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List of Arabic and Spanish names for Iberian cities and places أسماء المدن و الأماكن

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  • List of Arabic and Spanish names for Iberian cities and places أسماء المدن و الأماكن

    Arabic Name Spanish Name Comments

    أبو القرق البرقوق Villa de Alburquerque There are two theories: The first it that the name is derived from Abu al-Qurq ("The place with cork [oak groves]"). The presence of the second 'r' supports this. This is what many Spanish sites on that town say. The other is that it is derived from al-Barquq ("The Prunes"). The presence of the first 'r' supports this. There are also claims that the name is Latin, from Alba Querqus, meaning 'white oak'. The presence of a first 'r' supports this. Afonso de Albuquerque(d. 1515 C.E.) the Portuguese admiral, imperialist and statesman is named after thistown. In the USA, the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico was named in 1706 by Francisco Cuervo y Valdés after the viceroy of New Spain, Fernandez de la Cueva, Duque de Alburquerque. In the 1800s, the first 'r' was dropped from the name.

    نهر أبرة Ebro River

    أندرش Andarax Near Almeria. الأندرشي أبو عبد الله Abu Abdullah al-Andarashi (544 - 621 A.H) , a reknown Hadith narrator, is from this place. So is, Ibn Ayyash al-Andarashi إبن عياش الأندرشي. The castle called Laujar de Andarax was the seat of the short lived Morisco king Aben Humeya (Don Fernando de Valor d. 1569 C.E.) who led the uprising of Alpujarras.

    أبذة Úbeda Ubeda was started by Abdul Rahman II, and completed by his son Muhammad. It was taken by the Spaniards after the battle of Las Navas de Tolosa in 609 A.H.

    أرجونة Arjona

    أرشذونة Archidona

    أقلش أقليش Ucles In 1108 CE, 501 A.H., the Almoravids won a decisive victory against Alfonso VI at this place. Alfonso's son was killed in the battle, and soon after, Alfonso himself died of grief.

    أندوجر Andujar

    أليط لييط Aledo This was a fort in East Andalusia, where in 1088 C.E. the Almoravids tried to take it with an alliance of Andalusian Taifa kings. After four months of siege, the Moorish alliance disintegrated, and the siege was lifted. This incident caused Yusuf Ibn Tashufin, king of Almoravids to invade Andalusia later and force its divided Taifa kings to unite under him.

    أستجة Ecija This fort was called Astiga from Roman times. It had a large population of Mozarabs (مستعربين, Muslims from Spanish ancestry), and hence was under the control of Omar Ibn Hafsun عمر بن حفصون in the third century A.H. Abdul Rahman al-Nasir عبد الرحمن الناصر sent his slave-commander Badr بدر and took this fort in the year 300 A.H. Its fortification and Roman bridge were destroyed by Badr.

    أسترقة‏ Astorga

    آبلة‏ Avila

    أفراغة‏ Braga

    ألش Elche

    أنتقير، الأنتكيرة Antequera

    أشبونة Lisboa

    إلبيرة Elvira Elvira was intended to be the center of the surrounding area, but because of the repeated rebellions, its inhabitants left and settled in nearby Granada. Many people hail from Elvira, including Abu Ishaq Ibrahim ibn Mas'ud al-Ilbiri أبو اسحق إبراهيم بن مسعود الإلبيري b. 985 - d. 1067 C.E., who wrote a poem against Samuel Nagrela إبن النغرلة, the Jewish vizier of Ibn Habbus إبن حبوس the Berber ruler. Also, the famous poet, أبو القاسم خلف بن فرج الإلبيري السيمسر Abu al-Qasim Khalaf ibn Faraj al-Ilbiri al-Sumaiser d. 484 A.H./ 1091 C.E. whose poems were critical of many his times. Many more from Elvira are known.

