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53 terroristes algeriens combattent au coté de"ansar chariaa" el libye

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  • 53 terroristes algeriens combattent au coté de"ansar chariaa" el libye

    Libyan Colonel Hedjazi to Echorouk: “53 Algerian terrorists fighting alongside Sharia proponents”

    The spokesman of retired Libyan Army General, Khalifa Haftar, has revealed that estimates have shown that 53 Algerian terrorists are fighting alongside Sharia supporters in some parts of troubled Libya.
    Colonel Mohamed Hedjazi told Echorouk that the much-wanted Algerian terrorist chieftain, Mokhtar Belmokhtar, was still at large probably entrenched in the South of Lilya, denying by the same token that the latter had been rounded up by Haftar’s forces as falsely reported by some media outlets last week.
    Colonel Hedjazi added that the offensive launched by General Hafters’s Para-military forces to “cleanse” the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi of radical Islamist groupings was being crowned with success as about 55% of its objectives had been achieved, as he put it.
    He further indicated that the so-called “Dignity retrieval military offensive” launched by General Haftar’s forces was steadily continuing and yielding positive results in various parts of eastern Libya.

    Dernière modification par Daruis80, 21 juin 2014, 12h35.