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John Kerry se félicite des initiatives du Maroc visant la promotion des droits de l'Homme au Sahara Occidental

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  • John Kerry se félicite des initiatives du Maroc visant la promotion des droits de l'Homme au Sahara Occidental

    Le Secrétaire d'Etat américain, John Kerry, s'est félicité, vendredi à Rabat, des actions et des initiatives entreprises par le Royaume du Maroc en faveur de "la protection et la promotion des droits de l'Homme au Sahara".

    "Le Secrétaire d'Etat s'est félicité des actions et des initiatives entreprises récemment par le Maroc en vue de continuer à protéger et à promouvoir les droits de l'Homme dans le territoire (NDLR : Sahara)", indique le communiqué conjoint sanctionnant les travaux de la deuxième session du Dialogue stratégique Maroc-Etats Unis, qui a été co-présidée par le ministre des Affaires étrangères et de la Coopération, Salaheddine Mezouar.

    Le Chef de la diplomatie américaine a particulièrement souligné "le rôle croissant et important" joué dans ce domaine par le Conseil National des Droits de l'Homme (CNDH).

    Par ailleurs, Rabat et Washington ont réaffirmé leur "engagement partagé" en faveur de l'amélioration des conditions de vie des habitants du Sahara.

    Atlas infos

  • #2
    Kerry est passé en Algérie pour donner un coup de pouce au régime durant cette campagne ,et, parler surtout sécurité sans piper un mot sur le Sahara , au Maroc il est venu dire aux marocains que le statu quo est toujours le même et la position US n'a pas changé et le conseil de sécurité va proroger comme d'habitude la minurso ainsi que la sécurité dans le Sahel


    • #3
      posté par haddou

      Kerry est passé en Algérie pour donner un coup de pouce au régime durant cette campagne ,et, parler surtout sécurité sans piper un mot sur le Sahara ,
      Plutôt dire selon la presse marocaine ...

      Pour ton info :
      " Kerry " a été dur envers le royaume dans tous les sujets ..
      A qui sait comprendre , peu de mots suffisent


      • #4
        posté par medit

        Attends que Mme Hillary occupe la maison blanche

        Hein , bravo ! tu attends Mme Hillary ???

        Indirectement , tu confirmes mon propos , puisque ( T avait raté le commentaire sur F24 )

        *" Kerry " a été dur envers le royaume dans tous les sujets ..
        A qui sait comprendre , peu de mots suffisent


        • #5
          Press Releases: Joint Statement of the Second Session of the United States - Kingdom of Morocco Strategic Dialogue

          04/04/2014 10:51 AM EDT

          Joint Statement of the Second Session of the United States - Kingdom of Morocco Strategic Dialogue

          Media Note
          Office of the Spokesperson
          Washington, DC
          April 4, 2014

          At the second session of the United States-Morocco Strategic Dialogue today at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Foreign Minister Dr. Salaheddine Mezouar and Secretary of State John Kerry built on the substantial and ambitious roadmap agreed to by His Majesty the King Mohammed VI and President Obama in Washington in November 2013, pledging to use our strong strategic partnership to advance shared priorities of a stable, democratic, and prosperous Maghreb, Africa, and Middle East.

          Support for Democratic Reforms

          The Secretary reiterated the United States’ appreciation for the action and the leadership of His Majesty the King in deepening democracy and promoting economic progress and human development during the last decade. In this context, the Minister and the Secretary discussed the ongoing implementation of Morocco’s 2011 constitution and how the United States can support the strengthening of Morocco’s democratic institutions, civil society, and a culture of human rights. The Secretary welcomed the Government’s endorsement of a law eliminating military tribunals for civilians, another important step in implementing His Majesty the King’s vision of Morocco that conforms to international norms and best practices with regards to human rights. The Secretary also noted the United States’ Government’s continuing interest in the outcome of Morocco’s National Dialogue on Civil Society and the development of an enabling environment for dialogue between government and citizen. The Secretary commended the Minister for Morocco’s continuing efforts to implement sweeping changes to its asylum and immigration system, with positive implications for legal and illegal migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. The two parties reaffirmed their intent to work together to promote human rights globally at the United Nations Human Rights Council.

