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SO : Le Conseil de sécurité publie les propositions de l UA

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  • SO : Le Conseil de sécurité publie les propositions de l UA

    Conseil de sécurité souligne l'inquiétude de l'Union africaine quant à la situation dans la région d'El-Guerguerat, à l'extrême sud sur Sahara occidental, à nouveau en proie à la guerre suite à l'agression militaire marocaine et à la violation de l'accord de cessez-le-feu en vigueur depuis 1991.

    Le document évoque également la contribution attendue de l'UA en appui aux efforts de l'ONU, à travers l'organisation par le Conseil de paix et de sécurité (CPS) de l'UA d'un dialogue avec les deux parties, RASD et Maroc, tous deux membres de l'organisation panafricaine, pour "réunir les conditions d'un nouveau cessez-le-feu et parvenir à une solution juste et durable au conflit qui permette l'autodétermination du peuple sahraoui, conformément aux décisions et résolutions pertinentes de l'Union africaine et de l'ONU et des objectifs et principes de l'Acte constitutif de l'UA", selon des sources médiatiques sahraouies.

    Le sommet de l'Union africaine, prévu la première semaine de février, se penchera sur la situation au Sahara occidental à la lumière du rapport du CPS africain sur ses consultations et ses propositions pour le règlement de la question.


  • #2
    L'UA n'a jamais résolu quoi que ce soit. Ces initiatives sont tout simplement une perte du temps. Les USA ont dit: Game Over.


    • #3
      décisions et résolutions pertinentes de l'Union africaine et de l'ONU et des objectifs et principes de l'Acte constitutif de l'UA", selon des sources médiatiques sahraouies.
      Accepter en son sein une population qui n'a ni territoire, ni drapeau, timbre, ni monnaie et ...... RIEN qui puisse faire d'elle un pays ou état qui répond aux conditions prédéfinies par le droit international et surtout avoir un C.P.S. avec une tête de Turc
      De quels objectifs et principes de l'Acte constitutif de l'UA"vous parlez ..... ??????


      • #4
        Si c'étiat aujourd'hui, y aurait pas possibilité de crée un Etat fantôme

        Algerie et l'argent de Keddafi avec une petite faille dans l'OUA et l'implication de Kodjo président en exercice de l'OUA, qui a fait sortir le bébé.

        Maintenant on revient à la case de départ
        La haine aveugle


        • #5
          Ça sent le déclic sous le siège des séparatistes a l'UA.
          Le Maroc est entrain d'activer le mécanisme qui éjectéra l'enfant SDF conçu illégalement et que Alger a tenté de faire reconnaître.
          Elle sent le danger s'approcher ,et tente, désespérément,de le faire s'éloigner,

          Et bain petite on t'avait prévenu qu'il fallait pas croire le chaperon rouge.


          • #6
            Envoyé par neiregla
            L'UA n'a jamais résolu quoi que ce soit. Ces initiatives sont tout simplement une perte du temps. Les USA ont dit: Game Over.
            Sahara reconnu par un menteur et psychopathe,...

            Deja en 2016 les USA ont dit:

            With that in mind, please find below 460 descriptions of Trump from a variety of sources. This bigly list of descriptions is so yuge that it covers all angles: some are funny, others are rude, insulting, surreal, bizarre, disgusting, nonsensical, political, emotional, vitriolic, and many are provocative. One thing they all have in common is they are all oh so true. A lot of people are saying that.

            I have avoided one word descriptions, many of which can be found at Describe Donald Trump In One Word. If you are into that sort of thing then further word analysis is presented in the Atlantic, listing common words frequently used when covering Trump, and the rather awesome Devil’s Glossary, both well worth a look.

            And before I tell you to enjoy, no I have not read all of those 282 Twitter comments. Anyways, a lot of time and effort has gone into comprising this list, so I do hope you enjoy!

            PS If there are descriptions you know of that are not on the list, then please feel free to send me your suggestions. Thanks in advance.

            A 70-year-old man who cannot change and has no intention of doing so. – David Smith

            A bag of flour. – from

            A bag of toxic sludge. – from

            A bargain bin full of yellowing Jean-Claude Van Damme movies. – from

            A batshit crazy bigoted racist jingoist asshole. – Mr Fish

            A bewildered, golden-helmeted astronaut who’s just landed on this planet from a distant galaxy. – Anna Merlan

            A big silver back gorilla. – Nigel Farage

            A bigoted, sexist, divisive, vainglorious fan of political violence. – Ron Fournier

            A bird-brained, predatory beast. – from

            A blackening scab artfully hiding in your Raisin Bran. – from

            A bloated billionaire scion. – Matt Taibbi

            A blowhard with a 7th-grade vocabulary who became a celebrity billionaire with a supermodel wife. – Seth Meyers

