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l'algérie attirera de plus en plus d'IDE selon un rapport de l'EIU

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  • l'algérie attirera de plus en plus d'IDE selon un rapport de l'EIU

    The Economist Intelligence Unit a publié son rapport des IDE dans le monde dans un projection à 2011. D'aprés ce rapport L'algérie attirera en moyenne 4,7 milliards de dollars d'IDE et ce jusqu"en 2001.

    Elle est classée:

    - 47eme dans le monde.
    - 5 eme dans larégion MENA derriere (Les émirats, l'arabie saoudite, Israle, et l'egypte)
    - 2eme en afrique (derriere l'egypte)

    Voici le rapport complet.

    Bonne lecture

    In North Africa, privatisations, increased

    investment into tourism and access to EU markets
    should encourage FDI. Tunisia and Morocco may be
    attractive locations for offshore services to Frenchand
    Spanish-speaking countries. FDI in tourism
    has historically been modest, despite the sector’s
    economic importance, but it seems set to grow more
    rapidly in future. Algeria has substantial FDI potential
    owing to its proximity to markets and its large pool
    of cheap labour. The country’s investment climate
    is improving, albeit from a low base. Medium-term
    gas demand from Europe should ensure that the
    hydrocarbons sector continues to attract strong
    inflows of FDI.
    Direct investment is projected to remain robust
    in Algeria and Egypt, although in the case of Egypt
    some slowdown is likely as the pace of privatisation
    decelerates. Egypt regards the encouragement of FDI
    as a policy priority and has undertaken a number of
    legislative reforms to help to improve the investment

    environment. These include a more flexible labour....

    Dernière modification par bledard_for_ever, 29 octobre 2007, 10h14.
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