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  • Ce que nous savons pas encore !

    What we still don't know !

    "L'univers est toujours un endroit de mystères et de merveilles" ... Sir Martin Rees, membre de la royal astronomy et professeur de cosmologie et d'astrophysique au collège trinité à l'université de Cambridge nous présente ce documentaire passionant en 3 parties dans lequel il explore les idées jadis percues comme appartenant au domaine science-fiction et de la philosophie.

    What are we made of? Are we alone? Do we exist? Until recently, most scientists have avoided debating these vital, if metaphysical, questions about the very meaning of life. Instead, the debate was left open to self-appointed experts, writers and to Hollywood. Most of us know more about aliens from Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters Of The Third Kind and ET than from science, and our views on the nature of reality owe more to The Matrix than cutting-edge research.

    But Sir Martin Rees has seen a seismic conceptual revolution that is challenging everything we thought we knew about our world. In What We Still Don’t Know he reveals mysteries from the past, present and far future of the cosmos, and takes viewers from the very first moments of universe in the Big Bang, to the mind-blowing possibilities for alien life and multiple universes…and to worlds even weirder than those imagined in any science fiction.

    Across three films Rees - one of the most brilliant, charming and mischievous thinkers of our age - brings to life the latest and most astonishing ideas about the universe and our place in it, communicating the passion that has driven him to the top of his field over the last forty years. The films also feature contributions from leading scientists including astronomer Dr Seth Shostak (SETI Institute), palaeobiologist Prof Simon Conway Morris (Cambridge University), astrobiologist Dr Lynn J. Rothschild (NASA Ames Research Center), cosmologist Prof Max Tegmark (MIT), physicist Prof Steven Weinberg (University of Texas), mathematician Prof John H. Conway (Princeton University), physicist Prof Leonard Susskind (Stanford University) and philosopher Dr Nick Bostrom (Oxford University).

    Part 1: Are We Alone? (48min)
    Sir Martin explores the possibility that life exists on planets beyond our own.
    He unveils an unsettling scientific debate that has startling consequences for
    us Earthlings. Do you believe in aliens? If not, a quick glance through these pages might change your mind!
    Dernière modification par absent, 06 octobre 2006, 17h29.

  • #2
    Part 2: Why Are We Here? (48min)
    Everything you thought you knew about the universe is wrong. It’s made of atoms, right? Wrong. Atoms only account for a measly 15% of everything that exists. The mass of the universe consists of something so mysterious and elusive that it has been dubbed ‘dark matter’.


    • #3
      Part 3: Are We Real? (48min)
      There is a fundamental chasm in our understanding of ourselves, the universe, and everything. To solve this, Sir Martin takes us on a mind-boggling journey through multiple universes to post-biological life. On the way we learn of the disturbing possibility that we could be the product of someone else’s experiment.

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