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L'autisme en Algérie

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  • L'autisme en Algérie

    Dernière modification par nordsud, 16 avril 2018, 19h18.

  • #2
    Merci pour cette émouvante vidéo, 1/50 enfant c'est beaucoup


    • #3
      Vaccin Pentavalent : le comité des experts recommande le changement du fournisseur


      Le comité national des experts de la vaccination maintient le nouveau calendrier vaccinal et recommande le changement du fournisseur du vaccin Pentavalent, suite au décès de deux nourrissons, indique lundi le ministère de la Santé, de la Population et de la Réforme hospitalière dans un communiqué.

      "En vertu du principe de précaution et dans l’attente des résultats de l’enquête judiciaire, le ministère a pris la décision de procéder au retrait des lots de vaccins utilisés et de les remplacer par d’autres lots, de manière à assurer la continuité de la vaccination à travers l’ensemble des structures de santé dans les conditions optimales de sécurité", précise la même source.

      Le comité précisé que "le recours à un autre fournisseur pour le vaccin Pentavalent qui obéit aux règles de la pré-qualification de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) est retenu", ajoutant que "le vaccin Pentavalent, jusque-là utilisé, doit demeurer en quarantaine dans l’attente des résultats de l’enquête judiciaire".

      "Devant les réticences vis-à-vis du vaccin combiné Pentavalent, observées chez les parents et les prestataires de la vaccination, le comité national des experts de la vaccination, après évaluation de la situation au regard des données nationales et internationales, notamment l’avis du comité consultatif mondial de la sécurité vaccinale de l’OMS, a considéré que cette situation est de nature à compromettre le résultat acquis aussi bien en termes d’adhésion de la population qu’en termes de couverture des populations cibles", ajoute le communiqué du ministère.

      Il considère aussi que "tout recul de la vaccination constitue un risque important de résurgence de maladies mortelles évitables", estimant ainsi que "dans l’attente des résultats de l’enquête judiciaire, le principe de précaution doit être maintenu pour faire face aux réticences préjudiciables au programme élargi de vaccination".

      A ce titre, le comité recommande que le nouveau calendrier vaccinal "soit maintenu dès lors que les événements graves observés n’ont aucun rapport avec la nature de ce calendrier".

      Par ailleurs, "le vaccin anti-pneumococcique (13 valences) utilisé, est maintenu", souligne le ministère qui précise que "ces mesures revêtent un caractère provisoire dans l’attente des résultats de l’enquête judiciaire".

      Le ministère de la Santé rappelle que "les vaccins du calendrier national de vaccination sont pré-qualifiés par l’OMS et obéissent aux critères d’efficacité et d’innocuité". Il rappelle aussi que "la vaccination demeure une priorité de santé publique et que le programme élargi de vaccination, du fait de l’adhésion de la population et des professionnels de la santé, à permis d’éliminer et/ou d’éradiquer la plupart des maladies transmissibles prévalentes mortelles de l’enfant".

      EL WATAN
      Dernière modification par toulousain, 02 avril 2018, 21h53.


      • #4
        Une Americaine paralysee par vaccin anti grippal. Guerrie de son paralysee apres traitement dont la chelation du mercure:


        • #5
          Dernière modification par nordsud, 16 avril 2018, 19h18.


          • #6
            Il a été remarqué une plus grande quantité de taux de mercure dans les analyses d'urines chez les enfants autistes lors des chelations
            Oui et un taux elevee de porphoryines qui sont un indice d'une intoxication par des metaux lourds. Il y a qu'un lab a paris qui teste les porphorines.

