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Daily Press briefing avec le porte parole du SG de l'ONU.

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  • Daily Press briefing avec le porte parole du SG de l'ONU.

    Daily Press briefing avec le porte parole du SG de l'ONU. Questions suite au meeting entre BKM et Mezouar a l'ONU.

    Question: Yes, thank you. Two questions. One is a follow‑up on Morocco. Did the Secretary‑General expressly walk back his use of the word "occupation" or does he intend to, as opposed to saying it was a misunderstanding? ...

    Spokesman: ... On your first question, the Secretary‑General is not walking back from his use of the word "occupation", which was done as he answered a question in the specific context having to do with the humanitarian situation, what he had just seen in the camps in Tindouf. What he has is… you know, he's expressing his regret that there was a misunderstanding, but he's not walking back from his use of the word. I'm sorry. ...

    Question: I have two questions, Western Sahara and Syria. So, why didn't the SG use the term "occupation" before? Does this mean that he changed his position? He has changed his position on the issue… the conflict in the Western Sahara? And what is the next step with Morocco? I mean, how would the SG work on reviving the political process, and who would take the first step or first initiative to overcome this… this situation with the Moroccan Government

    Spokesman: Well, we very much hope that we can get over this difficult moment with the Moroccan authorities. As I said, contacts are continuing to be had at senior level between the Moroccan Foreign Ministry and people close to the Secretary‑General. You know, again, the Secretary‑General has not changed his position. The Secretary‑General's position on Western Sahara has always been guided by the Security Council resolution. That's what his work has been about, whether it's with MINURSO [United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara] or supporting the work of his personal envoy, Mr. [Christopher] Ross. You know, to give you context in the use of the word, last Saturday… last Saturday? No, two Saturdays ago, the Secretary‑General witnessed a very desperate situation in one of the camps in Tindouf, resulting from decades of life without hope in the harshest conditions. He stressed that the Sahrawi refugees deserve a better future. He referred to occupation as related to the inability of Sahrawi refugees to return home under conditions that include satisfactory governance arrangements, under which they can all freely express their desire. The Secretary‑General reiterated his call for genuine negotiations in good faith and without preconditions. The objective of restarting these negotiations in a more positive spirit is to provide hope that these people will be able to return home. Again, I mean, I think we've seen the word "occupation" used in certain Security Council… certain General Assembly resolutions in the 1980s, but I think we have… I… the context in which he used it is very important. And, again, the Secretary‑General has not changed his position.

    UN org press
    "Les petits esprits parlent des gens, les esprits moyens parlent des événements, les grands esprits parlent des idées, et les esprits supérieurs agissent en silence."

  • #2
    Il patauge dans la semoule ce spokesman...


    • #3
      Il patauge dans la semoule ce spokesman...
      Alors faites une autre marche pour dénoncer les paroles du spokesman.

      Lui aussi désigne le Maroc par l'occupant !!!
      "Les petits esprits parlent des gens, les esprits moyens parlent des événements, les grands esprits parlent des idées, et les esprits supérieurs agissent en silence."


      • #4

        Lui aussi désigne le Maroc par l'occupant !!!
        Non, il essaie peniblement de se justifier en disant qu'il a vu le terme "occupant" dans des résolutions des années 80 ! Ce qui est totalement absurde, il faut le reconnaître puisque, même, si c'était le cas, les résolutions ne sont pas cumulatives et le SG doit s'appuyer sur la résolution en cours ...

        Mais ça, tu l'avais compris et tu fais juste l'idiot, avoue le

