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Le bilan économique de l'AKP a couper le souffle

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  • Le bilan économique de l'AKP a couper le souffle

    Lors de mes parcours sur les forums turques,j'ai trouvé cette article sur le developpement economique de la turquie depuis que l'AKP (parti musluman modéré,voire trés modéré )a pris le pouvoir en 2002.
    C'est etonnant ce qu'ils ont pu faire en si peu de temps,pas étonnant que malgré les manifestations récentes,un sondage de la BBC donne l'AKP vainqueur de 41% des voix au 1er tour.


    What do the demonstrators oppose?

    You previously read in this column just what the people who gathered in Ankara’s Tandoğan, İstanbul’s Çağlayan and İzmir’s Gündoğan squares defend and oppose. So can all the views articulated and all the slogans shouted at the demonstrations built upon a radical opposition against the AK Party government be viewed as right and justifiable? Of course, they can not. Here’s why.

    The synergy generated by the AK Party government and the stability brought along with the advantage of being a single-party government have generated a constant growth, never before seen in the history of the Turkish Republic, and the fruits of this growth have, despite claims to the opposite, been diffused into all the social layers. It can, however, be argued that the growth has not altogether been spread over the strata, but purporting that the people in the street have not benefited at all from the growth is not justifiable by any means. Looking at only a few of the positive changes in the socio-economic status of the Turkish people during the term of the AK Party government, which we cannot claim has made no mistakes, would be enough to reveal this injustice. Here is a small list which I think has contributed significantly to the daily lives of ordinary people.

    During the four-and-a-half-year term of the AK Party government, the salary of the lowest-level BAĞ-KUR (Social Security for the Self-Employed) pensioner was raised to YTL 400 from YTL 150, the disability pension to YTL 200 from 50 YTL and the salary of a head of a neighborhood (muhtar) to YTL 240 from YTL 120. The value-added tax on medications was lowered to 8 percent from 18 percent, and the tax on staples was reduced to 1 percent from 8 percent. Are these enough? No; but they are very positive developments.

    The Ministry of Education has for the first time been granted the biggest financial allocation in the history of the Turkish Republic during the term of the AK Party government. Four thousand schools were built in four years, and public schools have been provided with 400,000 computers that have Internet access. Some 210,000 new teachers have been employed, and all the textbooks used in primary and secondary education have been distributed to students free of charge for the last three years. The distribution of free textbooks also began last year in high schools. In addition, the huge figure of YTL 470,000,000 was allocated for scientific research, and the monthly scholarship for university students was raised to YTL 130 from YTL 45.

    Before the AK Party’s term only a few historical works were restored, whereas in the last four- and-a-half years, 1,220 historical sites and works have been given new life.

    All hospitals have been united under a single institutional body; the separation among the various social security institutions such as SSK (Social Security Authority), BAĞKUR and Emekli Sandığı (Retirement Fund) has been eradicated, and everyone is now able to buy their own medications from any pharmacy. The price of these medications have gone down considerably, the 112 ambulance service has become free of charge and green card holders have all been taken under the protection of the state.

    While only 3,859 kilometers of divided road was built in the 84-year history of the republic, the AK Party government has constructed 6,341 kilometers of divided road in only four years. Just the same, while 43,000 cooperative apartment houses were built in 84 years, the AK Party has built 200,000 cooperative apartment houses in four years.

    There are no villages left without water or roads with the Köydes Project, and the construction of the Marmaray Tube Rail Tunnel has been successfully started. One hundred and three intersections and overpasses have been built in İstanbul, the Black Sea coastal road has been finished, and 12 tunnels have been dug in the Black Sea region. Also, the price of plane tickets has been decreased to that of bus tickets.

    YTL 12 billion has been paid for the compulsory savings plan, which went unfunded for years, and YTL 4 billion in the form of coal, education and medication has been allocated to aid underprivileged citizens.

    Some 6,300 tractors were sold in 2002, and this figure increased to 39,571 in 2006. While there is no bank that has gone bankrupt in the last four years, $12 billion has been collected from previously sunken banks. In addition, while there has been no rise in electricity prices in the last four years, a great number of new factories have been opened in Anatolia with the inclusion of 49 cities in the financial incentive programs in investment.

  • #2

    Il y'a bien plus que le simple fait economique dans la vie politique d'un pays ; il faut aussi compter l'ideologie et les divers rapports de force tant au sein du regime qu'au sein de la societe.
    "L'armée ne doit être que le bras de la nation, jamais sa tête" [Pio Baroja, L'apprenti conspirateur, 1913]


    • #3
      je ne crois pas,quand l'economie(surtout une économie qui se base sur le travail) va bien cela veut dire qu'il n'y a pas de tensions sociales(ou du moins pas beaucoup) et que la majorité du peuple est plutot satisfaite.


      • #4

        Justement, il n'ya pas que le peuple dans ce genre d'affaire. Il faut aussi composer avec d'autres elements, les militaires, les centres d'interets, les groupes de pression de tout genre ...

        Le cas turque l'illustre bien non ? Car normalement, si ;'on se teint a ta vision des choses tout devrait aller pour le mieux vu ce que AKP a pu realiser sur le plan economique, Or il n'en est rien vu la crise politique aigue que vit le pays et les manifs recentes.

        Je dirais que dans ce cas la reussite economique est l'un des moteurs premier de la crise actuelle ! C'est paradoxal, mais c'est comme ca.
        "L'armée ne doit être que le bras de la nation, jamais sa tête" [Pio Baroja, L'apprenti conspirateur, 1913]