            A brain-damaged baboon. – Samantha Bee

            A bright orange man in a bright red hat. – Seth Meyers

            A brightly burning trash fire. – from

            A burlap sack full of rancid Peeps. – from

            A bursting landfill of municipal solid waste. – from

            A candied yam riddled with moldy spider carcasses. – from

            A carnivorous plant watered with irradiated bat urine. – Anna Merlan

            A cartoon representation of Irritable Bowel Syndrome in a pharmaceutical ad. – Anna Merlan

            A Cheeto-dusted bloviator. – from

            A chewed up piece of carrot cake. – Trevor Noah

            A child king. – Steve Almond

            A clownish peddler of racial and religious stereotypes who makes everything up as he goes along. – E J Dionne Jr

            A con man. – Bruce Springsteen

            A cruel, crude, vulgar bombast. – Jeremy Paxman

            A cry baby jack-o’-lantern. – from

            A cryogenically frozen bog man. – from

            A damaged human being…a person to be shunned. – David Letterman

            A damaged sociopathic narcissist. – John Oliver

            A dangerous demagogue completely unsuited to the responsibilities of a United States president. – Bruce Kovner

            A Day-Glo roadside billboard about jock itch. – Anna Merlan

            A decomposing ear of corn. – from

            A decomposing pumpkin pie inhabited by vicious albino squirrels. – from

            A deeply stupid person: a crude, nasty, bloviating man. – from

            A deflated football. – from

            A degloved zoo penis. – from

            A demagogue who intentionally seeks to exploit the “poorly educated” by appealing to them with simplistic messages that in truth carry no substance. – Cody Cain

            A demagogue who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator. – Prof Stephen Hawking

            A demented orange murder clown. – The Daily Mash

            A demonic messiah in Oompa Loompa’s clothing. – Keith Olbermann

            A deranged sex case. – Frankie Boyle

            A dick waving Berlusconi knock-off. – Samantha Bee

            A disappointment. – from

            A disgraced Pope impersonator. – from

            A disgusting, reprehensible egomaniac who sees only himself and denies the humanity of others. – from The Onion

            A dishrag that on closer inspection is alive with maggots. – from

            A Disney villain. – Linda Tirado

            A disturbingly old Dennis the Menace impersonator. – Anna Merlan

            A dumb person’s idea of what a smart person sounds like. – Christian Lorentzen

            A dumpster fire. – Samantha Bee

            A dusty barrel of fermented peepee. – from

            A failed gambling czar, corporate welfare king, and supreme hypocrite to his own accusations about others. – Ralph Nader

            A fake clown who is making a mockery of the real clowns who have been running American government for years. – Rich Hall

            A fake-bake-ing chicken hawk whose knowledge of the Middle East could be trumped (sorry) by your average Georgetown sophomore. – Andy Kroll

            A false prophet who will guide the great nation of the United States to the bottom of the ocean, all the way through the shores of ignorance, racism, hunger and despair. – Vicente Fox

            A fart telling an endless joke about itself. – from

            A fart-infused lump of raw meat. – from

            A fascist golem made of flypaper. – from

            A fascist…a self-serving, arrogant, stupid lunatic…a very clear reality to the old adage: Arrogance is ignorance matured. – Martin Sheen

            A figurative rubber, and also literal rubber. – from

            A flatulent leather couch. – from

            A flopped-over traffic cone. – from

            A football hooligan going lower and lower. – Annalisa Piras

            A fossilized meatball. – from

            A foul mouthed thrice married pussy grabber. – Bill Maher

            A foul-mouthed tit judge. – Samantha Bee

            A fucking fat faced maniac. – Lee Camp

            A fucking wigged prick. – Adam Hills

            A full of himself spoiled rich brat…a crude obnoxious megalomaniacal mutt…an embarrassment to the country…he needs to get on his horse & giddyap back to his gilded bird cage in Dump Tower. – Victoria Gotti

            A full-grown Monopoly dog carefully balancing a spongecake atop his head. – Anna Merlan

            A fuzzy meat wad. – from

            A gangrenous gaping wound. – from

            A garbage fire. – from Funny Or Die

            A general disaster area. – Adam Hills

            A giant novelty dildo. – Trevor Noah

            A giant orange Twitter egg. – J K Rowling

            A glistening, shouting gristle mass with a history of saying terrible and stupid things. – from

            A golden goose so loved by God he was transformed into a human man, only the Lord got tired midway through and paused for rest, never to resume. – Anna Merlan

            A hair plug swollen with rancid egg whites. – Anna Merlan

            A hair that you pluck, causing a cluster of hairs to sprout in its place. – from


            • #7
              Par défaut SO : Le Conseil de sécurité publie les propositions de l UA
              Le conseil de securite publiera meme le Kama Sutra dans son rapport si le polisario le lui donne comme reponse.
              "Tout ce qui te dérange chez les autres, c'est seulement une projection de ce que tu n'as pas résolu en toi-même" - Bouddha

