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votre type d'homme ideal

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  • votre type d'homme ideal

    Interessant comme article: avantages et inconvenients d'etre avec un docteur, pilote, CEO, banquier, prisonnier, acteur, ecrivain .... quel est votre type d'homme ideal ??

    ---- bonne lecture ----

    Deam Dates That Really Aren't

    Recently, some friends were discussing their "dream dates." For the ladies in our group, the ideal man was apparently a doctor or a lawyer.

    Recently, some friends were discussing their "dream dates." For the ladies in our group, the ideal man was apparently a doctor or a lawyer. For the guys, supermodels were the winners, hands-down.

    At first I thought my group of pals might just be particularly shallow on this issue, but after a quick check in the best-seller Freakonomics, I realized that the majority of the population has the same ideas about dream dates. Men are apparently looking for students, artists, musicians, veterinarians and celebrities while women apparently are looking for financial executives, lawyers, doctors and men in uniform.
    Personally, I know a number of men and women who drool over writers, rock stars, and royalty. And one person who has a thing for prisoners.

    That said, while many of these dream dates are fantasy-worthy, they do come with a dark side as well. Allow me to rain on your date parade.

    The Stockbroker

    The Upside: A smart, big city guy or girl with the power to BUY NOW! And SELL NOW!! can seem pretty appealing, not to mention that the ones who are good at their jobs tend to make a pretty nice living as well.

    The Downside: Brokers tend to be high-energy, adrenaline junkies who crave the thrill of the market. Which means just when your relationship is going along smoothly, they might feel a sudden urge to shake things up. If roller coaster dating isn't your style, this might not be the date for you.

    The Doctor

    The Upside: First and foremost, mom will be happy. Once all those med school loans are paid off, doctors can pull in a pretty nice living. Plus, you can get free medical exams on date night.

    The Downside: Most doctors work all the time. All the time. And when they're not working, they're frequently "on call" which means you can't make any unbreakable plans and you have to stay within a 20-mile radius of the hospital sort like a dog, tethered to a stake in the yard. All that "Healing the Sick" stuff can give your doc a God Complex, which can be pretty annoying to deal with on a day-to-day basis. And don't forget the $200K in med school debt, which can put a damper on any crazy plans like taking a vacation or buying a house.

    The Navy Seal/Pilot

    The Upside: These folks have strong sense of loyalty and honor, plus you'll have lots of chances to dress up at the many formal military affairs. There's always the lure of discounted liquor at the base exchange. And the uniform. Did I mention the uniform?

    The Downside: The war. Your officer will be gone for at least six months at a time, which can make dating tricky. And I hate to break it to you, but you're not the only person on the planet who gets wobbly-kneed over that dress uniform. I can hear the theme from An Officer and a Gentleman playing already...

    The Underwear Model

    The Upside: A rockin' body, for starters. Your friends will all be insanely jealous, at least temporarily. And you'll feel like you've hit the dating jackpot if your underwear model ends up having a 159 IQ.

    The Downside: Underwear models must travel to exotic locations to work, they're gone all the time. If you're the jealous type, or even a little bit needy this might be a problem. Everyone you know has seen them in their underwear. Even your mom. They tend to have big egos from people telling them they're beautiful all the time. Or, they have major insecurities from underdeveloped self-esteem from people telling them they're beautiful all the time. Plus, it's really hard to enjoy a slice of cheesecake or a beer with Miss/Mr. Perfect staring at you from across the table.

    The CEO

    The Upside: The money is great, the perks are great, and you're sure to get free widgets for the duration of your relationship. Everybody will be kissing up to you at the company party. And if you're ambitious yourself, at least your sweetheart will understand your workaholic tendencies.

    The Downside: The corporate move-on-to-move-up mentality means relocation every few years. Dinner and vacation plans are always soft -- you'll probably spend a lot of time alone. And last, he or she is always working. You don't get to be CEO by sneaking home at 5:30.

    The Writer

    The Upside: Watch one episode of Californication and writers can seem glamorous, even cool. They tend to have bright, interesting, artsy friends, and are generally perceived as being sensitive and smart. Plus, they spend all day in their pajamas. If your writer isn't a complete hack, you might just be portrayed for posterity as a character in a novel.

