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Destruction of early Islamic heritage sites

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  • Destruction of early Islamic heritage sites

    je suis tombé sur ce qui est ci dessous, qu'en pensez vous? et est ce que c'est islamique ces destructions? ne représentent il pas un héritage culturel a preserver et non détruire?

    Destroyed sites

    Mosques Cemeteries and tombs Historical religious sites
    • The house of Mawlid where Muhammad is believed to have been born in 570. Originally turned into a cattle market, it now lies under a rundown building which was built 70 years ago as a compromise after Wahhabi clerics called for it to be torn down.[11]
    • The house of Khadija, Muhammad’s first wife. Muslims believe he received some of the first revelations there. It was also where his children Umm Kulthum, Ruqayyah, Zainab, Fatimah and Qasim were born. After it was rediscovered during the Haram extensions in 1989, it was covered over and it was made into a library.
    • House of Muhammed in Medina, where he lived after the migration from Mecca.[10]
    • Dar al Arqam, the first Islamic school where Muhammad taught.[11] It now lies under the extension of the Masjid Al Nabawi of Madinah.
    • Qubbat’ al-Thanaya, the burial site of Muhammed's incisor that was broken in the Battle of Uhud.[6]
    • Mashrubat Umm Ibrahim, built to mark the location of the house where Muhammad’s son, Ibrahim, was born to Mariah.
    • Dome which served as a canopy over the Well of Zamzam.[10]
    • Bayt al-Ahzan of Sayyida Fatima, in Medina.[10]
    • House of Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq, in Medina.[10]
    • Mahhalla complex of Banu Hashim, in Medina.[10]
    • House of Ali where Hasan and Husayn were born.[10]
    Dernière modification par humanbyrace, 04 novembre 2011, 20h41.
    يا ناس حبّوا الناس الله موصّي بالحبْ ما جاع فقير إلا لتخمة غني¡No Pasarán! NO to Fascism Ne olursan ol yine gel

  • #2
    Hi Humanbyrace,
    I am appalled to see what you have posted.
    My understanding is that it's the arabs themselves who have distroyed those religious historic sites.

    Then there a question begging to be asked:

    Since the arabs from the Medina area do not seem to care for the shrines from The Islam era, and more over it appears even the sites pertaining to the Prophet's life were not spared then:
    How can we explain the attitude of the arabs and moslems vis a vis the people who criticize moslems.

    Or is it that the moslem world is not aware or does not care?
    Dernière modification par Avucic, 05 novembre 2011, 02h22. Motif: orthographe
    L'homme parle sans réféchir...Le miroir réfléchit sans parler!


    • #3
      Les ravages du dogmatisme et de l'orthodoxie ultra-conservatrice.
      Ces gens justifient leurs besogne destructive par l'argument fallacieux de la sauvegarde d'un strict monothéismes pur, et la phobie maladive de voir ces endroits se transformer en lieux d’idolâtrie associatrice.
      C'est des foutaises, si c'était le cas, pourquoi ne détruisent-il pas la pierre noire ?!! ou la qâaba même ?!

      Les raisons sont à chercher ailleurs, elles sont plutôt politiques comme tout le reste d'ailleurs.
      Dernière modification par Evidences, 04 novembre 2011, 23h55.