    أركش Arcos de la Frontera In 1264 C.E., the Muslim population of Arcos were exiled during the reign of Alfonso X, "El Sabio" (the wise)

    أرنيط Arnedo

    الأرك Alarcos A famous battle was fought at Alarcos in 1195 C.E. ending with an Almohad victory over the forces of King Alfonso VIII of Castile

    أريط Oreto

    الأزهار Costa del Azahar "Coast of the orange blossom". Azhar is Arabic for blossom, not specifically orange.

    أكشونبة أخشونبة Faro

    أشبيلية Sevilla A large city today, just like it was in the days of Arab rule. It was a center of learning and trade.

    أنيشة أنيجة Atienza A battle was fought in 634 A.H./1236 C.E. in this place near Valencia.

    أوريولة Orihuela Al Himyari says that the etymology of this is Latin, meaning "golden" (Aurum = Gold, Auriola). In 713 C.E. this city saw a treaty of surrender between the Muslim commander Abdul Aziz ibn Musa ibn Nusair and the Visigoth prince of Murcia, Teodomir that preserved religious freedom for Christians and Jews under Muslim rule.

    باجة الزيت، باجة Beja Many famous people hail form this town, including Abu al-Walid al-Baji أبو الوليد الباجي

    بربتانية بربطانية Boltaña

    ببشتر Bobastro This was the stronghold of Omar Ibn Hafsun عمر بن حفصون (d. 305 A.H.), a Muladi rebel against Umayyad rule. Its ruin still show a Mozarab مستعرب church inside the fort.

    البركة Alberca Means "The pond"

    البيضاء Albelda Means: "The white". Takes its name form the gypsum-white river cliffs.

    البحيرة Albufera Means "The Lake" in Arabic.

    بربشتر Barbastro
    Dernière modification par absent, 15 juillet 2010, 03h18.

  • #2
    البرج Alborg Means: The Tower

    البحيرة Albufera Means: the lake.

    بجانة Pechina

    بني ؟ Benevites All the names starting with "Beni" means "sons of" or "descendants of", often referring to a tribe or clan.

    بني النجار Beniajar

    بني ؟ Benanata

    بني ؟ Benidorm

    بني خلف Benicalaf

    بني طارق Bentarique

    بني ؟ Benadid

    بني ؟ Benjumeda

    بني قاسم Benicasim A municipality in Valencia where an International Festival for Music is held.

    بني المدينة Benalmadena In this city, the famous physician, botanist, herbalist, and pharmacist Ibn al Baytar إبن البيطار was born in 1197 C.E.

    برشلونة Barcelona

    برغش Burgos

    برشانة Purchena ? This was a very secure and fortified citadel at the confluence of two rivers. Aben Humeya (1520-1569), leader of the Alpujarras uprising held a sporting event at this place.

    بسطة Baza From here, أبو الحسن على بن محمد بن شفيع البسطى who was a poet describing his town.

    البسيط Albacete

    البشرات Alpujarras This was one of the last hold outs of the Muslim Moors after the fall of the city of Granada in 1492, and saw a revolt by them.

    بلنسية Valencia

    بطليوس Badajoz Founded in 875 C.E by Abdul Rahman Ibn Marwan Al-Jiliqi عبد الرحمن بن مروان الجليقي (d. 889 C.E.). From it, al-Batlayawsi البطليوسي a famed philosopher.

    بلد الوليد Valladolid Balad means many things, such as city, town, place. al-Walid is an Umayyad name. So Valladolid means City of al-Walid.

    بنبلونة Pampalona

    بنشكلة Pensicola

    بيارة Biar

    بياسة Baeza Many famous people are known as al-Bayyasi, such as Abu Zakareyya Yahiya ibn Ismail al-Bayasi أبو زكريا يحيى بن إسماعيل البياسي (d. 590 A.H.) who was a court physician for Salah al-Din (Saladin), as well as a mathematician, and musician. Died in Damascus. There is also the historian and man of literature, Abu al-Hajjaj Yusuf ibn Muhammad al-Ansari al-Bayyasi أبو الحجاج يوسف بن محمد البياسي الأنصاري (d. 653 A.H.) who settled in Tunisia.

    ربض البيازين Albaicin Historical neighborhood in Granada on high ground (Ribad).

