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Sonatrach accusée d'être Gazprom de la Méditerranée

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  • Sonatrach accusée d'être Gazprom de la Méditerranée

    Comme le souligne l'article du "Finantial Times" ci dessous, certains patrons de groupes énergétiques espagnols (Gaz Natural, Repsol...etc), accusent l'Algérie d'exploiter la dépendance énergétique de l'Espagne pour tirer profit de son gaz, et accusent Sonatrach de pratiquer en Méditerranée la stratégie du russe Gazprom dans le nord de l'Europe.

    Le ministre Chakib Khelil a répondu aux pleurnicheurs espagnols en les accusant de jouer la carte de la peur pour empêcher Sonatrach de vendre directement du gaz en Espagne.

    Spanish gas groups fear reliance on Algeria
    Italy has not placed any obstacles to Sonatrach's entry into its domestic gas market. But in Spain, gas distributors have tried - and failed - to keep the Algerian company off their home turf.

    The dispute has soured diplomatic relations between the two countries and was resolved in Algeria's favour only when Sonatrach threatened to cancel the Medgaz pipeline project to Spain. Last year, Spain imported 37 per cent of its gas from *Algeria.

    Disagreements between Madrid and Algiers have multiplied - in addition to the marketing spat, Algeria caused bad blood by cancelling the contracts of two Spanish companies for a gas development project last September. Sonatrach and Gas Natural, Spain's largest gas importer, are also locked in a price dispute that could affect long-term supplies.

    Gas Natural says Algeria is using Spain's energy dependence to extract unfair competitive advantages. Some Spanish energy executives go so far as to describe Sonatrach as a "Gazprom on the Med", accusing it of adopting the bullying tactics of the Russian producer.

    The Spanish government does not share the alarm of those companies. One senior diplomat said: "Algeria is a reliable partner. I don't think you will ever see Algiers using energy as a geopolitical weapon or threatening to cut off supplies to whole countries in the way Gazprom has done."

    Independent analysts also think Sonatrach's participation in the Spanish market will be a good thing. "Allowing Sonatrach to distribute gas in Spain will not diminish Spain's energy security as it will reduce the logic for politically motivated supply cuts," said Paul Isbell, an energy analyst at the Real Instituto Elcano, a foreign policy think-tank in Madrid.

    Chakib Khelil, Algeria's energy minister, acknowledges that southern Europe's energy dependence is a sensitive topic.

    "Of course there are lots of politics in it," Mr Khelil said in an interview. "The Russian issue, Ukraine, has created a big [concern] - that all the producing firms are going to take control of your resources, of your markets and all that," he added.

    But Mr Khelil thinks dominant gas companies such as Gas Natural are deliberately fanning such fears. "Companies don't want to lose their dominant positions in the market," he said. "The whole strategy is to keep us out of the market in Spain."

    On the price dispute with Gas Natural, Mr Khelil said the company had failed to adhere to the terms of a long-term contract signed in 1995 - when oil prices were around $15 a barrel, compared with more than $120 (€78, £60) today.

    He said the company refused to follow a clause in the contract that allowedgas prices to be renegotiated if there was a substantial increase in oil prices. The dispute has gone to international arbitration.

    Mr Khelil also said the expulsion of Repsol (NYSE:REP) and Gas Natural, two Spanish energy groups, from the Gassi Touil project last year was because of cost overruns and delays. It was not a nationalist move or a slight against Spain, he explained.

    As for concerns about energy security, Mr Khelil said dependence cut both ways. Algeria was more dependent on Europe than the other way round, as 90 per cent of its gas was exported there, he said.

    Gas Natural does not like the fact that Sonatrach will be Medgaz's operator and major shareholder. It is even less thrilled by the fact that Sonatrach has been licensed as a distributor in Spain.

    The company believes its price dispute with Sonatrach is linked to the imminent arrival of the second pipeline.

    "The more Gas Natural pays for gas, the more Sonatrach will earn from its second pipeline," it said. "That is Sonatrach's hidden agenda. Its entry into the Spanish distribution market marks another extension of the power of energy-producing countries."

    The Spanish company acknowledged it was getting its Algerian gas on favourable terms, but it was resisting any price increase because paying more will increase Sonatrach's profits when it starts operating as a distributor.

    source : Finantial Times

  • #2
    C'est le vieux complexe du Maure qui les fait réagir !


    • #3
      s'ils ne sont pas content de la prestation de sonatrach, qu'ils aillent s'approvisioner chez les russes ou norvégiens!


      • #4
        Je ne pense pas qu'il aient d'autres meilleurs que ce que Sonatrach propose.

        Les espagnols risqueraient de payer plus cher leur gaz russe ou norvegian,a cause justement de l'eloignement,les primes d'assurance de transport ont triple,le prix du fuel a double,le facteur temps,attente aux ports,et delai.

        En tout cas,Sonatrach a deja eu gain de cause sur la 1ere manche.


        • #5
          Les espagnols veulent le beurre et l'argent du beurre. Les italiens n'ont pas pleuré comme les compagnies espagnoles !
          Que sonatrach vende son gaz aux américains ou aux indiens !
          La mauvaise langue n'est jamais à court d'inventions !


          • #6
            C'est vrai les italiens n'ont pas fait de difficultees a Sonatrach.

            Les espagnols croyaient nous avoir comme il le font generalement au marocains,mais ils sont mal tombes,


            • #7
              Les espagnols croyaient nous avoir comme il le font generalement au marocains,mais ils sont mal tombes
              Ils le font deja avec les sud-américains(leurs anciennes colonies), en bolivie, argentine...les espagnols reviennent en force, mais il faudrait pas qu'ils pensent que l'algérie leur appartient comme les 2 cailloux de ceuta et mellila. Le gaz nous appartient, on le vend à qui on veut et comme on veut!

