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The Reason Rally

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  • The Reason Rally

    The Reason Rally

    Une célébration de la raison et des valeurs séculières. Que ceux qui habitent aux states en profitent.

    Qu'est-ce que The Reason Rally ?

    The Reason Rally est un large événement et rassemblement qui aura lieu le 24 Mars 2012 à Washington. Il est parrainé par les grandes organisations séculières du pays. Le but est de rassembler, unifier, dynamiser et encourager les citoyen séculiers du pays à se montrer et parler tout en dissipant les opinions négatives et les clichés portés par la société américaine envers les séculiers, non-croyants, agnostiques ou athées... et tout en passant du bon temps ensemble!

    Il sera le plus grand événement dans l'histoire séculaire du monde. Il y aura de la science, de grands orateurs, de la musique, de la comédie, et beaucoup de plaisir ... et c'est gratuit!

    Why are we doing this?

    Across America, in every city, every town, and every school, secularism is on the rise. Whether people call themselves atheists, agnostics, secular Humanists, or any of the other terms used to describe their god-free lifestyle, secularism is coming out of the closet. According to the 2008 American Religious Identification Survey, the percentage of people with no religious affiliation grew in all fifty states.
    The purpose of this particular rally will be to advance secularism (in the broadest sense of the word) in society.

    Are we just going to use this opportunity to trash religion?

    No. This will be a positive experience, focusing on all non-theists have achieved in the past several years (and beyond) and motivating those in attendance to become more active. While speakers have the right to say what they wish, the event is indeed a celebration of secular values.

    What do you hope to achieve from this Rally?
    We have three main goals:

    -To encourage attendees (and those who can’t make it) to come out of the closet as secular Americans, or supporters of secular equality.

    -To dispel stereotypes – there is no one “True Atheist”. We will have non-theists from all political persuasions, ethnicities, genders, and backgrounds. We will show that there are secular Americans in every American demographic.

    -Legislative equality. Secular Americans can run for office and adequately represent theists, just as theists in office can represent their secular constituents proudly and openly. We deserve a seat at the table just like theists, and we hope this rally can put our values in the radar of American voters.

    Some peakers :

    Lawrence Krauss

    Famous Cosmologist, astrophysicist and author, most recently of the New York Times bestseller A Universe From Nothing: Why There is Something Rather Than Nothing

    Michael Shermer

    Founding Publisher of Skeptic magazine, a monthly columnist for Scientific American, and an Adjunct Professor at Claremont Graduate University and Chapman University. author of The Believing Brain: From Ghosts and Gods to Politics and Conspiracies—How We Construct Beliefs and Reinforce Them as Truths.

    Dr. PZ Myers

    Professor of Biology at the University of Minnesota Morris.

    Dr. Richard Dawkins

    Biologist, Author of The Selfish Gene, The Blind Watchmaker, The God Delusion, The Greatest Show on Earth, and more; Founder of the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science.

    James Randi
    Founder of the James Randi Educational Foundation; Creator of The One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge; Magician (known as “The Amazing Randi”).

    Taslima Nasrin

    Author of more than thirty books, including Lajja (“Shame”); Prolific activist for gender equality, free thought, and human rights.

    Adam Savage
    Co-host of Mythbusters.

    Dan Barker

    Ex-evengelical preacher, Co-President of the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

    Jamila Bey
    Journalist; Former Editor and Producer for National Public Radio.

    Fred Edwords

    National Director of the United Coalition of Reason.

    Ron Lindsay

    Bioethicist; Lawyer; President, Chief Executive Officer, and Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Inquiry.

    Roy Speckhardt
    Executive Director of the American Humanist Association.

    Rep. Pete Stark

    First openly atheistic member of Congress. (video)

    Todd Stiefel
    Founder of the Stiefel Freethought Foundation.
    Dernière modification par Evidences, 17 mars 2012, 18h51.