir le patron de wikileaks .


                  • #10

                    zid zid a wekliki rahi tkheltet lol


                    • #11
                      La femme de Momo 6 est fassi aussi, tout comme son cousin le general Bennani.


                      • #12
                        c'est normal que l'amercain ce demande d'ou viens tous cette argent, quand je voyage a casablanca je suis toujour surpris par le nombre de voiture de luxe et les restaux et magazin de luxe...... it's amazing.

