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l'Irak pourrait acheter 516 avions de combat pour ses forces

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  • l'Irak pourrait acheter 516 avions de combat pour ses forces

    Iraq announces plan to expand the Air Force

    Iraq will purchase 516 military aircraft from the United States and France for its new Air Force, a senior Iraqi military official said this week. The planes and helicopters will provide Iraq with its first significant air combat and strike capability, and are expected to cost billions of dollars.

    General Nasier Abadi, vice chief of staff of the Iraqi Joint Forces, announced the initial orders on Nov. 2. The aircraft would be delivered to Iraq from 2011 to 2015. Iraq's current force has fewer than 100 aircraft. None of the aircraft currently in the Iraqi Air Force are strike planes or jets.

    The first order is for 108 combat aircraft from the US and France, and is to be delivered in 2011. The aircraft on Iraq's shopping list provides insight into how Iraqis hope to configure their Air Force.

    There three stages of upgrading the Iraqi Security Forces. Each stage consists of five years. The first stage, currently in progress, began in 2006 and will last until 2011. Stage one is intended to build a basic force.

    The second stage is designed to build the Air Force’s capabilities. Stage two lasts from 2011 to 2015. The arms purchases for the beginning of stage two have been and are being announced.

    The third stage is to complete the training and improvements. Details of this stage are limited and this article will not address it. The focus of this article is on the announced arms purchases and what they indicate for stage two developments in the Iraqi Air Force.

    The current focus of Iraqi Air Force development is building up support infrastructure and training personnel. The plan is to have 6,000 personnel and 10 air bases established to support the squadrons by 2011. However, it usually takes two years from the time an aircraft is ordered until it is delivered. This is why the Iraqi Air Force has started orders for Stage two.

    During stage two, the Iraqi Air Force will receive 516 aircraft. The Iraqi Air Force has ordered 36 F16 fighters, 24 AT-6B trainers, 24 EC-635 Utility/Attack Helos, and 24 Bell-407 Armed Recon Helos, all to be delivered in 2011. The trainer aircraft are probably a one-time buy. The others are probably the first of five yearly deliveries, with the remaining extras being additional fighters. Twenty-four aircraft are standard for an Iraqi helicopter squadron and 18 aircraft appears to be the standard for the fighter squadrons.

    Since 516 aircraft are being bought for delivery 2011-2015, and 108 are already ordered for delivery in 2011, this means 408 remain for the period 2012-2015, and the Iraqis will purchase 102 aircraft per year. There are 84 aircraft accounted for in the helicopter and fighter purchases, leaving 18 per year not accounted for. The standard number of aircraft in a fighter squadron is 18, which means that they are buying a training squadron for 2011 and then additional fighters for the remaining four years. Aircraft deliveries for 2011-2015 work out to the following mix of squadrons:

    • 2011: 2 fighter, 1 trainer, 1 armed recon helo, and 1 attack helo Squadron.
    • 2012: 3 fighter, 1 armed recon helo, and 1 utility/attack helo squadron.
    • 2013: 3 fighter, 1 armed recon helo, and 1 utility/attack helo squadron.
    • 2014: 3 fighter, 1 armed recon helo, and 1 utility/attack helo squadron.
    • 2015: 3 fighter, 1 armed recon helo, and 1 utility/attack helo squadron.
    • Total of 25 squadrons (14 fighter, 1 trainer, 5 armed recon helo, and 5 attack helo squadrons).
    There are seven existing Iraqi squadrons: one helicopter training (12th), one transport (23rd), two reconnaissance (3rd and 70th), one helicopter transport (4th), one utility/search and rescue helicopter (2nd), and one special operations squadron (15th-in training). There are at least two, and up to six, additional squadrons planned before 2011, judging from aircraft already being delivered: one to three transport helo, one to two reconnaissance, and one more transport squadron. Some of the helicopter transports could be used for special operations.

    • Current Squadrons: 7 (1 transport, 2 recon, 1 helo training, 1 helo transport, 1 utility/search and rescue, and 1 special operations squadron).
    • Squadrons adding prior to 2011: 2-6 (1 transport, 1-2 recon, and 1-3 helo transport).
    • Total projected Squadrons by end of 2015: 34-38 (14 fighter, 1 trainer, 2 transport, 3-4 recon, 1 helo training, 2-4 helo transport, 1 util/SAR, 1 SOS, 5 armed recon helo, and 5 attack helo squadrons).
    The December 2007 9010 Quarterly Report to Congress' mention of a planned target end strength of 38 squadrons fits this projection. Of note, the Lasta-95 trainer purchase is not included in this as there are some question as to whether they will ever be delivered. The helicopter purchases indicate that an aviation brigade is planned to support each of the four planned Iraqi Army Corps.

    While all these squadrons will not be fully trained at the end of 2015, this schedule indicates that most, if not all of the squadrons will have their aircraft by the end of 2015. This fits with the Minister of Defense's statement that they should be independent in 2018 to 2020. He was allowing for training time, slippage in training time, budget delays, and delays in deliveries. The Iraqi Air Force is developing, but it will not be ready until sometime during stage three (2016-2020) of the Iraqi Security Force development plan.

