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James Madison, l auteur d une bonne partie de la constitution Americaine

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  • James Madison, l auteur d une bonne partie de la constitution Americaine

    J aurai prefere vous parler de Abane et Ben Mhidi a la veille de la celebration du 5 Juillet (ou 3 Juillet?), mais Helas, nous savons tous ce qu est devenu leur oeuvre. Je me contente alors de vous presenter une autre persone qui a reussi a battir une nation forte, qui ne s arrete jamais d oeuvrer pour assurer son devenir.
    J ai tire' toute l info de wikipedia que vous trouverez ici ( (en Francais: J affiche quelques extraits en Anglais, ma langue preferee en plus de Tamazight.

    je vous conseille de decouvrir Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, et bien sur John Adams. Il y en a 13, donc vous avez l embarras du choix si vous avez le temps.

    James Madison, Jr. (March 16, 1751– June 28, 1836) was the fourth President of the United States. He is widely regarded as the “Father of the Constitution”[1] and the author of the United States Bill of Rights.[2] He has been called the chief architect of the most important political experiment in human history.

    Madison wrote over a third of the Federalist Papers, which was a series of 85 newspaper articles, which were published throughout the 13 states, and explained to the public how the proposed Constitution would work. Thomas Jefferson referred to the Federalist Papers as “the best commentary on the principles of government, which ever was written”.[13] They are still the primary source today for jurists and legal scholars interested in the original understanding of the Constitution.[14]

    Madison's most distinctive belief as a political theorist was the principle of divided power.[20][21] Madison believed that "parchment barriers" were not sufficient to protect the rights of citizens. Power must be divided, both between federal and state governments (federalism), and within the federal government (checks and balances) to protect individual rights from the tyranny of the majority.

    Religious freedom:

    As a young man, Madison witnessed the persecution of Baptist )Aujourd'hui en Algerie, on peut parler des Chretiens) preachers arrested for preaching without a license (comme a Bejaia recemment) from the established Anglican Church (en Algerie aujourd'hui: Le ministere du culte Musulman) . He worked with the preacher Elijah Craig on constitutional guarantees for religious liberty in Virginia.[30] Working on such cases helped form his ideas about religious freedom. Madison served in the Virginia state legislature (1776–79) and became known as a protégé of Thomas Jefferson. He attained prominence in Virginia politics, helping to draft the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom. It disestablished the Church of England and disclaimed any power of state compulsion in religious matters. He excluded Patrick Henry's plan to compel citizens to pay for a congregation of their own choice.

    Natural Rights:
    In the Constitution, the assumption is that the people already have those rights. Madison and the other Founders referred to them as natural rights and felt that we have them just because we are born, not because a king decided to grant them to us
    “We the People” would found the government and specify exactly what powers it would have, not the other way around. This was upside down from what had been the norm in world history (Ni Roi ni Sidi Zekri, ni Bouteflika, ni General Touati!)
    lisez la suite sur le lien que j ai affiche' plus haut.

    Bonne fete du 4 Jullet et bonne fete du 5 Juillet malgre tout le marasme qui nous entoure chez nous.

    Lu-legh-d d'aq-vayli, d-ragh d'aq-vayli, a-d'em-tegh d'aq-vayli.