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Le Venezuela abandonne le dollar américain

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  • Le Venezuela abandonne le dollar américain

    Venezuela is abandoning the US dollar, with all future transactions on the Venezuelan exchange market to be made in euro, Tareck El Aissami, the country's Vice President for Economy, announced. Venezuela’s floating exchange rate system, Dicom, “will be operating in euro, yuan or any other convertible currency and will allow the foreign exchange market to use any other convertible currency," El Aissami said.

    The vice president added that all private banks in Venezuela are obliged to participate in the Dicom bidding system. The government is going to sell 2 billion euros between November and December to allow the public to purchase the European currency “at a real, non-speculative rate,” he said.


  • #2
    le probleme est que ceux qui impriment les euros et yuan sont des pays qui sont connus pour avoir d'enorme surplus de leur balance courante. donc difficile de se constituer des reserves de ces monnaies à cause de leur rareté


    • #3
      les Etats unis sont le premier client economique du venezuela .
      ارحم من في الارض يرحمك من في السماء
      On se fatigue de voir la bêtise triompher sans combat.(Albert Camus)