    بيرة Vera

    نهر التاجة Tajo River

    تاكرنا Tacarona A center settled by berbers, who later started a rebellion.

    ترجلة Trujillo

    تدمير Tudmer Named after Theodomir, Visigothic count at the time of the Arab conquest.

    تطيلة Tudela Built by al-Hakam. In the west, Benjamin of Tudela, a Jewish traveller is the most famous person from this city. However, there are more famous people from Tudela in the Arabic literature. Abu al-Abbas Ahmad ibn Abdullah al-A'ma al-Qaisi al-Tutaili أبو العباس أحمد بن عبد الله بن أبي هريرة القيسي الأعمى التطيلي was a famous blind poet called "The Greater Tudelan". He died in 525 A.H. when he was only 40 years old. There is another Tudelan poet called al-Tutaili al-Asghar أبوإسحاق إبراهيم بن محمد التطيلي الأصغر ("The Lesser Tudelan").

    تيروال Teruel A recent population study of post-Reconquista Spain was done on Teruel, Baguena and Barbaguena by Professor Mary Halavais of Sonoma University

    جبل طارق Gibraltar Jabal Tariq = Mountain of Tariq. Named after Tariq Ibn Ziyad, the berber commander who conquered Iberia in 711 C.E.

    جرندة Gerona, Girona This was a center of Jewish learning

    جنجالة Chinchilla

    الجزر الخالدات Canary Islands

    الجزيرة الخضراء Algeciras Means "The Green Island"

    جيان Jaen Many people with the title الجياني al-Jayyani come from here.

    جزيرة شقر Alcira Means: Island of Shuqr

    جليقية Galicia

    حصن الفرج San Juan de Aznalfarache

    حصن المعدن Almaden
    Dernière modification par absent, 15 juillet 2010, 03h17.


