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États-Unis / Meurtre de George Floyd par la police : Communiqué de la Fédération mondiale de la jeunesse démocratique

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  • États-Unis / Meurtre de George Floyd par la police : Communiqué de la Fédération mondiale de la jeunesse démocratique

    29 Mai 2020

    États-Unis / Meurtre de George Floyd par la police

    Communiqué de la Fédération mondiale de la jeunesse démocratique (World Federation of Democratic Youth WFDY)

    ➡️ Suite au meurtre brutal de George Floyd, victime de la répression policière, les manifestations antiracistes sont allées en se renforçant aux Etats-Unis. Nous dénonçons cet assassinat, nouvel exemple de la montée du racisme et des agressions et discriminations raciales.

    ➡️ Le racisme est un outil des classes dominantes et de l'impérialisme pour assurer leur domination, pour s'enrichir en versant des salaires plus bas et en établissant des niveaux d'exploitation plus élevés, et pour tenter de diffuser des discours racistes dans le but de diviser les travailleurs.

    ➡️ En 1974, la Fédération mondiale de la jeunesse démocratique avait rejoint une campagne et promu des actions dans le cadre de la récemment proclamée Journée internationale de solidarité avec la jeunesse qui lutte contre le racisme aux Etats-Unis (4 avril). Les mots de la déclaration de la FMJD en 1974 sont toujours d'actualité : "Nous appelons la jeunesse du monde à lutter contre le gouvernement des Etats-Unis et les entreprises monopolistes qui s'attaquent aux personnes noires et autres peuples opprimés, en particulier à leur jeunesse, en tant que politique raciste qui demande une action mondiale".

    ➡️ Aujourd'hui, tout le temps, nous devons lutter contre la discrimination sociale en nous battant pour un monde qui permette aux personnes de créer, vivre et progresser. La Fédération mondiale de la jeunesse démocratique jouera un rôle indispensable dans la lute contre l'impérialisme et toutes ses expressions qui exploitent et oppriment la jeunesse mondiale, tel que le racisme.

    Finissons-en avec le racisme !

  • #2
    Racisme, violences, meurtres, chômage,
    soins de santé payants, pour ceux n'ayant pas d'argent pour payer c'est la
    mort !!!
    C'est ça le capitalisme : Liberté pour les riches, démocratie pour les dirigeants d'entreprises monopolistes et leurs employés les partis politiques.


    • #3
      Amnesty international ne pipe mot
      comme a son habitude
      Droite des Valeurs
      Gauche du Travail
      Centre "Intérêt de Mon Pays"


      • #4
        ni RSF sur le journaliste
        Droite des Valeurs
        Gauche du Travail
        Centre "Intérêt de Mon Pays"


        • #5
          ni hrw sur la violence policière systématique envers les afro-americains, et latino-américains
          Droite des Valeurs
          Gauche du Travail
          Centre "Intérêt de Mon Pays"


          • #6
            Amnesty international ne pipe mot
            comme a son habitude
            Demand justice for George Floyd

            “Please, I can’t breathe,” were the words George Floyd uttered while a police officer kneeled directly on his neck, refusing to move for seven minutes. “I’m about to die!” George said, his wrists handcuffed behind his back.
            When the police officer finally removed his knee from George’s neck, George’s body was unresponsive. He was taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead.

            George Floyd was an unarmed Black man. Earlier, a grocery clerk had called the police thinking George had tried to use a forged currency in the store, but that phone call proved to be fatal when the police arrived. If the police hadn’t used force unlawfully, George would still be alive today.

            George’s death comes in the wake of a series of acts of racist violence against Black Americans that illustrates astounding levels of violence and discrimination in the USA. This includes the killing of a Black man who was out jogging, Ahmaud Arbery; the killing of Breonna Taylor, a Black woman who was sleeping in her apartment when the police opened fire on her, and so many more. The police commit human rights violations at a shockingly frequent rate, particularly against racial and ethnic minorities, and especially Black Americans. In 2019 alone, the police were involved in the deaths of over 1,000 people in the USA.

            The officers involved in George’s death have been fired from their jobs, but this cannot be considered justice. George’s family and community are calling for all those responsible to be held accountable and for guarantees that this will not happen again. People in the USA are protesting in the streets and demanding answers to George’s death, but they are being met with repression by the police instead.

            Take action now and call on USA authorities to make sure that all those responsible in the death of George Floyd are held accountable.

            Join George’s friends, family, and community to demand #JusticeforFloyd!

            Amnesty International


            • #7
              ni RSF sur le journaliste
              US - After arrest of CNN crew covering Minnesota protests, RSF calls on US police departments to revisit press protections

              Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is appalled by the arrest of a CNN crew on the morning of May 29 during protests in Minneapolis. This is in violation of the First Amendment rights of these journalists, and authorities must ensure such unconstitutional actions are not repeated.

              Multiple members of a CNN crew, including correspondent Omar Jimenez, were arrested by Minnesota state police on May 29 while covering protests over the death of an unarmed black man, George Floyd, in police custody on May 25. Jimenez, cameraman Leonel Mendez and producer Bill Kirkos were detained just after 5 a.m. local time reporting live near a scene where a local police precinct had been set on fire. The crew was clearly identified as reporters, with Jimenez's CNN badge visible as he was reporting. Police told the crew they were being arrested because they had not moved when asked, according to a member of the CNN crew. However, live footage shows the crew telling the officers, “Wherever you want us [we'll] get out of your way." The crew was released an hour later, and the Minnesota governor has since apologized to CNN President Jeff Zucker.

              "The arrest of journalists on American soil is a shocking sight, and one that has become alarmingly common amid protests in the United States, a nation with some of the strongest press protections in the world,” said Dokhi Fassihian, Executive Director of RSF USA. “Reporting on protests is not a crime; it is in the public's interest. While RSF is glad to see the crew was swiftly released and the governor apologized, this should never happen again. The Minnesota police and all police departments throughout the United States should revisit their policies and trainings regarding the rights of the press to ensure the First Amendment is being respected."

              Reporters Without Borders-Reporters sans frontières


              • #8
                mea culpa j'avait pas lut leurs communiqués
                Droite des Valeurs
                Gauche du Travail
                Centre "Intérêt de Mon Pays"

