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Des parents se disputent sur le choix d'un gang pour leur bébé

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  • Des parents se disputent sur le choix d'un gang pour leur bébé

    L'américain Joseph Manzanares (hispanique de 19 ans) et son adolescente de petite-amie (noire) sont des parents responsables. Et pour cause, ils sont tellement soucieux de la réussite de leurs fils de 4 ans qu'ils se sont violemment disputés sur le choix du gang dans lequel doit être "inscrit" leur bébé! Pour les deux idiots attardés, un gang c'est bien mieux que Harvard!

    Faut-il instaurer des tests de QI aux futurs parents?

    Ci dessous, l'article d'ABC.

    Parents Fight Over Which Gang Toddler Should Join
    COMMERCE CITY, Colo. -- A couple fighting about which gang their 4-year-old toddler should join caused a public disturbance that resulted in the father's arrest, Commerce City police said Thursday.

    On Saturday, Joseph Manzanares stormed into the Hollywood Video store where his girlfriend worked, threatened to kill her and knocked over several video displays and even a computer, Commerce City police Sgt. Joe Sandoval said.

    After he ran out of the store, police were called and the 19-year-old was arrested at his home.

    His girlfriend told police that they had been arguing about the upbringing of their son and which gang he should belong to. The teen mother, who is black, is a member of the Crips. Manzanares is Hispanic and belongs to the Westside Ballers gang, the woman said.

    "They have different ideas on how the baby should be raised. Basically, she said they cannot agree on which gang the baby would 'claim,'" Sandoval said.

    Manzanares was charged with disorderly conduct, harassment, and domestic violence. He was transported to the Adams County Detention Facility.

    On Tuesday, he pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct and was sentenced to a year of probation. The misdemeanor harassment charge was dropped.

    Joseph Manzanares.

  • #2
    Bonjour nassim
    C'est un info serieuse ou c'est de tes topic satiriques?


    • #3
      Bonsoir Kareena

      Si, c'est une info sérieuse.

      - Le source de l'info :


      • #4
        Mais d'après la photo le père est un gamin et il a deja un enfant de 4 ans?!!!!
        On devrait leur retirer la garde de l'enfant, ils sont completement irrésponseble.


        • #5
          Faire un enfant a 15ans, il ne faut s'attendre a grand chose dans ca cervelle pour ce qui est de la responsablite parentalle.