    • #3
      حصن الحنش Alange Literally means: Fort of The Snake. However, there was one Hanash al-San'ani حنش الصنعاني from the second generation of Muslims who accompanied Musa Ibn Nusair موسى بن نصير to Andalus, established the Great Mosque there, and died in Saragossa. Perhaps this place is named after him. Alange was the base of Abdul Rahman Ibn Marwan al-Jiliqi عبد الرحمن بن مروان الجليقي a descendant of Gothic nobles who led a rebellion of muwallads against the Umayyad rulers of Cordova. He went on to found Badajoz.
      الخندق Alhándega Means: The trench
      دانية Denia Abu Amr al-Dani أبو عمرو الداني was a famous scholar of Quran orthography and recitations.
      دروقة Daroca Daroca was a center of Jewish learning in Muslim Andalus. The castle in it still exists today.
      نهر دويرة Duero
      رندة Ronda From this place, hails Abu al-Baqa' al-Rondi أبو البقاء الرندي (d. 684 A.H.) His famous poem (in Arabic and English) lamenting the rapid fall of Muslim cities to the Crusading kings of Spain is one of the most well known and powerful pieces of poetry from that era. Another person is Akhyal al-Rondi أخيل بن إدريس الرندي who was a poet, author, secretary, judge and faqih d. 560 A.H. Other Rondans are Ibn al-Hakeem إبن الحكيم (d. 708 A.H.) and Ibn Abbad إبن عباد (d. 792 A.H.)
      روطة Rueda de Jalón
      الزلاقة Sagrajas The battle of Sagrajas in 1086 C.E. was a crushing defeat of Alfonso by the Moorish alliance under Yusuf ibn Tashufin.
      سهلة بني رزين Albarracin
      سرقسطة Zaragoza From here, Abu al-Tahir al-Saraqustiأبو الطاهر محمد بن يوسف التميمي المازني السرقسطي poet and linguist, d. 428 A.H.
      سمورة Zamora al-Mansur المنصور بن أبي عامر expanded his rule north to the extent that he recaptured Zamora.
      سياسة Cieza
      شذونة Medina Sidonia This city south west of Seville lends its name to the noble house of Medina Sidonia. The founder of this house is Alonso de Guzman, who had a quarrel with Alfonso X (El Sabio), and left around 1282 C.E. to serve the Muslim Abu Yusuf Ya'qub king of the Almohads. It is interesting that the chronicler of this house later had to be apologetic for this act.
      شريش Jerez de la Frontera There are many person with the name al-Sharishi الشريشي
      الشرقية Axarquia Means "of the east"
      شريشة Jerez de los Caballeros
      الشرف Aljarafe
      شلب Silves The poetess Mariam al-Shilbia مريم الشلبية (d. circa 400 A.H.) and al-Munakhal al-Shilbi المنخل الشلبي (d. 568 A.H) who was a poet at the Almohad court. The heterodox muwallad mystic, Ibn Qasi إبن قسي who rebelled against Almoravids is from here too.
      شانت مانكش Simancas
      شنترين Santarem The famous poet and linguist Ibn Bassam al-Shantarini إبن بسام الشنتريني (d. 542 A.H.) author of a huge anthology of Andalusi poetry, and Ibn Sarah إبن سارة (d. 517 A.H.)
      شلمنقة Salamanca See طلمنكة below.
      شاطبة Jativa Jativa surrendered to the Crusading forces in 1244 C.E. The treaty of surrender survives till today, and is unique in being written in both Latin and Arabic. Robert I. Burns has written an article on this interesting document. There are many famed scholars and mystics by the name al-Shatibi الشاطبي. At least two of them settled in Egypt: a. The mystic whom a district in the city of Alexandria is named after, where his grave lies, b. al-Imam Abu Muhammad al-Qasim ibn Ferro al-Ru'ani al-Shatibi الإمام أبو محمد القاسم بن فيره الرعيني الشاطبي(d. 590 A.H.) a scholar in Quranic orthography and reading, who, although blind from childhood, travelled and taughtin the college of Darb Molokheya that al-Qadi al-Fadil القاضي الفاضلfounded in Cairo. c. Ibn Suraqa al-Shatibi إبن سراقة الشاطبي (d. 663 A.H.) who settled in Cairo. There is also Abu Ishaq Ibrahim ibn Muhammad al-Shatibi al-Lakhmi al-Ghirnati أبو إسحق إبراهيم بن محمد الشاطبي اللخمي الغرناطي (d. 790 A.H.) author of al-I'tisam الإعتصام, a famous book in Usul al-Fiqh (Juristic Principles).
      الشرف Aljarafe
