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la face cachée de l'accord de libre échange jordanie-etats unis

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  • la face cachée de l'accord de libre échange jordanie-etats unis

    après avoir signe son accord de libre échange avec les états unis,le jordanie arrive a exporter chaque année quelque 1 milliard de dollars de textile vers celle ci,en réduisant a l'esclavage des milliers de travailleurs asiatiques,et en les payant 1 cent a l'heure,avec des semaines de 100 heures.

    pour ceux qui ont le temps ici le rapport complet d'une ONG américaine sur les conditions de travail dans le paradis jordanien,et une idée sur le redoutable pragmatisme levantin,et sur le fait que cela profite essentiellement a la chine qui a toujours soutenu et on sait maintenant pourquoi que la conception des droits de l'homme occidentale ne correspendait pas a la maniere asiatique de voir les choses.

    U.S. Jordan Free Trade Agreement Descends Into Human Trafficking & Involuntary Servitude

    Tens of Thousands of Guest Workers Held in Involuntary Servitude

    By Charles Kernaghan, National Labor Committee
    Tens of Thousands of Foreign Guest workers Stripped of their passports, trapped in involuntary servitude, sewing clothing for Wal-Mart, Gloria Vanderbilt, Target, Kohl’s, Thalia Sodi for Kmart, Victoria’s Secret, L.L.Bean and others.

    In the Western factory, which was producing for Wal-Mart, four young women, including a 16-year old girl, were raped by plant managers. Despite being forced to work 109 hours a week, including 20-hour shifts, the workers received no wages for six months. Workers who fell asleep from exhaustion were struck with a ruler to wake them up.

    At the Al Shahaed factory, also producing for Wal-Mart, there were 24, 38 and even 72-hour shifts. The workers were paid an average wage of two cents an hour. Workers were slapped, kicked, punched and hit with sticks and belts.

    In a factory called Al Safa, which was sewing garments for Gloria Vanderbilt, a young woman hung herself after being raped by a manager.

    All across Jordan, tens of thousands of foreign guest workers, mostly from Bangladesh, China, India and Sri Lanka, are routinely forced to work 100-plus hours a week while being cheated of upwards of half the wages legally owed them. Any worker asking for their proper wages can be imprisoned.

    Factory bathrooms lack toilet paper, soap and towels. Dorm conditions are primitive, often lacking running water three or four days a week. Any worker speaking one word of truth about the abusive factory conditions will be attacked and forcibly deported without any of the back wages due them.

    Jordan’s apparel exports to the U.S. are up 2000 percent between 2000 and 2005, reaching $1.1 billion, and these garments enter the U.S. duty-free. (Garments from Jordan go to Europe as well as the U.S.)

  • #2
    Une honte!!!! Vous remarquerez quand méme que chaque fois que les USA soutiennent un pays, ce pays commence à faire des pratiques douteuses...


    • #3
      The total cost of production for a girl’s shirt sewn in Jordan
      is $3.50.
      • Fabric and buttons from China account for
      $2.20, or 63 percent of the garment’s total
      • Israel’s contribution of cutting the fabric and
      supplying accessories is 32 cents, or 9.1 percent
      of the total value.
      • The direct cost of production in Jordan, including
      direct labor and processing costs, comes
      to 42 cents, or just 12 percent of the garment’s
      $3.50 total cost. (Including indirect labor and
      processing costs would add another 26 cents,
      bringing Jordan’s total to 68 cents, or 19.4 percent
      of the garment’s total value. However, only
      direct labor and processing costs can be applied
      to the transformation value necessary to qualify
      for duty free access under the U.S.-Jordan Qualified
      Industrial Zones trade agreement.)

      cest la chine qui profite le plus de cet accord,avec 63 pourcent du montant des exportations qui lui vont,la jordanie recueille la honte et 29 pourcent,quand a israel elle recueille 9 pour cent

      heureusement que des mécanismes de régulation existent et que l'essence même de ces accords donne un droit de regard aux ONG américaines sur les conditions de travail.

      quand je voit ce cout de la main d'oeuvre je me dit qu'il sera difficile pour le maroc par exemple d'être compétitif a moins de miser sur du commerce éthique,mais pour cela une bonne campagne de communication est nécessaire
      Dernière modification par Ismail2005, 19 juin 2006, 20h18.


      • #4
        Ca ne me surprend pas du tout, j'ai toujours considéré la Jordanie comme un etat US hors ameriques, ou tout est dicté....( avis personnel )

