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Le Soudan acceuillera les réfugiés palestiniens

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  • Le Soudan acceuillera les réfugiés palestiniens

    Aprés avoir été éxplusés de leurs logement,aprés une campagne brutale mené par les milices takfiri shiites(milices al mahdi et badr) ,400 familles palestinienne coincés dans des camps de réfugiés de fortune entre la frontiére irakienne et syrienne seront acceuillis par le Soudan...
    Cette nouvelle vient aprés une initiative de la ligue arabe mené en personne par amrou moussa pour trouver une solution à ces réfugies une fois de plus encore réfugiés
    A noter que seul le Soudan a accepté d'acceuillir ces réfugiés.

    Sudan to host Palestinians stranded on Iraq border

    By Opheera McDoom
    Monday, October 8, 2007; 10:11 AM

    KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Sudan will host hundreds of Palestinian refugees who have been stranded in terrible conditions on Iraq's border with Syria and Jordan, the Foreign Ministry said on Monday.

    "It's a few hundred. The president (Omar Hassan al-Bashir) agreed to the request of both Hamas and Fatah to accommodate them and we are going to inform the Arab League and then make our preparations," said a senior Foreign Ministry official.

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    Izzat al-Rishq, a senior Hamas official, told Reuters a proportion of the refugees might not take the Sudanese offer.

    "Ultimately it is up to the refugees to accept it or not. Hamas has initiated contact with them to see who wants to leave. There is also coordination with Syria and an envoy of President Bashir has been to Damascus," Rishq said.

    Asked how long it could take for refugees to be evacuated, Rishq said: "We're looking at a short time, not months."

    An official at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees said the UNHCR has yet to work out details of the relocation with the Sudanese government.

    "It is clear that we need to find a safe place for the refugees and we welcome any offer for their relocation," said Regional Information Officer Sybella Wilkes. "We look forward to discussing a concrete proposal with the Sudanese government."

    Most of the refugees have been trapped in al-Tanf and al-Waleed refugee camp on the border between Syria and Iraq.

    Tanf has 310 refugees who set up camp in May 2006 after they were denied entry to Syria and other countries. The Waleed camp to the east has 1,400 refugees. Another 37 have been stranded for years near Jordan's border with Iraq.

  • #2
    les arabes c'est des vendus est c'est tout !!!!

    je comprendrais le faite de s'attaqué a israêl , mais accueillirs des gens qui n'ont absolument rien fait de mal a part si peut etre d'être né(e)s palestiens je trouve ça ......... degueulasse et nos dirigeant devrais avoir honte de nous dirigés .... tfou