    The Downside: Dating a writer is like hanging out with a manic-depressive: They're happy when their writing is going well and miserable when it isn't. Writer income is usually feast or famine -- if they're working they're too busy to see you, if they're not working, they're too broke (or too depressed) to go out. And last, they spend all day in their pajamas.

    The Prisoner

    The Upside: You may be wondering how prisoners made the list of dream dates. Well, it turns out that the incarcerated are encouraged to spend time online and take enrichment classes, which can lead to some unlikely romances. And if you're the kind of single gal or guy who wants to feel like you're in a relationship without all that pesky human contact, romancing a prisoner can seem like a match made in heaven. First, he (or she) has lots of free time to spend thinking about the relationship, more time, in fact, than perhaps anyone you'll ever date again. Second, you always know where he is. And finally, conjugal visits.

    The Downside: Well, prison, for one. You probably won't be able to tell your mother about your new fling. You'll always have to hang out at his place. And, if your behind-bars-beau ever does get out of the clink, your first double date might just end with you driving the getaway car.

    Sounds like a nightmare to me.

  • #2
    alors l'homme ideal pour moi serait un peu comme lui pour physique

    un peu de lui pour son genie en cuisine

    et un peu de lui pour sa force

    « Ça m'est égal d'être laide ou belle. Il faut seulement que je plaise aux gens qui m'intéressent. »
    Boris Vian


    • #3
      Lilha, le troisième, qu'est ce qu'il a son ventre (il est tout mkemeche, on dirait un vieux dans la peau d'un jeune)

      tu as oublié l'intelligence, comme celui ci

      et le sourire comme celui là


      • #4
        bonjour matelot

        ahahah tes jaloux c tout

        pour le cerveau sa serai plus lui

        prix nobel de la paix en 2006

        et le sourire encore lui

        « Ça m'est égal d'être laide ou belle. Il faut seulement que je plaise aux gens qui m'intéressent. »
        Boris Vian


        • #5
          je ne crois pas que tu puisses trouver qqn avec toutes ces exigences mais bonne chance comme même


          • #6
            ah mais qui te dis que je l'ai pas déjà trouver
            « Ça m'est égal d'être laide ou belle. Il faut seulement que je plaise aux gens qui m'intéressent. »
            Boris Vian


            • #7
              lilha?t'as croisé Momo?
              on fait avec..........


              • #8
                Johanne chez toi c momo mais chez moi on l'appelle bastien
                Dernière modification par lilha, 02 octobre 2007, 13h27.
                « Ça m'est égal d'être laide ou belle. Il faut seulement que je plaise aux gens qui m'intéressent. »
                Boris Vian


                • #9
                  Arretez les filles je suis déja marié et je suis papa... fallait venir plus tot !!!
                  Je suis père et fais de mon mieux au regard de cette citation :
                  "L'exemple, c'est tout ce qu'un père peut faire pour ses enfants." Thomas Mann
                  Cette citation me vient de mon cousin chaoui Adhrhar


                  • #10
                    ah mais qui te dis que je l'ai pas déjà trouver
                    Lilha, ne me choque pas, ne me dis surtout pas que c'est lui


                    • #11
                      on fait avec..........


                      • #12
                        mon dieu baaziz et nous qui déséperions de te voir en photo c chose faite maintenant merci , on ta déjà dis que tu ressemblais a un petit macaque avec de grosse binocles
                        « Ça m'est égal d'être laide ou belle. Il faut seulement que je plaise aux gens qui m'intéressent. »
                        Boris Vian


                        • #13
                          je ne crois pas Lilha, moi je suis en photo sur mon avatar

                          Le petit macaque c'est ton genre d'homme ............... de singe pardon


                          • #14
                            non mon amis moi je les aime avec un moins de poil et surtout avec le sens de l'humour , se qui semble te manquer moussaillon
                            « Ça m'est égal d'être laide ou belle. Il faut seulement que je plaise aux gens qui m'intéressent. »
                            Boris Vian


                            • #15
                              se qui semble te manquer moussaillon
                              Tu trouves que le sens de l'humour me manque ......... aller sans rencune sois pas faché , je vais essayer de te dénicher un meilleur

