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31 morts aujourdhui a lattakié, le genocide continue en syrie

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  • 31 morts aujourdhui a lattakié, le genocide continue en syrie

    Les genocideurs a damas avec l'appui des iraniens sont en train de detruire les villes syriennes une par une: hama, lattakié, deir el zoor, deraa, idlib, boukamal tous sont en train detre bobmardé par la soi disante armée syriene et les milices paramilitaire

    Syrian tanks shell Latakia, 31 killed in assault

    AMMAN (Reuters) - Syrian forces shelled residential districts in Latakia on Monday, residents said, the third day of an assault on Sunni neighborhoods of the ancient port city which had seen mounting protests against President Bashar al-Assad's autocratic rule.
    Assad, from Syria's minority Alawite sect, has broadened a military assault to try to crush a five-month street uprising demanding his removal since the start of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan on August 1, when daily protests against 41 years of the Assad family rule gathered momentum.
    Latakia is the latest city to be stormed after Hama, scene of a 1982 massacre by the military, the eastern city of Deir al-Zor, capital of a tribal province bordering Iraq's Sunni heartland, and several towns in the northwestern Idlib province, which borders Turkey.
    In a pattern seen in other population centers across Syria attacked by core military forces loyal to Assad, tanks and armored vehicles deployed around dissident neighborhoods and essential services were cut before raids and arrests, and bombardment, residents said.
    "Shelling has renewed on al-Raml al-Filistini (Palestinian Sand, a neighbourhood with Palestinian refugees) and al-Shaab districts. There is heavy machinegun firing on Sulaibeh, al-Ashrafieh, al-Quneines and al-Ouneineh and the citadel neighborhoods," one resident, a business owner who did not want to be further identified, said by telephone.
    "People are trying to flee but they cannot leave Latakia because it is besieged. The best they can do is to move from one area to another within the city," another witness told Reuters.
    The Syrian Revolution Coordinating Union, a grassroots activists' group, said three people, among them a 22-year-old man, Ahmad Soufi, were killed by Assad forces on Monday, bringing the total killed in the three-day sea and land assault on Latakia to at least 31 civilians, including a two-year-old girl.
    Tanks and navy ships shelled southern parts of Latakia on Sunday, residents and rights groups said. Around 20,000 people have been rallying daily to demand Assad's removal in different areas of the city after Ramadan evening prayers, said one witness, a university student.
    The official state news agency denied Latakia was shelled from the sea and said two police and four unidentified armed men were killed when "order preservation forces pursued armed men who were terrorising residents ... and using machineguns and explosives from rooftops and from behind barricades."
    Unlike most other Syrian cities, which are predominantly Sunni, Latakia has a large Alawite population because of its proximity to the Alawite Mountains and because Assad and his father have encouraged Alawites to move from their traditional mountain region, offering them cheap land and jobs in the public sector and security apparatus.
    Latakia port figures highly in the Assad family domination of the economy, with Bashar al-Assad's late uncle Jamil having been in virtual control of the facility, and a new generation of family members and their friends taking over.
    Rights campaigners said Assad forces also assaulted villages in the Houla Plain north of the city of Homs on Monday, carrying out house-to-house raids and arrests, adding to at least 12,000 who have been detained since the uprising and thousands of people already held as political prisoners before then.
    Assad replaced the governor of the northern province of Aleppo on Monday, the Syrian official news agency said, following the break out of pro-democracy protests in Aleppo city, Syria's main commercial hub and capital of the province,
    "The minority regime is playing with fire. We are coming to a point where the people in the street will rather take any weapon they can put their hand on and fight than be shot at, or arrested and humiliated," one activist said.
    "We are seeing civil war in Syria, but it is one-sided. The hope is for street protests and international pressure to bring down the regime before it kills more Syrians and drives them to take up arms," he added.
    The assaults by Syrian security forces are being met with increasing international condemnation.
    United Nations deputy political affairs chief Oscar Fernandez-Taranco was quoted by diplomats in New York on Wednesday as saying Assad forces had killed nearly 2,000 Syrian civilians since March, 188 since July 31 and 87 on August 8 alone. Syrian authorities blame "terrorist groups" for the violence and say 500 police and army have been killed.
    The 57-member Organization of Islamic Cooperation called on Saturday for an immediate halt to the military campaign against protesters. U.S. President Barack Obama and Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah repeated their calls for the military assaults to stop.
    Obama spoke to British Prime Minister David Cameron and the leaders called for an immediate end to attacks by Assad's forces, the White House said.
    It said Obama and Cameron would "consult on further steps in the days ahead." Washington wants Europe and China to consider sanctions on Syria's oil industry, a key source of hard currency for the government.
    Germany called for more European Union sanctions against Syria on Monday and urged the U.N. Security Council to discuss the government crackdown there again this week.
    Assad comes from Qerdaha, a village in the Alawite Mountains 28 km (17 miles) southeast of Latakia, where his father, the late President Hafez al-Assad, is buried.
    Demonstrations against Assad during the five-month uprising have been biggest in Sunni neighborhoods of Latakia, including Sulaibeh in the center of the city and al-Raml al-Filistini and al-Shaab on the southern shore.
    Troops have been besieging the neighborhoods for months, residents say, with garbage going uncollected and electricity often cut.
    Syrian authorities have expelled most independent media since the beginning of the uprising, making verifying reports from inside the country difficult.
    (Reporting by Khaled Yacoub Oweis, Amman newsroom, editing by Peter Millership)