          Economic Cooperation

          The Minister and the Secretary discussed the benefits of maintaining an attractive business climate for investment in Morocco. They acknowledged the concrete measures undertaken by Morocco to become eligible to join the Open Government Partnership, the importance of Morocco as a trade and investment platform for North and Sub-Saharan Africa, and United States’ support to improve the quality and relevance of Morocco's basic education. They lauded the signing of a $38 million agreement to provide Moroccan youth with the workforce development tools for a better transition from education to employment. They discussed the recently concluded Second United States-Morocco Business Development Conference, which strengthened business-to-business ties in the service of expanding trade and capitalizing on the United States-Morocco Free Trade Agreement, promoting investment, collaborating on energy issues, and encouraging regional economic integration through the establishment of effective partnerships. Both parties look forward to Morocco’s hosting the 2014 Global Entrepreneurship Summit before the end of this year and the important opportunity that represents to build a culture of entrepreneurship to create employment opportunities for youth across the region. They welcomed the positive preparatory work for a 2nd Millennium Challenge Corporation compact.

          Engagement within Africa

          The Secretary underlined the leadership of His Majesty the King to promote social development and economic prosperity within Africa, reaffirmed our desire to work jointly to ensure stability and human development in Africa through a comprehensive and coordinated approach including food security, access to energy, and trade promotion. In this context, the United States Administration looks forward to Morocco’s active participation in the United States-Africa Leaders Summit in Washington, DC in August.

          Educational and Cultural Cooperation

          The Minister and the Secretary discussed further cooperation to promote mutual understanding and dialogue in Morocco and throughout the region. They commended the work of the Moroccan American Commission for Educational and Cultural Exchange (MACECE), and expressed enthusiasm for the contribution that the J. Christopher Stevens Virtual Exchange Initiative will make. The Secretary noted that he will be swearing in over 100 new Peace Corps volunteers today, in the latest renewal of a historic and fruitful partnership bringing American youth together with Moroccan citizens in the service of socioeconomic development and mutual understanding. The Minister and the Secretary of State confirmed that strong interfaith cooperation, the promotion of values of moderation and tolerance are key for stability and development in the region. They welcomed the dynamism of the inter-university cooperation and research programs in that field. Both parties encouraged the MACECE to widen its activities and expressed enthusiasm for the contribution that the J. Christopher Stevens Virtual Exchange Initiative will make.

          Security Cooperation

          The Minister and the Secretary noted our shared goal of stability and security throughout Africa. They remarked on today’s conclusion of the joint exercise African Lion with the participation of 18 countries, reflecting a vision of strengthened cooperation and capacity to provide security to the people of the region. They discussed efforts to find new avenues for civilian security cooperation, including in criminal justice cooperation and efforts to promote the rule of law. The two parties also discussed a joint proposal that would couple United States’ and Moroccan counterterrorism expertise in such a way that would facilitate Morocco supporting regional security efforts. They noted Rabat’s hosting of the Fifth Global Counterterrorism Forum Coordinating Committee this week as a symbol of that ongoing cooperation.

          The Issue of the Western Sahara

          The Secretary reaffirmed our commitment to a peaceful, sustainable, mutually agreed-upon solution to the Western Sahara question. The United States’ policy toward the Western Sahara has remained consistent for many years. The United States has made clear that Morocco’s autonomy plan is serious, realistic, and credible, and that it represents a potential approach that could satisfy the aspirations of the people in the Western Sahara to run their own affairs in peace and dignity. The United States supports the negotiations carried out by the United Nations, including the work of the UN Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General Ambassador Christopher Ross, and urges the parties to work toward a just, lasting and mutually agreed political solution. The two parties affirmed their shared commitment to the improvement of the lives of the people of the Western Sahara. In this regard, Morocco presented the report on the new economic model prepared by the Economic, Social and Environmental Council. The Secretary welcomed the recent actions and initiatives taken by Morocco to continue to protect and promote human rights in the territory, including the growing and important role of the National Council for Human Rights.

          Middle East Peace

          Secretary Kerry commended the commitment of Morocco to the shared goal of a comprehensive settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He welcomed the contribution of His Majesty the King, including through his chairmanship of the Al-Quds Committee, and the recommendations made by the Committee’s 20th Session held this past January.


          The Minister and the Secretary closed by emphasizing the broad set of values shared by the United States and Morocco, providing the foundation for even wider cooperation in our strategic partnership. They expressed their intent to continuing following up on the joint agenda which grew out of last November’s successful visit of His Majesty the King to Washington. The Secretary thanked the Minister for his invitation to visit Morocco and looks forward to the next session of the Strategic Dialogue in Washington.


