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Coup de tonnerre : mise en accusation probable d’Hillary Clinton concernant les « indélicatesses » de la fondation

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  • Coup de tonnerre : mise en accusation probable d’Hillary Clinton concernant les « indélicatesses » de la fondation

    Réseau International

    Mise en garde : public sensible s’abstenir— vous ne lirez pas ce qui suit dans Le Point ou dans l’Obs.

    Oubliez (pour l’instant) l’enquête du FBI sur le scandale des emails, c’est celui de la corruption au sein de la fondation Clinton qui semble être assez solide pour envoyer Hillary Clinton directement à la case prison, sans passer par la case présidente.

    Hillary Clinton va sans doute être déférée devant la justice. C’est ce que laissent entendre deux sources différentes venant du FBI, citées par Bret Baier.

    source: comite-valmy

    == MODERATION ==
    Topic fermé car l'info est mensongère (intox). Il est recommandé de ne poster que des infos avérées dans le forum et d'éviter de poster des intox reprises de sites propagandistes marchands d'intox.
    The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.” Winston Churchill

  • #2
    Je pense qu'elle sera élue présidente des US MAIS elle sera remplace par Tim Kaine lorsque elle sera en prison.
    Le traité de Fès, nommé traité conclu entre la France et le Maroc le 30 mars 1912, pour l'organisation du protectorat français dans l'Empire chérifien,


    • #3
      C le scénario qui se dessine en effet, et ça augure les pleins pouvoirs a l'état profond ...
      Othmane BENZAGHOU


      • #4
        C'est l'exemple d'un pays non médiéval....!!!


        • #5
          Les américains ont payé trop cher leur inceste sioniste, certains américains commencent a se réveiller...
          Othmane BENZAGHOU


          • #6
            Liars liars, pants on fire...

            Bret Baier retracts claim of 'likely' Clinton indictment
            Dernière modification par mmis_ttaq-vaylit, 05 novembre 2016, 10h17.
            Lu-legh-d d'aq-vayli, d-ragh d'aq-vayli, a-d'em-tegh d'aq-vayli.


            • #7
              Brush a bit on your English...

              Kellyanne Conway: Clinton indictment claims may be inaccurate, but ‘the damage is done’

              Donald Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway admitted to MSNBC’s Brian Williams Thursday night that the Republican presidential candidate’s recent campaign-trail proclamation — that Hillary Clinton faces a “likely indictment” by the FBI — is based on inaccurate reporting. Still, she said, factual or not, “the damage is done to Hillary Clinton.
              The indictment claim stems from a since-retracted Fox News report alleging new developments in the FBI’s long-running probe into interactions between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation. Fox News’ Bret Baier reported Wednesday that “two separate sources with intimate knowledge of the FBI investigations” told him that there is “avalanche” of new evidence “coming in every day” into the more-than-yearlong probe, which is separate from the investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state. According to his sources, Baier said, the investigation “will continue to, likely, an indictment.”
              Other news outlets, including ABC News and CNN, quickly disputed the Fox News report after checking with their own sources, deeming the claim of a likely indictment “inaccurate and without merit” and simply “not true.”
              Still, Trump took to the campaign trail Thursday morning to announce “breaking news” about the FBI’s investigation of the Clinton Foundation, announcing to the delight of many cheering supporters at a rally in Jacksonville, Fla., that “an avalanche of information is coming in” and that “the FBI agents say their investigation is likely to yield an indictment.”
              Meanwhile that same day, Baier walked back that crucial aspect of his report, describing his earlier suggestion of a likely indictment resulting from the FBI probe as an “inartful” representation of the situation.
              “As a lawyer, though,” Williams pressed Conway during their interview, “you would concede ‘indictment’ is not only a term of art, it’s a term of law, and that’s a big difference to use the expression ‘likely indictment’ when all the reporting is to the contrary.”
              “Fine,” the campaign manager conceded, before going on to argue, “It doesn’t change what’s in voters’ minds right now.”
              Asked whether Trump would “amend his stump speech to walk back the same thing,” Conway replied: “Well, the damage is done to Hillary Clinton, that no matter how it’s being termed, the voters are hearing it for what it is, a culture of corruption.”
              Several conservative outlets appeared to share Conway’s attitude about the report. The Washington Post noted the presence of articles referencing Fox’s “bombshell” report and Clinton’s “likely indictment” on the homepages of Breitbart, Hot Air, Infowars and other similar sites as recently as Friday morning.

