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La planète rouge en photo

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  • La planète rouge en photo

    Salut les amis ...

    Avec les derniers rovers Spirit et oportunity et les différents orbiteurs sur mars, une base de donnée immense et spectaculaire sur la planète mars a vue le jours ... Alors pour ceux qui aiment les paysages marsiens, j'ai concocté une petite tournée sur la planète rouge ... avec des vues étonnantes garanties lol.

    Avant la balade, commencons par quelques infos sur la planète :


    La planète Mars est la quatrième planète du système solaire et la troisième plus petite, après Pluton et Mercure. Mars possède deux satellites naturels : Déimos et Phobos.

    La couleur rouge de cet astre lui valut dans l'antiquité le rapprochement avec le dieu grec de la guerre Arès, puis avec son équivalent romain Mars, le rouge évoquant le sang des champs de bataille. Les Égyptiens la nommaient « Horus rouge (Hor-desher) » et connaissaient son « déplacement à reculons ». Les Babyloniens la nommaient Nirgal/Nergal, l'étoile de la mort. Actuellement Mars est aussi connue sous le nom de planète rouge. En Chine, Japon, Corée et Viêt Nam, Mars est l'étoile de feu 火星 (huǒxīng en pinyin, かせい ou kasei en japonais, 화성 en coréen)

    Le symbole astronomique de Mars est un cercle avec une flèche pointant vers le nord-est (Unicode 0x2642 ♂). Ce symbole est une représentation stylisée du bouclier et de la lance du dieu Mars. (wiki)

    Caraceristiques de Mars par rapport à la terre :

    Mars et la Terre


  • #2
    Hubble's sharpest view of Mars, taken March 10, 1997

    Shots taken by Hubble Space Telescope giving a three-way perspective

    Mars Express radar collects first surface data

    Beautiful Sunset on Mars


    • #3
      Spirit Reaches Summit of Husband Hill, Sends Back Breathtaking Photos

      'Payson' Panorama by Opportunity

      Ice lake found on the Red Planet


      • #4

        South Polar Cap of Mars

        Le grand Canyon marsien


        • #5
          Spirit Drives To Methuselah

          Postcard Above Tennessee Valley

          Spirit's Spectacular View From the Summit

          Top of the World


          • #6
            Possible Meteorites in the Martian Hills

            Spirit Examines Light-Toned 'Halley' (False Color)

            View Northward from Spirit's Winter Roost

            View Northward from Spirit's Winter Roost (False Color)


            • #7
              Stack of Layers at 'Payson' in Meridiani Planum

              Cobbles in Troughs Between Meridiani Ripples (False Color)

              Spirit Beholds Bumpy Boulder

              Rolling Ripple


              • #8
                Before the Grind

                The Edge of Bonneville Crater

                Evidence of Ancient Martian Rivers

                Unusual Gullies and Channels on Mars.


                • #9
                  Low Sun from 'Low Ridge'

                  Opportunity: Me and My Shadow

                  Spirit's 'Wishstone'

                  Mars Under the Microscope


                  • #10
                    'Berries' on the Ground

                    Opportunity Approaches the Bowl of Beagle Crater

                    This pair of images shows a dune as it appeared on July 17, 2002, (left) and as it appeared on April 27, 2005, (right).


                    • #11

                      Opportunity Rolls Free Again (Four Wheels)

                      Un phantom sur mars, non je plaisante lol ... une micro tornade.


                      • #12
                        Misceleanus et bizard

                        Inca City as seen by Mariner 9. Inca City is possibly a network of crevasse fillings, ridges of sediment deposited in fissures in dead glacial ice.

                        The so-called "face" on Mars, located in the Cydonia Mensae region, possibly a a subglacial volcano

                        This picture of sand dunes in Wirtz Crater was obtained by the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) in early October 2002

                        This Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) high resolution image shows a field of dark sand dunes on the floor of Kaiser Crater in southeastern Noachis Terra.


                        • #13
                          This MGS MOC image shows erosional streaks on dunes which means that the dunes are indurated (cemented). Click to enlarge.

                          One of the earliest results of the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)investigation shortly after the spacecraft began to orbit Mars in 1997 was the discovery of layered rock outcrops reaching deep down into the martian crust in the walls of the Valles Marineris

                          Nirgal Vallis is a narrow valley system that stretches approximately 420 kilometers (260 miles) across the martian surface near 28°S latitude, north of the large basin, Argyre

                          One of the key elements of the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) Extended Mission is to look for and monitor changes taking place on the planet over the course of a second---and, eventually, a third---martian year


                          • #14
                            Each spring as the sun comes up over the polar regions, the seasonal frosts that have accumulated there during winter begin to sublime away. Dunes are among the first features to show spots and streaks resulting from the defrosting process.

                            Tremendous floods carved these tear drop-shaped landforms in Athabasca Vallis in the Cerberus region, south of the Elysium volcanoes

                            A 50-cm contour map of part of Mars' south polar ice cap. The region shownis roughly a kilometer on a side

                            The presence of impact craters on these volcanoes, particularly on Uranius Tholus; indicates that theyare quite ancient and are not active today


                            • #15
                              Allez ... jsuis creuvé, j'arrete


