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OTC derivatives market activity in the second half of 2013

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  • OTC derivatives market activity in the second half of 2013

    OTC derivatives markets continued to expand in the second half of 2013. The notional amount of outstanding contracts totalled $710 trillion at end-2013, up from $693 trillion at end-June 2013 and $633 trillion at end-2012.

    Even as notional amounts rose, the gross market value of outstanding OTC derivatives declined to $19 trillion at end-2013, from $20 trillion at end-June 2013 and $25 trillion at end-2012. The decline was driven by interest rate derivatives and, in particular, by a narrowing between market interest rates on the reporting date and the rates prevailing at the inception of the contracts.

    In credit default swap (CDS) markets, central clearing and netting made further inroads. Contracts with central counterparties accounted for 26% of notional CDS outstanding at end-2013. Bilateral netting agreements reduced the net market value of outstanding CDS contracts, which provide a measure of exposure to counterparty credit risk, to 21% of their gross market value.

    Developments in the latest OTC derivatives statistics, including tables with the latest data, are summarised in the statistical release. Additional data, including time series, are available on the BIS website. Data at end-June 2014 will be released on or before 15 November 2014.

    Source :

    Synthèse de Charles Sannat

    Fin 2013, 710 000 milliards de dollars de produits dérivés !! Mais tout va très bien

    Voici ce que l’on peut lire sur le site de la BRI, la Banque des règlements internationaux, et le chiffre fait frémir.

    Fin 2013, les marchés de produits dérivés de gré à gré ont continué à se développer pour atteindre un montant notionnel de contrats en cours s’élevant à $ 710 000 000 000 000 de dollars… Pour information, le PIB mondial est d’environ 70 000 milliards de dollars, soit 10 fois moins. Les banques et le système financier peuvent donc faire sauter le casino à n’importe quel « toussotement » !

    Mais tout va très bien, continuez à dormir tranquillement et à laisser tous vos sous à la banque.

    Source :
    La pire chose pour l'Homme, serait qu'il meurt idiot.
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