      شقندة Segunda There are a few people with the name الشقندي, most famous of which is Ismail Ibn Muhammad Al-Shequndi إسماعيل بن محمد الشقندي (d. 269 A.H.) who wrote a famous treatise on Al-Andalus, and how it has the edge over the Maghreb.
      شلطيش Saltes
      شقوبية Segovia One interesting person from Segovia is Ice de Gebir
      شنتمرية Santa Maria There are two Santa Marias. One in the east, and another in the West. The first is known as شنتمرية الشرق the second is شنتمرية الرزين also known as شنتمرية الغرب (Santa Maria of the West). Several people are form these Santa Marias, including Ibn Siraj al-Shantamari (d. 508 A.H.) إبن سراج الشنتمري, Jafar al-Shantamari (d. 547 A.H.) جعفر الشنتمري and al-A'lam al-Shantamari (d. 476 A.H.) الأعلم الشنتمري
      شنت ياقوب Santiago de Compostella Santiago is supposed to be the burial place of St. Jacob (James) the disciple of Jesus. Many legends have been woven around his body being miraclously brought in ship to this place, to some peasant seeing a star in the field, to St. James leading the charge against the Moors. All this lead to him getting the title Santiago Matamorros (Moor slayer), and being the patron saint of the Reconquista. The Arabic name for this city is closer to the original name of the saint (Yaqub). Although al-Mansur المنصور بن أبي عامر conquered this city, but left the church and tomb untouched and ordered their protection out of respect for the legend.
      شنتبرية Santaver
      شنت أشتبن شنت إشطيبن Sant Estevan? Arabic name for Saint Stephen
      شنيل Genil This is the name of a river
      شلوبينية Salobreña A town east of Almunecar. It is said that from here, Abu Ali al-Shalobin أبو علي الشلوبين (b. 562 - d. 645 A.H.) a famed linguist and grammarian, and expert in the Arabic language. His student Ibn Sa'id in Al Mughrib إبن سعيد المغربي في المغرب في حلي المغرب says that he is indeed from that small town. A second opinion, such as that of Ibn Khalikan in his Wafayat إبن خلكان في وفيات الأعيان and others who copied from him, such as al-Dhahabi in Tarikh Al-Islam الذهبي في تاريخ الإسلام, says that this name is not after a place, but rather a description, meaning "White and Blonde" in Spanish. His name is sometimes al-Shalobin الشلوبين (without the nisba -i at the end of the word, and in others, الشلوبيني al-Shalobini.
      شقورة Segura Abu al-Hassan al-Shaguri أبو الحسن الشقوري a famous hadith narrator is from here. Also see فرغليط below, where two prominent people also have the title Shaguri.
      صخرة بلاي Covadonga Meaning: 'Rock of Pelayo' in Arabic.
      غرناطة Granada Last major city under the rule of the Moors. The name means Pomegranate.
      الغرب Algarve This area was the west of the Iberian peninsula, and therefore known by that name.
      طرف الغرب Trafalgar This is the place where Admiral Horatio Nelson defeated the combined fleets of France and Spain, ensuring British supermacy of the seas for a century. For more on the etymology of Trafalgar, I have written a separate detailed article.
      فرجالة Frigiliana
      فرغليط ِArgelita ? Village close to Segura, where Ibn Abi al-Khisal al-Ghafiqi was born إبن أبي الخصال الغافقي in 465 A.H, d. 540 A.H. Also, Ali ibn Sulaiman al-Muradi علي بن سليمان المرادي a faqih in the Shaf'i juristic school d. 544 A.H in Aleppo.
      فحص البلوط Los Pedroches "Plain of the Oaks", or "Acorns". Those hailing from it are called al-Balluti البلوطي such as al-Munthir ibn Said القاضي المنذر بن سعيد البلوطي. Also, Abu Hafs Omar al-Balluti أبو حفص عمر البلوطي, the leader of the Ribad exiles from 202 A.H. who was ruler of the island of Crete.
      الفرنتيرة Frontera This was the territory between the Christians and Muslims, with cities and forts often changing hands several times in the conflict.
      القنطرة Alcantara This word is Arabic for "bridge".
      القبة Alcove Means: the dome.
      القرية Alqueria Means: the village.
      Dernière modification par absent, 15 juillet 2010, 03h09.