            Metab Brain Dis. 2016 Dec;31(6):1419-1426. Epub 2016 Jul 13.
            Altered urinary porphyrins and mercury exposure as biomarkers for autism severity in Egyptian children with autism spectrum disorder.
            Khaled EM1, Meguid NA2, Bjørklund G3, Gouda A4, Bahary MH5, Hashish A2, Sallam NM2, Chirumbolo S6, El-Bana MA7.
            Author information
            Department of Pediatric, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.
            Department of Research on Children with Special Needs, National Research Centre, Giza, Egypt.
            Council for Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, Toften 24, 8610, Mo i Rana, Norway. [email protected].
            Department of Genetic Biochemistry, National Research Centre, Giza, Egypt.
            Department of Psychiatry, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.
            University Laboratory of Medical Research, Department of Medicine, University of Verona, Verona, Italy.
            Department of Medical Biochemistry, National Research Centre, Giza, Egypt.
            Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that affects social, communication, and behavioral development. Recent evidence supported but also questioned the hypothetical role of compounds containing mercury (Hg) as contributors to the development of ASD. Specific alterations in the urinary excretion of porphyrin-containing ring catabolites have been associated with exposure to Hg in ASD patients. In the present study, the level of urinary porphyrins, as biomarkers of Hg toxicity in children with ASD, was evaluated, and its correlation with severity of the autistic behavior further explored. A total of 100 children was enrolled in the present study. They were classified into three groups: children with ASD (40), healthy controls (40), and healthy siblings of the ASD children (20). Children with ASD were diagnosed using DSM-IV-TR, ADI-R, and CARS tests. Urinary porphyrins were evaluated within the three groups using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), after plasma evaluation of mercury (Hg) and lead (Pb) in the same groups. Results showed that children with ASD had significantly higher levels of Hg, Pb, and the porphyrins pentacarboxyporphyrin, coproporphyrin, precoproporphyrin, uroporphyrins, and hexacarboxyporphyrin compared to healthy controls and healthy siblings of the ASD children. However, there was no significant statistical difference in the level of heptacarboxyporphyrin among the three groups, while a significant positive correlation between the levels of coproporphyrin and precoproporphyrin and autism severity was observed. Mothers of ASD children showed a higher percentage of dental amalgam restorations compared to the mothers of healthy controls suggesting that high Hg levels in children with ASD may relate to the increased exposure to Hg from maternal dental amalgam during pregnancy and lactation. The results showed that the ASD children in the present study had increased blood Hg and Pb levels compared with healthy control children indicating that disordered porphyrin metabolism might interfere with the pathology associated with the autistic neurologic phenotype. The present study indicates that coproporphyrin and precoproporhyrin may be utilized as possible biomarkers for heavy metal exposure and autism severity in children with ASD.


            • #7
              Porphyrines elevees dans les urines, tjs un bon indice d'intoxication par les metaux lourds"

              A significant relationship between mercury exposure from dental amalgams and urinary porphyrins: a further assessment of the Casa Pia children's dental amalgam trial.
              Geier DA1, Carmody T, Kern JK, King PG, Geier MR.
              Author information
              Institute of Chronic Illnesses, Inc., Silver Spring, MD, USA. [email protected]
              Previous studies noted specific changes in urinary porphyrin excretion patterns associated with exposure to mercury (Hg) in animals and humans. In our study, urinary porphyrin concentrations were examined in normal children 8-18 years-old from a reanalysis of data provided from a randomized, prospective clinical trial that was designed to evaluate the potential health consequences of prolonged exposure to Hg from dental amalgam fillings (the parent study). Our analysis examined dose-dependent correlations between increasing Hg exposure from dental amalgams and urinary porphyrins utilizing statistical models with adjustments for the baseline level (i.e. study year 1) of the following variables: urinary Hg, each urinary porphyrin measure, gender, race, and the level of lead (Pb) in each subject's blood. Significant dose-dependent correlations between cumulative exposure to Hg from dental amalgams and urinary porphyrins associated with Hg body-burden (pentacarboxyporphyrin, precoproporphyrin, and coproporphyrin) were observed. Overall, 5-10% increases in Hg-associated porphyrins for subjects receiving an average number of dental amalgam fillings in comparison to subjects receiving only composite fillings were observed over the 8-year course of the study. In contrast, no significant correlations were observed between cumulative exposure to Hg from dental amalgams and urinary porphyrins not associated with Hg body-burden (uroporphyrin, heptacarboxyporphyrin, and hexacarboxyporphyrin). In conclusion, our study, in contrast to the no-effect results published from the parent study, further establishes the sensitivity and specificity of specific urinary porphyrins as a biomarker for low-level Hg body-burden, and also reveals that dental amalgams are a significant chronic contributor to Hg body-burden.