  • #2
    il faut que l'OTAN intervient pour stopper ces fous


    • #3
      il faut que l'OTAN intervient pour stopper ces fous

      pour celá il faut une résolution onusienne, je ne vois pas qui pourrait la proposer en ces moments difficiles
      بارد وسخون


      • #4
        Les gouvernements Arabes ne disent rien pour le moment , font comme si rien n'était ..... et ils n'attendent que les solutions de l'ONU pour l'Ouvrir .


        • #5
          il faut que l'OTAN intervient pour stopper ces fous

          Sans attendre une résolution de l’ONU ni un éventuel soutien des Arabes (qui ne viendra jamais!!), le peuple syrien doit prendre les armes pour chasser ces rats au pouvoir depuis un demi siècle.
          Dernière modification par sako, 15 août 2011, 20h15.


          • #6
            Sans attendre une résolution de l’ONU ni un éventuel soutien des Arabes (qui ne viendra jamais!!), le peuple syrien doit prendre les armes pour chasser ces rats au pouvoir depuis un demi siècle.

            quand il le fera , tu verra trés vite les petits nifistes du dimanche , les traumatisés de la colonisation venir nous expliquer que ces HArkis servent les dessains , de la feance , des IUSA , d'israel , de l'occident , et que tus ces massacres que l'o voient aujourd'hui n'etait qu'une machination de ce meme occident pour mettre à genou la fiére,résistante et vigoureuse nation syrienne qui est la seule à tenir tete à l'hydre sioniste dans la région .

            vous n'avez pas remarqué que les syriens et les palestiniens qui tombent en syrie ces jours ci ne sont pas des .........CHOUHADAS ????
            " Je me rend souvent dans les Mosquées, Ou l'ombre est propice au sommeil " O.Khayaâm


            • #7
              Franchement ce silence arabe devant ces massacres d'abords en libye et maintenant en syrie ... avant en tunisie et egypte aussi montre combien les régimes arabes doivent être déboulonné ...

              Depuis deja un bon bout de temps il fallait que les pays arabes se rassemblent et condamnent ce qui se passe en syrie et condamner le régime et lui demander d'arrêter le massacre sinon ce bloc de pays arabes vont l'obliger par la force. Les occidentaux condamnent rapidement ce genre de massacre qui se passe chez eux alors que chez nous on est devenus tellement faibles qu'on se mets au silence et quand c'est les occidentaux qui interviennent a la fin on commence a pleurnicher de l'intervention etrangere ...

              Pourquoi il n'y a pas des manifestations monstres dans les pays arabes qui obligent leurs gouvernements a bouger comme c'étais le cas pour le palestine et massacre de Gaza par exemple? ici aussi le peuple syrien se fait massacrer et le nombre de morts et des détenus a dépasser de loin celui de Gaza? pourquoi ce silence?


              • #8
                pourquoi ce silence?
                Bah parce qu'il n'y a pas encore de bombardement de l'onu, a ce moment la tu verras qu'il n'y auras plus de silence et qu'on accusera les manifestants d'etre des harkis.
                c'est malheureusement comme ça que fonctionne le peuple arabe, trop habitué a se faire dire que si le peuple se fait taper dessus c'est qu'il est fautif, comme un enfant
                l'amitié est une chose rare,l'ami veritable est celui qui te demande d'etre toi t'aidera a survivre par l'amour qu'ilte porte

