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La technologie smartphone sera bientot supplantee??

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  • La technologie smartphone sera bientot supplantee??

    D'apres l'article Google et Microsoft sont en train d'innover une nouvelle technique utilisant le verre informatise (adapte pour les lunettes)


    The End Of The Smartphone Era Is Coming

    You've heard that Google is working on computerized glasses. They're called Google Glass, and developers can already buy them.
    It turns out Microsoft is working on something similar. It filed some patents on the project and Unwired View dug them up.
    There's a big difference between what Microsoft is working on and Google Glass, though.
    The most recent word out of Google is that Google Glass isn't going to use "augmented reality" – where data and illustrations overlay the actual world around you.
    Google Glass is actually just a tiny screen you have to look up and to the left to see.
    Microsoft's glasses seem to utilize augmented reality. In a patent illustration we've embedded below, you can see that the glasses put data on top of a live action concert and a ballgame.
    Both gadget concepts are very interesting.
    Lots of people disagree with me, including other BI writers, but I think something like Google Glass or whatever Microsoft is working on could end up replacing the smartphone as the dominant way people access the Internet and connect to each other.
    First off: something has to. Disruption is inevitable.
    Secondly: The trend is obvious.
    Computers have been getting smaller and closer to our faces since their very beginning.
    First they were in big rooms, then they sat on desktops, then they sat on our laps, and now they're in our palms. Next they'll be on our faces.
    (Eventually they'll be in our brains.)
    By the way, you can bet that if Microsoft and Google are working on computerized glasses, so is Apple and Jony Ive.
    And that's pretty exciting.
    Here's the patent illustration from Microsoft:

    And here's what Google Glass looks like:

    Business Insider

  • #2
    D'apres l'article Google et Microsoft sont en train d'innover une nouvelle technique utilisant le verre informatise (adapte pour les lunettes)
    La technologie smart devices est confronté à ses propres limites, il n'y plus grand choses à ajouter à une tablette de type IPAD ou GALAXIE TAB.

    - 4G, c'est le max (100 MB), avoir plus de débit ne sert à rien.
    - Nombre de pixel et des couleurs sont au max, l'oeil ne peut plus distinguer une définition supérieur.
    -Miniaturisation (moins de 1 cm d’épaisseur et moins de 500g), c'est des limites matérielles difficilement franchissable d'une manière significative.

    L’étape suivante ne peut-être que la réalité augmenté , Google (depuis 18 mois : Google Glasses) et Microsoft (dernièrement) travaillent très activement.

    La période de 2015-2025 sera la décennie des équipements basés sur les lunettes de réalité augmenté.

    A partir de 2025, l'interface homme machine sera repensée,
    L’intégration sera faite directement avec le cerveau humain, et ce n'est pas de la science fiction, les scientifiques travaillent sur ces aspects très activement.