      • #4
        Ibiza : yabisa
        chayha ! plus mnt alors faut lui changé ce nom

        وادي الحجارة Guadelajara
        j'ai toujours pensé a autre chose


        • #5
          كتالونة قطلونية Catalonia
          قونكة قونقة Cuenca
          قرطاجنة Cartagena
          قرطاجنة الخلفاء Cartagena From this city is Hazim al-Qartajanni حازم القرطاجني a reknown poet and linguist
          قرطاجنة الجزيرة San Roque Means: Cartagena of the Island
          قبرة Cabra
          قلشانة Calsena
          قسطنطينة Constantina
          قورية Coria Near Murcia
          قلمرية قلنبرية Coimbra
          قرطبة Cordova This was the seat of the Umayyad Caliphate, and the golden age of the Moors in Spain, culminating with al-Mansur المنصور بن أبي عامر
          قلعة ايوب Calatayud Means: Castle of Ayub. Named after Ayub ibn Habib al-Lakhmi أيوب بن حبيب اللخمي a cousin of Abdul Aziz ibn Musa ibn Nusair, and his successor as ruler of Andalus.
          قلعة رباح Calatrava Means: Castle of Rabah. An chivalric order was named after this city.
          قلعة بني سعيد Alcala La Real Means: Castle of Bani Said (sons of Said).
          قلعة الجحر Calahorra Means: Castle of Stone.
          قلعة النهر Alcala De Henares A suburb of Madrid.
          قادس Cadiz
          قصرش Caceres
          قصر أبي دانس Alcacer Means: Palace of Abu Danis
          القصر Alqezar Means: The palace
          قرمونة Carmona
          قمارش Comares The historiographers, Ibn Khaldun, Al-Qalqashandi and Al-Maqarri mention that place when the struggle between Yahya ibn Idris and Irdis ibn Yahya ensued in the fifth century A.H (around 440s). Ibn Al Khatib in his history of Granada mentions Ibn Lu'lu'ah أبو عبد الله محمد بن علي بن يوسف بن محمد السكوني ابن اللؤلؤة as being from Comares, and was her khatib (sermon giver on Friday), as well as a poet. He died in the plague of 750 A.H. There is also a palace built in the Alhambra complex by the Nasrid dynasty is also called Comares.
          كتندة قتندة A town in the vicinity of Granada. الكتندي hails from it.
          قنطيش This was a place near Cordova, where a battle in the civil war between the rival Caliphs, al-Mahdi المهدي and al-Musta'in المستعين in 400 A.H.
          قمة المنصور Pico del Moro Almanzor A mountain in Spain named after al-Mansur ibn Abi Aamir
          كهوف المنصورة Cuevas de Almanzora إبن أمية Aben Humeya (1520-1569), the leader of the Alpujarras uprising, seiged this city in the 16th century.
          Consuegra A battle between Almoravid general Muhammad ibn Al Hajj al-Lamtuni محمد بن الحاج اللمتوني and the Spaniards was fought in 15 August 1097 C.E. The Almoravids won, and El Cid's son was killed in this battle.
          طرطوشة Tortosa From here, Abu Bakr al-Tartushi, أبو بكر الطرطوشي (b.1059 - d. 1127 C.E.) the famous faqih who lived, wrote and taught inAlexandria, Egypt. Together with al-Ghazali, his fatwa against thedivided and infighting Taifa rulers after the fall of Toledo wasinstrumental for Yusuf Ibn Tashufin to take over Andalusia.
          طريف Tarifa Named after Tarif ibn Malik طريف بن مالك who was a commander in Tariq ibn Ziad's army that conquered al-Andalus.
          طلوشة Tolosa See Las Navas de Tolosa العقاب
          طلمنكة Salamanca This is an older synonym for شلمنقة (Salamanca). Many people with the name al-Talamanki الطلمنكي are known, most famous of whom are Abu Omar Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Talamanki (340 A.H. - 429 A.H.) أبو عمر أحمد بن محمد المعافري الطلمنكي المقرئ who specialized in Quran orthography, recitation, linguistics
          طلبيرة Talavera de la Reina
          طليطلة Toledo This was the first major city to be retaken by the Christian kings. Its fall signalled the slow decline in Muslim rule in Spain, though it took four centuries to complete.
          طرخونة طراكونة تاراغونا Tarragona
          طرسونة Tarazona
          طشانة Tocina Near Seville
          لاردة Lareda
          لبلة Neibla This city is close to Mont Lisham منت ليشم where Ibn Hazm إبن حزم was in exile most of his literary life.

