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What causes us to stay focused on negative?

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  • What causes us to stay focused on negative?

    Why do we become suddenly hyper-focused on the negative rather than the positive in our life...when something negative happens?

    First of all let it be known that: "... negative events have a greater impact on everyone’s brains than positive events do".

    An EXPLANATION......

    1.) "The brain gives more attention to negative experiences over positive ones because negative events pose a chance of DANGER. By default, the brain alerts itself to potential threats in the environment, and... THEN awareness of positive aspects suddenly takes a lot more deliberate effort." (We become hyper-focused on the negative, so we have a hard time seeing, hearing, or feeling positive.)

    2.) It is this naturally occurring "start of negative" & then..."constant negative" feedback loop at play that, if NOT interrupted or countered, can lead to significant psychological distress. " It is this vicious cycle that leads so many people spiraling down rabbit holes of depression and extreme anxiety."

    3.) This is exactly why you have to make the strong effort to "counteract" the negative thoughts & focus when it occurs. You have to make pro-active efforts to DO things that will change your thinking & how you feel, OR, you will continue to get taken over by the negative & get caught in the loop.

    "Negative experiences frequently are unavoidable, but reframing or reinterpreting the feedback loop is possible. Redefining negative situations in more positive or even humorous terms counters the adverse psychological effects that would otherwise be experienced."

    What way can you break a negative feedback loop?

    You CAN help break the negative feedback loop through pro-active thinking & behavior (forced positive thinking/meditation/behavior) such as:

    A.)- actions that help you shifting focus (leaving the area, playing music, going for a walk, movie, friend, ect.)

    B.)- reframing a situation as positive (attempting to find positive "possibilities" that COULD come)


    Humor, Neuroplasticity and the Power To Change Your Mind
    By Nichole Force, M.A.