          • #6

            les point clés , l essentiel de ses propos ( Kerry )

            Les États- Unis soutiennent les négociations menées par l'Organisation des Nations Unies, y compris le travail de l'Envoyé de l'Ambassadeur Secrétaire général de l'ONU , Christopher Ross personnel , et exhorte les parties à travailler à une solution politique juste, durable et mutuellement acceptable. Les deux parties ont affirmé leur engagement envers l'amélioration de la vie des populations du Sahara occidental.
            A qui sait comprendre , peu de mots suffisent


            • #7
              @ Houari

              The United States’ policy toward the Western Sahara has remained consistent for many years. The United States has made clear that Morocco’s autonomy plan is serious, realistic, and credible, and that it represents a potential approach that could satisfy the aspirations of the people in the Western Sahara to run their own affairs in peace and dignity.


              • #8

                Article douteux ???

                chaque fois le Maroc sort le terme autonomie ??

                ces propos ci dessous tuent tout ce plan que le Maroc veut imposer " Bessif "

                kerry n est pas bete de se mettre en contradiction .
                Carrément il soutient l ONU et Ross peut sortir aussi de la poignée d Obama à Prétoria

                Par Kerry

                Les États- Unis soutiennent les négociations menées par l'Organisation des Nations Unies, y compris le travail de l'Envoyé de l'Ambassadeur Secrétaire général de l'ONU , Christopher Ross , et exhorte les parties à travailler à une solution politique juste, durable et mutuellement acceptable. Les deux parties ont affirmé leur engagement envers l'amélioration de la vie des populations du Sahara occidental.

                continuez à mentir au peuple marocain
                Maidoum Ghir Assah

                Bonne nuit
                A qui sait comprendre , peu de mots suffisent


                • #9
                  ce qu a posté karle n est pas un article c du copié collé a la lettre de la page du gov americaine verifie toi meme
                  ht t p://w ww


                  • #10
                    The Issue of the Western Sahara

                    The Secretary reaffirmed our commitment to a peaceful, sustainable, mutually agreed-upon solution to the Western Sahara question. The United States’ policy toward the Western Sahara has remained consistent for many years. The United States has made clear that Morocco’s autonomy plan is serious, realistic, and credible, and that it represents a potential approach that could satisfy the aspirations of the people in the Western Sahara to run their own affairs in peace and dignity. The United States supports the negotiations carried out by the United Nations, including the work of the UN Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General Ambassador Christopher Ross, and urges the parties to work toward a just, lasting and mutually agreed political solution. The two parties affirmed their shared commitment to the improvement of the lives of the people of the Western Sahara. In this regard, Morocco presented the report on the new economic model prepared by the Economic, Social and Environmental Council. The Secretary welcomed the recent actions and initiatives taken by Morocco to continue to protect and promote human rights in the territory, including the growing and important role of the National Council for Human Rights.
                    un soutient sans ambiguité aux négociations sous l egide de Ross, reconnaissance du peuple sahraoui....

                    je ne vois pas pourquoi s en réjouir????

                    c est plutôt une gifle á mon avis
                    Dernière modification par saaid, 05 avril 2014, 09h00.
                    بارد وسخون


                    • #11
                      la prochaine fois si americain ne viendra pas habillé en costume traditionel americain chapeau botte il ne sera pas reçu entant qu'envoyer des peuple americain mais bien un envoyé de l'onu et de l'otan.


                      • #12
                        et exhorte les parties à travailler à une solution politique juste, durable et mutuellement acceptable.
                        @ houari

                        Ca veut tout dire:

                        Sauf referendum d'autodétermination !!!!!!!


                        • #13
                          ce kery vient envoyé par l'otan et
                          non par les americains il n'a que foutre du sahara.
                          l'otan veut devenir une seule armee mondial pour tomber ensuite entre
                          les mains de satan comme ça été fait dans la periode pharaonique et cette armé sera exploiter pour égorger des enfants juifs. cela ne sera jamis permis une seconde fois une fois ça passe la seconde ça casse. on ne le permetera jamais, du moment que abrahame a eu le grade de Malake il sera résponsable avec sa progeniture politique arabe et juif.
                          il doit un jour les lettre a l'abris sinon ils eront confondus.
                          les ennfants de Noé vont entrer en jeu et le grade obtenu par Noé n'a aucune équivalence. j'éspére que j'avais fait une fausse analyse. que kerry fait attentionet la prochaine il doit etre habillé en tenu americaine chapeau et pistolet en ceinture sinon ilsera pas reçu en algerie

