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Un homme prostitue sa fille mentalement handicapée

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  • Un homme prostitue sa fille mentalement handicapée

    Un homme australien, père de 6 enfants, a été condamné cette semaine à 7 ans de prison ferme pour avoir eu des rapports sexuels avec sa fille et pour l'avoir prostituer à ses amis. Le père pervers avait commencé à abuser sexuellement de sa fille à 11 ans avant de la prostituer à ses amis pendant plusieurs années. Le pervers était si malsain qu'il n'a pas hésité à filmer son ami en train d'avoir un rapport sexuel payant avec sa propre fille.

    Une peine de seulement 7 ans de prison me semble plutôt "clémente" comme punition.

    Father of six pimped intellectually-disabled daughter to mates
    A FATHER of six was jailed for nine years today for sexually abusing his intellectually disabled daughter and pimping her for money to his friends.

    A judge told the man he treated the victim, now aged 24, as a sex object and his offending constituted a gross breach of trust by a father towards his daughter.

    “You took advantage of a mildly intellectually-disabled child to sexually exploit her for your own gratification,'' said the County Court judge.

    The sexual abuse began when the girl, known only as JBC, was 11 years old and continued for nine years.

    Asked why he had prostituted her, the man replied: “I was helping her and it was good money."

    The father, who cannot be identified because it would reveal his victim's identity, pleaded guilty to counts of maintaining a sexual relationship with a child under 16 who was his daughter, receiving payment for sexual services, inducing a child to take part in an act of prostitution, producing child pornography and two charges of incest.

    The judge said the father had a short relationship with a woman between long-term relationships, and JBC was a product of the union.

    The judge said the father started grooming the girl from nine years old and started to sexually abuse her two years later, including carrying out various sex acts and having full sexual intercourse.

    When she was older he offered her between $100 and $200 to have sex with him and loaned her out to friends for up to $300 a time.

    On one occasion the father video-taped a friend having sex with the girl and then handed the camera to the other man and said, “I think I'll have go.''

    The judge said that as a result of the abuse the victim suffered depression, was suicidal and had profound ongoing psychological problems.

    “All she wanted was to have a normal dad. Someone to protect and look after her,'' the judge said.

    The judge set a maximum term of 13 years and ordered that the father be placed on a sex offenders' register for life.

    source : the Herald Sun

  • #2
    Je deviens paranoïaque pour certains mais en réalité j'ai appris des choses dont je ne soupçonnais guère l'existence.


    • #3
      Astaghfer Allah......

      C'est grave, INADMISSIBLE !!!! 7 ans ce n'est pas suffisant c'est clair, il mérite largement plus si ce n'est à vie...


      • #4
        enfance et handicap pas touche!

        7 ans c'est tout !!
        et la mère ? et les abuseurs " amis de la famille " ?

        ON CROIT réver !! scandaleux! ils sont à gerber