          لشبونة أشبونة Lisbon Lisboa
          لورقة Lorca
          لوشة Loja The famous author Lisan al-Din Ibn al-Khatib لسان الدين إبن الخطيب has his roots in that town.
          ليسانة أليسانة Lucena This was a Jewish town. The famous philosopher Averroes (Ibn Rushd) إبن رشد was exiled for sometime to this town.
          ليقنت أليقنت Alicante
          ليون León
          العقاب Las Navas de Tolosa A major battle was fought in this place in 1212 C.E. The Christian coalition under Alfonso XIII defeated Almohads
          مونتانتشيث Montanchez
          مالقة Malaga
          المرية Almeria This port was founded by Muslims, and served as a main port for Andalus.
          مرتلة ميرتلة مارتلة Mertola Abu Imran al-Marteli ابو عمران المارتلي (d. 604 A.H.) is from here.
          مربيلة مربلا Marbella
          مربيطر Sagunto -Murviedro Hannibal's siege of Saguntum in 219 BCE started the Second Punic War. The name under Arab rule (Murbiter) was derived from muri veteres ("Ancient Walls")..
          مرسية Murcia Built by Abdul Rahman II. One person from Murcia, Abu al-Abbas al-Mursi أبو العباس المرسي is buried in Alexandria, Egypt, with a mosque named after him.
          مجريط مجريل Madrid Built by the Ummayad Emir Muhammad ibn Abdul Rahman. Abu Maslama al-Majriti أبو مسلمة المجريطي is a famous person from Madrid
          ماردة Merida
          المدور Almodovar Del Rio, Almodovar del Campo
          مدينة سالم Medinaceli Means: City of Salim. Named after its founder, Salim ibn Warghamal al-Masmudi سالم بن ورغمال المصمودي a Berber leader during the inital Arab conquest. In this city, al-Mansur ibn Abi 'Amer died during a military campaign.
          ميورقة Majorca
          منورقة Minorca
          المنكب Almunecar
          المائدة Almeida This means "The dining table". The name goes back to a relic that Iberian Christians claimed to be the dining table of King Solomon. It was taken as spoils of war by Arabs and sent to the Umayyad Caliph in Damascus. See our separate article on this relic.
          منتلون Montleon
          منت ليشم This was the country estate of Ibn Hazm إبن حزم the famous polymath, and the place where he was exiled and died. Close to Niebla, off Santa Maria.
          مورور Morón This city saw a Berber revolution in 2nd century A.H.
          مطريل Motril
          المنزل Almansil The stopping place, for example, for caravans on a travel route. A hotel on the way.
          المنارة Almenara The lighthouse, or the minaret of the mosque
          الميدان Almadén
          نبارة Navarre
          ناجرة Nájera
          وادي آش Guadix All names prefixed by Guad- are derived from the Arabic word وادي Wadi which means river or valley of a. Several Wadi Ashis الوادي آشي are known.
          وادي الحجارة Guadelajara
          الوادي الكبير Guadalquivir
          وادي الذئب Guadalupe This could be a compounded name, part Arabic (Guade=Wadi), and part Spanish (Lupe=Wolf). Or it could be that the Spanish world Lupe is a corruption of the Arabic al-The'b (Wolf).
          الوادي الأحمر Guadalimar
          الوادي الأبيض Guadalaviar
          وادي القصر Guadalcázar River of the palace
          وادي الرمكة Guadarranque Mare river
          وادي القط Guadalquitton Cat river
          وادي البقر Guadalbacar Cattle river
          وادي التين وادي الطين Guadalertin River of Figs, or River of Mud
          وادي الرمان Guarroman Pomegranate river
          وادي الفنار Guadalbanar
          وادي الغار Guadalhorra
          وشقة Huesca
          ولبة أونبة Huelva Ibn al-Qasir al-Walbi إبن القصير الولبي (d. 508 A.H.) who was one of the secertaries of Yusuf Ibn Tashufin, is from this town, as well as the Vizier Abu Bakr al-Walbi أبو بكر الأونبي who has a commentary سمط اللآلئ في شرح الأمالي لأبي علي القالي
          يابرة Evora
          يانبة Énova
          يابسة Ibiza


          • #6
            وادي الحجارة Guadelajara
            j'ai toujours pensé a autre chose
            en 82...l'Algerie a joue a Merzougi le journaliste algerien ne se retenait pas...a chaque fois il le repetait...وادي الحجارة


            • #7
              dzl de répondre au milieu je pensé que ton poste est fini !et je les cherché ailleurs car il n'été pas claire

              mnt si avec les couleurs et tout

              en 82 j'été pas encore née et j'ai pas revu les match

              surement le journaliste avait honte de dire gwadalakhara !


              • #8
                faut aussi donnée les nom arabe des villes françaises du centre et le sud !

                sa peut leur etre utile dans le future qui sait