              Baier, however, contended just the opposite.

              “All the time, but especially in a heated election on a topic this explosive, every word matters, no matter how well sourced,” the Fox News anchor said Friday, apologizing on air.
              “Well, that just wasn’t inartful,” he said, walking back his earlier walk-back. “It was a mistake, and for that I’m sorry. I should have said, ‘They will continue to build their case.’”
              The FBI does not issue indictments, but rather investigates and presents evidence to prosecutors within the Department of Justice, who then make decisions on whether the evidence warrants further action.

              Source: Yahoo News
              Lu-legh-d d'aq-vayli, d-ragh d'aq-vayli, a-d'em-tegh d'aq-vayli.


              • #8
                Fox News says its report of a possible Clinton indictment is wrong, but Trump keeps citing it

                Donald Trump cited an erroneous Fox News report on the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email on Friday as he pressed his case that his Democratic rival is a criminal who belongs in prison.
                At a country club rally on a crisp autumn day in southern New Hampshire, Trump pronounced Clinton guilty of perjury, saying she lied to Congress about her use of a private email server when she was secretary of State.
                “The FBI agents say their investigation is likely to yield an indictment,” Trump told about 1,000 supporters, alluding to a Fox News report that the network retracted Friday morning.
                It was unclear whether Trump was aware that Fox News anchor Bret Baier had just acknowledged that there were no facts to back up his statement Thursday that the federal probe would result in an indictment.
                “No one knows if there would or would not be an indictment,” Baier told Fox News viewers in a rare on-air apology.
                “It was a mistake, and for that I’m sorry,” Baier said.
                Fox News also retracted another element of its reporting that Trump has used to tar Clinton during the week since FBI Director James Comey announced that investigators were examining newly discovered emails to see whether they had any significance in the Clinton probe that was closed in July with no charges.
                Fox News reported incorrectly – and Trump has repeated -- that as many as five foreign intelligence agencies might have hacked Clinton’s private server, despite Comey saying in July that there was no evidence of a breach.
                Baier acknowledged Friday that there were “still no digital fingerprints of a breach.”

                Lu-legh-d d'aq-vayli, d-ragh d'aq-vayli, a-d'em-tegh d'aq-vayli.


                • #9
                  Jean-Patrick Grumberg
                  C'est l'auteur de l'article collé par Solas.

                  @Solas, visiblement vous ne connaissez pas Jean-Patrick Grumberg. Parce que si vous le connaissiez, JAMAIS vous n'aurez collé un article de ce salopard sur ce forum.


                  • #10
                    A la guerre comme a la guerre

                    l asile pour la sorciere

                    bernie contre trump biensur que j aurais ete pour sanders
                    pour une fois depuis roosvelt l amerique tenait un bon candidat les truands de la sorciere ont falsifie les voix pour la faire gagner sans parler des questions des journalistes qu elle conaissait a l avance
                    je lui souhaite un avc sec a cette sorciere
                    The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.” Winston Churchill


                    • #11
                      Jean-Patrick Grumberg, l'auteur de l'article collé par Solas est l'un des rédacteurs du site web Dreuz.

                      Dreuz est un site américain qui se définit lui-même comme chrétien, néo-conservateur et pro-israélien.

                      Jean-Patrick Grumberg vit en Israël. C'est un ultra-sioniste et un islamophobe notoire.

                      Sur la photo ci-dessous, on le voit avec Pamela Geller. Un juive américaine qui a crée le site web ultra anti-Islam et anti-musulmans: Atlas Shrugs

                      Elle est aussi la fondatrice de l'American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI). Des associations américaines ont qualifié l'AFDI d'organisation xénophobe qui fait la promotion de la haine de l'Islam et des musulmans.

                      Que ce salopard de Grumberg fasse la pub pour le pervers Trump, cela n'a rien d'étonnant, ils sont du même bord. Mais coller un article de ce haineux sur ce forum est une honte indescriptible.