  • #2
    516 avion !

    Hahahaha ... Les russes ont perdus un tres gros client, et probablement pour de bon ...
    "L'armée ne doit être que le bras de la nation, jamais sa tête" [Pio Baroja, L'apprenti conspirateur, 1913]


    • #3
      l'Irak ? n'est ce pas encore les Américains qui commandent le pays ?
      Mr NOUBAT


      • #4
        l'Irak ? n'est ce pas encore les Américains qui commandent le pays ?
        y'a t-il un pays non commande par l'uncle sam ?(apart l'axe du mal)


        • #5
          cette commande c'est pour relancer l'économie de sam
          Mr NOUBAT


          • #6
            cette commande c'est pour relancer l'économie de sam
            l'economie de sam n'a jamais etait base sur l'industrie des armes

            le Pentagon consacre des programmes d'armement pour ces allie contre le bloc est

            le F-5 au annes 80
            le F-4 au annes 90
            et le F-16 pour nos jours


            • #7
              l'economie de sam n'a jamais etait base sur l'industrie des armes
              peut être, mais elle peut être encore plus haute!
              Mr NOUBAT


              • #8
                des f16 en irak, c'est à peine croyable...
                la cia est en train d'entourer l'iran et la chine


                • #9
                  Les Irakiens sont en droit de demander ces 500 avions comme titre de réparation aux occidentaux contre l'invasion illégale qui à détruit leur économie, j'espère qu'ils ne seront pas plus stupide que Saddam pour attaquer une nouvelle fois l'Iran, car après tout, cette histoire d'invasion du Koweït est la conséquence du conflit Irako-Iranien qui a mis à sec les finances du pays.
                  Dernière modification par zek, 15 novembre 2008, 20h56.
                  Si vous ne trouvez pas une prière qui vous convienne, inventez-la.” Saint Augustin


                  • #10
                    Iraq will purchase 516 military
                    Ils font pas les choses a moitie les Irakiens !

                    J'ai penser que c'est peut être un message a l'Iran, vu que les USA accuse toujours ce dernier d'armer et de former les groupes terroristes irakiens ?


                    • #11
                      Iraq seeks to buy 36 F-16 fighters from U.S

                      Fri Sep 5, 5:32 AM ET

                      (Reuters) - The Iraqi government is seeking to buy 36 advanced F-16 fighters from the U.S., American military officials familiar with the request told the Wall Street Journal.

                      This move could help Iraq reduce its reliance on U.S. air power and potentially allow more American forces to withdraw from the country than had been proposed.

                      The F-16, made by Lockheed Martin Corp, is the most sophisticated weapons system Iraq has attempted to purchase so far.

                      Late in July, the U.S. Department of Defense had approved up to $10.7 billion in arms sales for Iraq, including a $2.16 billion sale of M1A1 Abrams tanks built by General Dynamics Corp.

                      The U.S. recently announced F-16 sales to Morocco and Romania. Those sales, each for roughly $100 million per plane with training, related equipment and support included, offer an indication of how lucrative the Iraq deal could be for Lockheed Martin and its suppliers.

                      Iraq now appears determined to significantly expand the air power of its military, which has become more competent and confident in recent months but depends heavily on the U.S. for air support.

                      Iraq quickly has become one of the biggest weapons buyers in the world as it seeks to strengthen and professionalise its fighting force.

                      No one was available at the U.S. Department of Defense for comment.

                      (Reporting by Sweta Singh in Bangalore, editing by Will Waterman)
                      Iran est foutue ^^
                      Dernière modification par zakaria89, 15 novembre 2008, 23h46.


                      • #12
                        il est clair que les f16 vont nettoyer le ciel iranien, qui disposent que de vieux appareils. je suis sceptique à ce que les irakiens sachent utiliser cet appareil dans les premiers temps, à mon avis il leur faut bien 5 ou 6 ans après leur reception pour qu'ils sachent lui donner sa pleine mesure...

                        les pilotes irakiens ont prouvés par le passé qu'ils n'étaient pas nulles, mais les iraniens ont prouvés qu'ils savaient relever les defis, et les forces irakiennes n'ont jamais reussis à destabiliser les forces aériennes iraniennes.

                        ici on est pas dans une future confrontation irak-iran, mais cette guerre si elle a lieu sera une coalition très puissante à mon avis, qui n'offre aucune chance à l'iran. pour le moment le camps des coalisés est morcelé mais il peut être unifié. la crise economique donne du repit à l'iran, en plus obama n'est pas un neocons, donc il offrira sa chance à la negociation et à la discussion...
                        Dernière modification par absent, 16 novembre 2008, 00h18.


                        • #13
                          Les Irakiens sont en droit de demander ces 500 avions comme titre de réparation aux occidentaux contre l'invasion illégale qui à détruit leur économie,
                          la réalité est autre,en contre partie de la démocratie made in USA, imposée aux irakiens, l'achat d'armes sera une reconnaissance de dette envers sam.
                          Mr NOUBAT

