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Comment la FIFA classe les équipes nationales?

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  • Comment la FIFA classe les équipes nationales?

    Voici la formule

    Teams get points for each international match based on four factors, and the final ranking consists of all a team's points over a four-year window. This is the formula:

    Points = M (points for match result) * I (importance of match) * T (strength of opponent) * C (strength of confederation)

    To explain each of those four factors a little further:

    M (points for match result): Teams get 3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw, 0 points for a loss.
    I (importance of match): This multiplier is fixed based on perceived importance of each competition, as follows:
    Friendly game: 1.0
    World Cup qualifier: 2.5
    Confederation's Cup or confederation-level competition (like the Euros): 3.0
    World Cup game: 4.0
    T (strength of opponent): T=200 - (ranking of opponent). So if you play, 2nd-ranked Brazil, T=198. And if you play 66th-ranked Algeria, T=134.
    C (strength of confederation): This multiplier is fixed by the perceived strength of each continent. The mean between the two numbers is used when teams from different continents play each other:
    Europe/South America: 1.0
    North/Central America: 0.88
    Asia/Africa: 0.86
    Oceania: 0.85
    Multiply those four numbers together, and you get your FIFA ranking points for each game. Add up all of a team's points over a four-year window (with more recent games weighted more heavily), and you get its total FIFA ranking points.

    The ranking takes the last four years of games into account, as follows:

    Four years ago: 20% weight
    Three years ago: 30% weight
    Two years ago: 50% weight
    Current year: 100% weight

    So that's the entire formula.

    Source : Internet
    Dernière modification par Someday, 24 juin 2018, 14h59.
    “Time takes it all, whether you want it to or not.” —Stephen King