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Google trainé en justice

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  • Google trainé en justice

    Dorenavant internet n'est plus pour les gens qui veulent se cacher pour se lacher sur leur victimes virtuelles. Soit sur forum, ou blog ou n'importe quel espace virtuel il est devenu possible/permis de communiquer les données de l'attaqueur virtuel.

    Une jeune femme etait constament tourmentée par une autre sur anonymous blogger et Google n'a pas voulu reveler l'indentité de cette vermine lache.. eh ben.. c'est Google qui fut trainé en justice.

    Horrified by the hateful words of an anonymous blogger, Cohen took Google to court in hopes of forcing the company to reveal the writer's identity -- and won.

    "Why should anybody let it go? If somebody attacks somebody on the street, you're not going to let it go … why should I just ignore it?" Cohen told "Good Morning America" exclusively today. "I couldn't find one reason to ignore it."

    Google initially refused to unmask the unidentified writer, who Cohen, 36, claimed defamed her by posting words like "skanky," "ho", and "whoring" below her photographs. The IP address turned over by Google revealed that the blogger was an acquaintance of Cohen's.

    Cohen said it was a woman she hadn't seen in about a year, but who was a regular fixture at dinners and parties, but she was not, as Cohen had feared, someone who was close to her.

    Dernière modification par absente, 19 août 2009, 18h36.